Monday 9 January 2012

I Support the Spartacus Report

So today, after months of work and planning we launch our Report

We did everything possible to engage with politicians, lobbying MPs and Peers, writing articles, attending conferences, but at every turn we were brushed aside. 

Despite serious concerns from campaigners, charities and disabled people themselves, the Government's the recent Impact Assessment (October 2011) into the proposed reform of Disability Living Allowance is almost identical to the original. Nothing has changed, almost none of our concerns have been addressed and as the House of Lords return to vote on the final stages of the welfare reform bill, we felt that it was vital we presented our own evidence. 

This is the Spartacus Report. We all own it, we all created it. It is yours, use it in any way you wish. Please join in the campaign online today if you aren't already signed up:

Tweeting using the hashtag #spartacusreport "I support the #spartacus report"
Change Facebook status to "I support the Spartacus Report"
Email your MP with the links to the report and the press release using this short covering letter :

“This report into Disability Allowance Reform has been written, researched and funded by disabled people. As one of your constituents, I am very concerned by its findings and the misrepresentation of disabled people that it exposes.
Please will you read the report and support sick and disabled people in calling for a pause to Personal Independence Payments in light of this new research.
I look forward to your response,”

Finally, please keep checking the blog all day as we will be updating regularly with very exciting updates ;)

Our report shows that :

-The Government broke its own code of consultation over the DLA reform
-The Government has entirely misrepresented the views submitted as part of the consultation, giving a partial and biased view.
-The Government claim that DLA must be reformed as claims has risen 30% in 8 years - we find that these statistics are entirely misleading and give a "distorted view"
-There is overwhelming opposition to the new benefit, Personal Independence Payments
-Some elements of PIP appear to already be going ahead, despite a rejection of the plans and before legislation has passed.
-The Government are repeatedly warned that proposals for PIP may break International and UK equality and Human Rights legislation

This is our chance to be heard. This is our chance to put evidence in the public domain from our own perspective. Today, a courier will take 31 boxes or reports, all hand stuffed into envelopes and addressed and deliver them to every peer and every MP and all of the people who responded to the consultation. 

We did it. I had no idea if we could when we started, but we did it. 

From today, Government may of course continue to ignore us. But they can never say they didn't know what they were doing.


  1. I am Spartacus and I donated to help fund this work.

    1. Hello, I bring you good news. Do you need black magic spells to get rid of your husband's mistress ? Do you want to fix your marriage or relationship or you want to get back with your ex after the breakup or you want to put a stop to that Divorce? Do you want revenge on your enemies or do you want a death spell cast on someone who has wronged you in the past ? If yes then let me recommend a tested and trusted voodoo man called Dr noble who has helped me to destroy my enemy (Donald) that almost ruined my life just because I got promoted before him at our place of work. I contacted Dr Noble for his powerful death spell and in 48 hours Donald died in an accident. It was the greatest news to me that day. Finally my enemy is out of the way thank you Noble. Here is Dr Noble's website noblesolutiontemple. com you also add him on WhatsApp via +2349 05961 0643 or call him on 2348 139 452225

  2. I am Spartacus and also helped fund this report.

  3. I am Spartacus and I donated to help this work, RT'd and supported the gathering of constituency reps and have sent the report & press release to my three local MPs. So proud to be part of this momentous event, and so proud of Sue and everyone involved!

  4. I am spartacus and helped fund this report

  5. I am spartacus and I helped fund report

  6. I am spartacus and I have been RTing all morning and sending emails to my MP and every single person I know.

  7. Thank you for all your hard work in doing investigative reporting into the DLA/PIP consultation. Where where all the investigative journalists when you need them. I think they are now to lazy to do any real work.

    What though will be the outcome of your report is anyone from the Government listening. I see on the Governments website that Pat's Petition asking the Government to review disabilities and services is gathering momentum is this our only way forward. If so everyone should be urged to sign up

  8. I am Spartacus and helped fund this report and act as a constituency rep.

  9. I am spartacus and I helped fund this report! Val

  10. FB'd and tweeted as well as written to my MP. Did a check on twitter and this topic is coming in thick and fast, good chance it could trend.

  11. I too am Spartacus and helped fund this report. I am proud of it!

  12. I am Spartacus. My MP depresses me, but I will consider contacting him.

    1. My MP doesn't seem to understand a word I say and on this point is just spouting her leader's words (she's Con.- I didn't vote for her).

