Thursday 13 January 2011

Cameron's Cuts

Cameron's Cuts Cameron's Cuts
Cameron's Cuts Cameron's Cuts
Cameron's Cuts Cameron's Cuts Cameron's Cuts Cameron's cuts
Cameron's Cuts Cameron's Cuts Cameron's Cuts Cameron's Cuts Cameron's Cuts Cameron's Cuts
Cameron's Cuts Cameron's Cuts Cameron's Cuts 
Cameron's Cuts Cameron's Cuts Cameron's Cuts
Cameron's Cuts Cameron's Cuts Cameron's Cuts
Cameron's Cuts Cameron's cuts Cameron's Cuts Cameron's Cuts Cameron's Cuts Cameron's Cuts
Cameron's Cuts Cameron's Cuts Cameron's Cuts

Cameron's Cuts Cameron's Cuts Cameron's Cuts Cameron's cuts
Cameron's CutCameron's Cuts Cameron's Cuts Cameron's Cuts Cameron's Cuts Cameron's Cuts
Cameron's Cuts Cameron's Cuts Cameron's Cuts 
Cameron's Cuts Cameron's Cuts Cameron's Cuts

"any cabinet minister … who comes to me and says 'Here are my plans' and they involve frontline reductions, they'll be sent straight back to their department to go away and think again"...."Our plans involve cutting wasteful spending....our plans don't involve an increase in VAT...."I wouldn't change child benefit, I wouldn't means test it, I don't think that's a good idea"....."It is sick and frankly disgusting to say we will end the two week cancer guarantee" ....."Hospitals are my number one priority to be totally protected"......"I Absolutely support the EMAs"....."I will lead the greenest government ever"......"Tax office is to soften stance on tax avoidance, FT"....."Tax breaks for wealthy heirs, FT".....   "measures to tackle the budget (VAT) would have to be "pretty permanent" - but he (Cameron) hoped the 50p tax rate for top earners would be scrapped, BBC"....."This is the support, trust and respect that parents of those with disabilities deserve. Because we can never forget what an amazing job they do. Just consider what it would mean if the army of parents and carers in this country gave up, packed up, said they couldn't cope any more. The financial cost of looking after those children would be immense" ....."David Cameron and Mr Osborne sought to kill off Labour claims that they would slash public services by pledging to match the (Labour) Government's (spending) plans during the first two years of a Conservative government. The pledge ran until 2010/11, Daily Mail, Feb 08"


  1. Excellent work Sue. Where did you get all the data from, it must have taken you ages!

  2. Lol, thanks Eoin. Not so much.
    Weirdly I have the most terrible memory, but can remember Tory lies photographically.
    It's actually an old one, but I re-post every month or so until people get the message.

    The man's way more Evil than Naivel ;) It just seems to be taking the maj a while to realise it. They're getting there though.

    1. He would have been groomed for this, picked out and groomed, hence the existence of the public school system which exacerbates inherent sociopathy and also the phone call from the Palace which secured him his first job. In turn he removes the Royals from the reach of FOI requests. We are witnessing the Establishment circling the wagons. I find it encouraging as it shows how scared they are.

  3. Born with a wildly over-developed injustice-ometer that's the trouble.

  4. Not to mention all the lies about DLA being given for just filling out a form.