  13. I am Spartacus and I have helped fund this report, retweeted, and lived it.

  14. I support the Spartacus Report & I helped with gathering 'constituency MP Reps'

    Double Karma

  15. I am Spartacus & I support my comrades in disability.

  16. I am Spartacus and I donated, am a constituency rep and helped to get #spartacusreport the number one trend on Twitter earlier.

  17. Thank-you to everyone who did this, found it on twitter and have tweeted, facebooked and shared on the disability forum I use. Excellent work. Thank-you so so much. Spoonie power at it's best!

  18. I'm Spartacus and I no longer feel voiceless.

  19. Sue how do I become a constituency rep?

    Oh and I'm Spartacus :)

  20. Im spartacus and im fed up with being labled a scrounger! power to the people folks

  21. Sent report to my MP Andrew George, St Ives, Cornwall. Hope I get a response from him !! Brilliant work guys but what a shame and disgust that labour or the main disability organisations didnt do this work. I hope this is the start of something big.

  22. I am spartacus and I donated £5

  23. I am spartacus and I sat through endless parliament tv broadcasts to find out what they were really saying about us - #WRB

  24. I am spartacus and please accept my heartfelt thanks for the report!

  25. I am spartacus and put a little bit in to help make a big fund, and tweeted and emailed to try to help get constitutency reps and am now tweeting and emailing to get the report out there

  26. NesstheHat

    I'm Spartacus. I have been lobbying lords, pressing my MP and publicising the report.

  27. I am spartacus. I gave my Christmas 'bonus' from the DWP. I have emailed my MP with the report & press release. I am hassling my friends on Facebook about it. And, when I have been able, I have contacted my MP and Peers about this issue and ESA for the last 18 months.

  28. I am Spartacus,We are all Spartacus THE FIGHT GOES ON

  29. I am Spartacus. I donated to the fund and emailed my MP.

  30. I am Spartacus, what a first class job has been done by all.

  31. There's a problem with whatever you've used to publish the report; I get an error "Word Web App cannot open this document due to an unknown error. If the problem persists, try opening the file in Microsoft Word."

    Can we please urgently have the report and press release as straight PDF files, that way it can be attached to e-mails, copied to other relevant organisations, etc. Releasing this as an online document that's not fully working risks a major own goal.

    If you don't have PDF software, please use OpenOffice or e-mail me the .doc files (keith at dunnett dot name) and I'll convert em for you.

  32. Hi Keith - they are available as PDF files; someone linked via twitter so I'm just trying to track down where it may be. Ah, here's a link, try this:

  33. I am Spartacus and I helped fund this report.

  34. I am Spartacus. I have donated £5 to the costs; emailed the report to my MP and have been tweeting and retweeting this issue.

  35. I am Spartacus. I salute you and your team for all your hard work. I pray that they will listen.

  36. Think you'll find I am spartacus! ;)

    I didnt/couldnt fund the report but I have passed it on to almost 100 politicians and media people

  37. I'm spartacus, well John actually but I would so like to commend Sue for all the work she has done and of course the other contributors,

    There were over 600 contributions to the initial welfare reform bill under NL, all were ignored, consultation is a sham...

  38. I am Spartacus (Strange that I've had this urge to watch gladiator movies of late). Emailed local MPs and MEP. Commented on the Guardian's FB article you wrote yesterday Sue...Awesome. Now to wade through the report in case any important people ask awkward questions :)

  39. Government caught out lying to public about disabled and benefit reforms.
    Disabled and sick research, produce and pay for their own report, distribute it to every MP and Peer in the country.
    And the BBC doesn't even cover it! And they have the nerve to have a "Democracy Live" website.

    They should rename themselve the British Bull s**t Corporation and have a "Democracy is all but Dead" website.

    I am Spartacus I contributed to the fund. I am a constituency rep. I am a voter and I am seriously cheesed of.

  40. I am Spartacus!
    I hope that everyone sharing the report, also shares the link to Pat's Petition - the grassroots campaign by disabled people, their carers and allies asking the government to stop and review the cuts to benefits and services which are falling disproportionately on disabled people, their carers and families.

    Link in my name.

    Please share and get people signing it - everyone needs to sign this - you don't know what tomorrow will bring.

  41. I'm Spartacus; I contributed material to the report, I have emailed a copy to my MP, and I'm working contacts among the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).

    If there are any other Quakers involved or willing to comment for The Friend, please drop me a line on Twitter (@narco_sam), someone might want to ask you for a comment (or they might not).

  42. I am Spartacus and I have helped fund this report.
    Rome burned why they fiddled
    We will not be overlooked ever again.

  43. I am Spartacus, I helped fund the report have emailed my MP and contacted Local Radio.
    Thank You Sue

  44. I am Spartacus, I emailed my MP the report. I passed the word
    using word of mouth. I sat in Tesco. Car Park, and I
    passed information to those who wanted it.

  45. I am Spartacus. I could not contribute financially but I helped provide references for the report through twitter, emailed the report to my MP, tweeted links and have retweeted as much as I'm able to.

    Alone we whisper, together we shout.

  46. I am Spartacus. I did the following:

    1. I donated to help fund the report
    2. I tweeted and Re-tweeted #spartacusreport stories on Twitter
    3. I'm reposting stories on my Facebook profile
    4. I'm tweeting to MP's and Celebs about this report


    From today, I launched my own micro-website, to discus and display my own research into the DW&P, JobCentre Plus, ATOS in how they effect people, like me with long-term disability's.... find it here:

    and watch this space, as I have more stories about the DW&P and the UK's Government !

    Thank you Sue March (and the Spartacus team), let's continue this battle with more voices.

  47. 'Government caught out lying to public about disabled and benefit reforms.
    Disabled and sick research, produce and pay for their own report, distribute it to every MP and Peer in the country.
    And the BBC doesn't even cover it! And they have the nerve to have a "Democracy Live" website.

    Yes, shocking, The Daily Politics may cover it if we all call in etc,

  48. I am Spartacus and I fully support all of those involved.

    I have tweeted and changed my Facebook status, e-mailed all contacts to tell them about the report and included a link to this page.

  49. Has anyone contacted the Press Association?

  50. I am Spartacus & I think that Sue & Co, you are an inspiration. I have tweeted & FB'd, & emailed my MP

  51. I have posted on Facebook, emailed my MP and I will continue to tweet etc as long as I can today. You are an inspiration. Thank you for your drive and determination on our behalf.

  52. I am an Australian Spartacus and I am spreading this truth.

  53. I'm Spartacus and proud to wear the badge!

  54. I am Spartacus and I am a constituency rep.

  55. I have blogged here:

  56. I'm Spartacus and I typeset the report.

  57. I am Spartacus and I like the truth

  58. I'm Spartacus and supporting challenging these reforms... both as a charity worker and a disabled person

  59. im spartacus and i have 4 kids and work full time. i live in an area with high unemployment,high disability allowance. it has been to easy for people to get benefits when they dont need it.i want this government to get tough and give it to those that need it and stop it from those that dont

  60. I am Spartacus, on behalf of my disabled grandson, and I have:
    * donated to the campaign fund
    * emailed 8 Lib Dem peers and 9 Cross Benchers
    * emailed the press release and report to my MP
    * posted on Facebook, with a link to the .pdf on Ekklesia
    * Posted about the report, with a link, on my blog at:

  61. I was deemed fit to work less than six weeks after donating my left kidney. I was then expected to attend the I2I programme even though my surgeon stressed I should not mix with the general public for at least 8 weeks due to risk of infection....apparently the dole got it wrong and I should not have had to attend any interview until 13 weeks... For cruelty and mismanagement...I'm sparticus.

  62. I'm Spartacus and am sick of being discriminated against and being treated as if I am a potential fraudster by the Daily Mail, various TV programmes and this shambles of a government.

    I am an innocent man!

  63. I'm Spartacus and I'm very happy to be able to say I helped fund this report.

  64. I am Spartacus and I lobbied members of the House of Lords, and MP's. I told them my story via email in the hope that they would vote against or abstain during the vote on the Welfare Bill. I raised awareness through conversations with local Politicians, and through the use of social media. My contributions are nothing compared to Sue Marsh and those that funded and worked on this. As a disabled person, who believes we have suffered enough, I say a huge thank you,

  65. I support it and I am writting my my Winchester MP to ask him to lend his support as well.

  66. Have contacted the Press Association. Will post if anything comes from this...

  67. I am Sparticus and I feel like I am being crucified but I am determined to survive despite their best efforts.

    Thank you so much for all the hard work you have put in Sue and everyone who has made this possible.

    Hugs all round and today I don't smell, which is always a bonus. Who knows when I will next be able to bathe again though so make the most of it...grins...

  68. I am Sparticus and I helped fund this report and acted as a constituency rep - well done everyone!

  69. I am Spartacus and I donated to help fund this work.
    We shall overcome...

  70. I am Spartacus and I have donated, tweeted, emailed, posted and will continue to do so. We will not go away, hear us roar!

  71. ‎"I am Spartacus"
    i support the spartacus report.
    sack and bring to trial by public DAVID CAMERON for crimes against disabled people.

  72. I am Spartacus and on behalf of disabled friends and family I support the Spartacus Report.

  73. Thank you so much for this.
    I've already sent it to my MP, have started on the local papers, and written, yet again, to BBC News.

    Links on any site I have access to will follow!

  74. I am Spartacus, & support it with grateful thanks on behalf of the fluctuating sick and disabled everywhere. I did my little bit to fund this fantastic #spartacusreport and I'm a constituency rep now eagerly awaiting a response from my local MP! More power to the elbows of the downtrodden disabled!

  75. I am Spartacus and I will do everything I can to support all the disabled people in this country and speak up for those who don't have a voice.

  76. I am Spartacus, i have tears in my eyes as I read all this, thank you so much for what you have done. I am fed up with being demonised and made to feel ashamed of what I am. Maybe after all I won't have to immolate myself in Attos's Office after all.

  77. Read, shared (FB & Twitter) and totally in support as a disabled person

  78. I am Spartacus and as a disabled person I totally support the Spartacus Report.....

  79. I am Spartacus. I have donated to the report. Shared (FB & Twitter) and sent to my MP - although he fully just follows conservative party line, but at least I added my voice to his inbox! Because they think disabled people is a group they can easily fight they are demonising us in the press. Thanks for fighting it!

  80. I am Spartacus (from Sparta - Greece) and we are born fighters out there! I 've signed the petition and wrote to my local MPs in Kensington & Chelsea and Hammersmith & Fulham.

    "Children, gather round! No retreat, no surrender; this is Spartan law. And by Spartan law we will stand and fight... and die. A new age has began. An age of freedom, and all will know, that 300 Spartans gave their last breath to defend it!"

    Leonidas I, King of Sparta, Battle of Thermopylae (Hot Gates)
    300 Spartans against 300.000 Persians

    "Here they defended themselves to the last, those who still had swords using them, and the others resisting with their hands and teeth"

    Heredotus, Greek historiographer and philosopher

  81. I am spartacus and I support this report and will RT it

  82. I am Spartacus. . . 
    I Tweeted and retweeted, I donated  I read and I learned what terrible things the govt plan to do to our sick and disabled society. I wrote to my MP and a laid my soul bare. And I will do whatever it takes to highlight my plight.
    things have changed for the worst. I now see an overworked uninspired Neurologist consultant who can offer me nothing.
    I see an over subscribed GP who would dearly love to give me more time but has to concentrate on guidelines and targets.
    I can't work anymore because my MS has got worse and for the past year I have felt increasingly worthless in this society. I feel a scrounger. I feel like I shouldn't exist anymore because I no longer fit what is expected of me.
    I have become open to judgement and face scrutiny of my worth re illness now for the rest of my life. 
    My worst fear is everyone of the above services are intrinsically linked to serve me? Or you should you need it. Yet it is crumbling. 
    Realising how frail my safety net is together with knowing my health will not improve is almost to much to bear..
    I go to bed every night like in a nightmare that someone won't believe me and take it away and call me a fraud, when it takes every inch of me just to get through one day.
    Only the strong will survive.

  83. I am Spartacus.

    As a disabled person I have been Tweeting and Re-Tweeting, I have emailed my MP asking him to read the Spartacus Report and also emailed Lib Dem Lords to remind them they are against the changes to ESA!

  84. I am Spartacus and I helped to circulate the call for the funding for this report

  85. I support this whole-heartedly.

  86. I am Spartacus, and I support this report that reflects the true position of disabled people continually demonised in our society.

  87. I am registered disabled and have been for 10 years .I have reassessd under the new system and found the review fair and not a problem , the problem is with the people who are unfairly claiming the DLA

  88. I am Spartacus, and I posted a link to this report to my local Bishop asking him to support its findings in the House of Lords.

  89. Trevor - all .5% of them? We agree. What we don't agree with is the fact that 20% of people currently getting DLA will lose out. Do the Math - that 19.5% of people who aren't the problem losing their DLA.

    I am Spartacus and I have been tweeting and commending on the Guardian to raise awareness.

  90. I am Spartacus

    We all need to continue this fight, against this evil govenment, who have no compassion concerning those who are in need.

    To scarp DLA, will only increase further hardship, to those who struggle daily because of, illness and disability.

    1. If you can't work at least 16 hours a week the DLA changes are likely to be just one of your benfit worries especially if you are not childless.

  91. I am Spartacus.
    I will spread this as far and wide as I can.Thankyou for caring and giving the disabled a voice at last.Over the past twelve months I has begun to think that nobody cared anymore what happened to us.

  92. I am Spartacus. I helped fund the report,I have emailed Peers till my shoulders ached like hell, I have emailed my MP and await his response, I tell everyone I know about all of this. Oh, and have just emailed BBC Newsnight to complain about the lack of coverage generally, and about this report in particular. Thankyou to everyone responsible for producing this incredible piece of work, you're amazing! Rest!!

  93. I am Spartacus and I donated.

  94. I am Spartacus. very greatful for all of the work put into this document, great job and has filled so many with hope and a good start to 2012!

  95. I'm Spartacus, and still trying to get 38 Degrees to do what the report team have managed with a fraction of their resources.

  96. I am Spartacus and I wrote this to my MP Zac Goldsmith:

    In response to a nonsense-reply from Steve Webb, the minister of state for Pensions

    "...[I wrote to you] complaining about the way the DWP mounts campaigns against groups it believes can be used to achieve savings. It does this by issuing statements with statistics that appear to highlight some area of ‘unfairness’. The perception is then reinforced by a Minister or Lord making a dramatic statement, which preys on the public’s unwillingness to do its own research. The government reacts as if they must do something to remedy the perceived injustice and accordingly policies are changed.

    As I described there was campaign against some Motability customers. It was put about that the tax payer funds luxury cars for free. This is nonsense. Those who are entitled to it receive a mobility allowance as part of their Disability Living Allowance which they spend on transport. In the case of children it is spent for them by their parents. This applies to our son Duncan who you have met. One option is to lease a Motability car. Many families cannot the luxury of two cars – one for general family use, and one dedicated to the disabled person – so families buy the best car they can afford for overall use. The so-called luxury cars are not available for the cost of the mobility component of DLA so the family must supplement it with a down payment paid for entirely out of their own resources. The tax payer therefore is not being asked to pay extra for anything. Unhappily, it was not in Ian Duncan Smith’s interest to put about the truth. Following a media campaign Motability capped the amount a disabled person could contribute towards a car so consequently the car that we have determined is right for our family will no longer be available under Motability.

    It was blatant meddling in the private lives of the disabled and resulted in no cost savings to the government. It merely distracted the media’s attention and hurts some disabled people – shame on the DWP. This is the stuff of totalitarian states like Nazi Germany. Put about misinformation about the target group, enrage the population, impose punitive measures. It’s cheap and nasty.

  97. I am Spartacus and I advocate a WEEK of ACTION by SWITCHING our prescriptions to INDEPENDENT CHEMISTS from 1/2/12 to 7/2/12. WHO will STAND with ME!
    We are defined by our humanity, not by our greed.

  98. I am SPARTACUS and I endorse the WEEK of ACTION by SWITCHING my SCRIPT, WHO will STAND with ME!
    We are defined by our humanity, not by our greed.

  99. I am SPARTACUS and I WILL STAND WITH YOU by SWITCHING my PRESCRIPTION from 1/2/12 to 7/2/12. MANY voices make a ROAR!
    We are defined by our humanity, not by our greed.

  100. I am SPARTACUS, my voice will be joined to the MANY from 1/2/12 to 7/2/12, WHO will STAND with ME!
    We are defined by our humanity, not by our greed.

  101. I am SPARTACUS, I am not a SLAVE, I will only WORK for FREEDOM, my freedom is my LIFE and my life is not for SALE. I will STAND with YOU!
    We are defined by our humanity, not by our greed.

  102. I am SPARTACUS, I will stand with the MANY on 1/2/12, our VOICES will not be silenced, WE will SHOUT as ONE and WE will be HEARD. WHO will STAND with US!
    We are defined by our humanity, not by our greed.

  103. I am SPARTACUS I will stand with the many who stand before me and fight for what is right, and true.

    Im sick of selfish politicians only doing things to benefit themselves, their careers and their families and friends.

    This is something they can do for the most deserved people.

    1. The politicians dress it up as helping the poor. Work is good for you they say. I'd like to see them hold down a job of at least 16 hours a week and do the well nigh on 24/7 work hours caring many carers are doing.

  104. A new term has joined the landscape of the English language, one introduced by the coalition government as it seeks it's final solution. What is that term that describes their policy to the sick, disabled and vulnerable, none other than ECONOMIC GENOCIDE.

  105. Above the gates of Auschwitz read "Arbeit macht frei" and so the coalition continue on the inheritance of social Darwinism under the title of 'Work sets you free', yes free to poverty and death no longer being a tax burden on the fit, able and wealthy..

  106. Im Spartacus and fighting with you. Been fighting ever since I dropped onto this planet. If the governments councils and all the other ******!!! spent more on their own people instead of sending millions to countries and the EU that do no need or deserve it we may not be in this mess. But they are slaughtering the UK and bloody fast. Maybe time for another Peasants Revolt!!! I've worked dam hard all my life, now when I am alone and sick, I am dumped aside like a worn out shoe, lied to and worse and made to feel like I am worthless. I am not. I still have a lot to give if only..

  107. To 2CC

    The highest use of capital is not to make more money, but to make more for the betterment od man
    Henry Ford


  108. Words of wisdom from strangely Charlie Chaplin very appropriate for whats going on today and the fight for disabled peoples rights.

  109. I am Spartacus - I have put a link to your site and information from mine - thank you for your work - I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, arthritis and sensitivity to various foods but my brain still works even though my body fails me at times.

  110. I am sparticus and am supporting you. I have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, together with osteo arthritis, multiple joint pain and inflammation, sensitivity to medications for fibro/cfs and I have diabetes also hypertension and depression. I wish I could say my brain works, but it fails me sometimes. The fog and confusion and inability to retain information makes me a poor candidate for work. I am also 58 who is going to want to employ someone who can never remember what they have been told and is always too exhausted to go to work any way? I have signed many petitions, and have just backed the removal of Maria Miller.

  111. All power to Sue and everyone else who has been involved in compiling this report. I am a welfare rights worker and see every day the misery and stress the minefield that is the benefits system causes. Forms for DLA, ESA and other entitlements are complex and intimidating, and I am convinced they are designed to deter people from claiming what is rightfully theirs.

    If we are not careful, those who seek to govern us will take away every gain ordinary people have built up over decades such as the welfare state and the NHS. Do not rely on Labour to protect entitlement to benefits; remember it was they who introduced Employment and Support Allowance with the sole aim of reducing the benefit bill. They have already said they cannot guarantee to reverse Coalition cuts.

    We need a new party that stands up for ordinary people, not the capitalists and the rich. In my view, is a step in the right direction. Best wishes.

  112. Apparently families with disabled children will be capped so if you have extra bedroom(s) because of a disability you'll loose money for other things including disability needs. Whilst DLA isn't included Housing Benefit and extra income support for having disabled children is. I'll loose £4,000. If I downsize my house (assuming there are houses for me to downsize too) I will be left without a bedroom and since I cannot have my bedroom as a lounge would have to share with my oldest son!

  113. Hi Sue,

    I would like to put a link to your blog in our disability blog directory on our community.
    I think our members would be extremely interested in your blogs
    Would you like to do a link exchange? Sorry i couldn't find a contact email for you.
    You can contact me by support@......(the name of our community)

  114. Has anyone been highlighting the impact assessment for the Children's Commissioner for England:

    It conatins some devastating critiques.

  115. Is there a copy of the Spartacus Report in Word, then we can readily copy and paste it into FoIs, and use for lobbying / campaigning purposes etc. Cheers!

  116. Hi, I'm awaiting a decision from the upper tribunal as a litigant in person. I am claiming negligence and breaches of Article 6 of the human rights act against Atos and the DWP, which according to the Secretary of State has not been attempted before. My case is due to my particular circumstances but if successful may help some others by creating new case law.
    Did you know that whilst the legal aid cuts are going to make it impossible for you to be able to fight your case, High St solicitors are being drafted in to sit as pretend Judges in the 1st tier tribunals by the Ministry of Justice? My one practices family law when not sitting in Judgment on the disabled.

  117. Moving house is stressful enough as it is within the UK, so moving overseas is expectedly more so as it also involves a lot more complexity.

  118. HI Sue,
    I read that you have a rare form of Crohens Disease. I would like to advise you to visit a homeopathy as it could change your life. My 18 year old nephew also has it and he is off most of his medication as a result of only one visit. I wish you well Sue with it.

  119. While nothing can prepare anyone for an unanticipated disability, there is one thing we can do, and that offers hope. charity for people with disabilities

  120. Thank you for posting such a great article. Keep it up mate.

    jkpaysys gov in salary slip
