Wednesday 6 March 2013

ESA SOS - The Starting Gun

In a few weeks, I'm going to arrange for some very significant stories to break in the very mainstream press about ESA.

I've been collecting them for about 6 months and if there's any justice left at all, they will kill ESA once and for all.

They will totally change your perception of ESA and WCAs

We need a Spartacus 2 and as you all know, I've been sick as a dog.

Today is stage one. If you're in, please leave your Name and user name on twitter or Facebook (Feel free to only provide the latter if you like to keep your anonymity a little) and Constituency

You don't have to be claiming ESA or even sick or disabled or a carer. This is a mutual shame, a shared disgrace. We must ALL show politicians of all parties, the public are NOT OK with this. 

There will be a task most days, so please keep watching my blog. 

Today, I would like something very specific. What is the worst thing, for you about ESA/WCAs? I need you to simply leave a one line answer if possible, ie "1 Year Time Limit - It totally undermines any contributory principle"

The most popular of these "subjects" will make up every short section of the new report.

Share this post everywhere you can. This will be the start of our biggest fightback. EVERYONE will have to give this everything if it is to work. We need hundreds of responses to every request to make this a truly representative report from disabled people, by disabled people. The more join, the more powerful our voice and the more impact any final work will have.

What's more, by crowdsourcing our information and skills, believe me, we have 100 times the resources and ability of the DWP.

I have an awesome team in place - they produced #esaSOS in just 4 days. Hard though it will be, PLEASE, I'm still very weak and CAN'T read endless comments or pages and pages of Hansard or reports. Make this easy for me by keeping as close to the brief each day as you possibly can. I WILL cover everything, nothing will get missed. I'll ask the question you're itching to comment on, honest, but if we do it this way, I can delegate very much and empower you all to know exactly what we need.

Even a shadow of division will see us fail. This will need every group, every campaigner, every supporter, no matter how radical or moderate, how powerful or unknown, every journalist that has supported us, every politician who is fully signed up to our arguments.

If you have a prominent welfare/disability/political voice, website or other outlet, please cross post this from me. 

So today, in the comment thread below please leave :

Name and social media name/s (or just the latter if more comfortable)
The WORST thing for you about ESA/WCAs in one line. 

****ESA is the most terrible failure of any developed nation for a very long time. The reasons are numerous and utterly undeniable. The government has failed to implement Harrington with any commitment and is actively increasing the rate at which vulnerable people face a failing and unfair test. We have engaged with a democratic process that has failed us at every stage. We have no choice left but to stop this ourselves. Over 100,000 people now face some kind of ESA assessment every MONTH. We can't afford to wait. ****

Enough is Enough. 

From today, please use the hashtag #ESAendgame in all your tweets. We must build awareness and create an army or support and dissemination. 

"Alone we Whisper, Together we Shout"


  1. Jan O'Malley - Tanith777 on Twitter Jan O'Malley on Facebook - Constituency : Ross, Skye & Lochaber (Charles Kennedy)

  2. jonothon laycock @obsidian24776
    Worst thing esa/wca the growing sense of dread that they want us all to die

  3. Am in pet :) #ESAendgame

  4. Margo Milne, @margojmilne, Hertsmere. The whole system of WCAs is not fit for purpose. I'm scared I'll be found fit for work, when I know full well (and sadly) that I'm not.

  5. Wayne Blackburn @crazybladeuk
    Pendle Constituency

    Worst thing about WCA / ESA - Multiple WCAs to someone dealing with illness. Causes untold damage and stress.

  6. Julian Yon @julianyon Stretford and Urmston (Kate Green)
    "Medical history and doctor's expert opinion disregarded in favour of faux assessments and 'Computer Says No'"

  7. @barbsisi
    Barbara Hulme
    constituency - Manchester Withington
    The lies written in the 'medical' reports generated by LIMA and the assessors.

  8. Czarny kapturek
    City of Chester

    The worst thing about ESA for me is the ignoring of people with autism, learning difficulties or cancer.

  9. Nancy Farrell @nancyrowina on twitter. Since starting my appeal I have had to get sick note every month for a condition that hasn't and will not change. As a result of DWP being overwhelmed by thousands doing this they can't be processed in time, meaning lots of people get late payments, myself and friends included. My HB has even been suspended once then reinstated. Even people who've won appeals I know have still had to send in sick notes every month.

  10. Jodi Bailey, @cherryflip80, Surrey Heath.

    The worst thing about ESA is the counterproductive effects of the pressure to be found fit for work - people are afraid to try and see what they *can* do if it risks losing them all support when they are still facing significant problems from illness/disability.

  11. Jasmin@Beltane1971, Stalybridge and Hyde. WRAG group is pointless if you can't recover in 365 days, left with nothing

  12. @sh1305, Plymouth (Sutton and Devonport) worst thing - the waiting around; but they didn't wait to send the ESA50 out. (waited 10 days for the form and 3 months for a result)

  13. Andy Platt on Facebook, @ncclols on Twitter.

    It's the sheer lack of confidence in the ability of the examination process to reach the correct answer. This effectively turns the process into a lottery.

  14. Penny Mead....@pennyessex
    The ESA/WCA retesting sick/disabled people who are obviously never going to get better, those with progressive conditions causes such misery and stress.

  15. @CressidaJL
    Swansea (West)

    Completely unfit for purpose with regards to mental health.

  16. Kate Geldart

  17. Jane Winter. Slothgoth on Twitter. Northwest Leicestershire.

    Worst thing about WCA/ESA = the whole process has been proven unfit for purpose and to cause suffering and fear to the most vulnerable on our society. The ridiculous and cruel way people with incurable conditions are forced through assessment after assessment.

  18. The constant fear of the next round of "medical" and subsequent appeal that starts the day after you win your last appeal. Sword of Damocles scenario.

  19. Tria Hall, @trialia
    Manchester Central (Ardwick ward)

    The worst thing isn't an easy decision. But here is mine; I hope it's brief enough.

    Having to return to thinking on all the ways I'm impaired every 18 months when I've barely had time to recover my damaged mental health from the previous assessment - & having Decision Makers contradict specialists in my primary, rare, joint-degenerative & multi-systemic illness because I "can't possibly be that ill at [my] age"!

  20. Matthew Smith @indigojo_uk
    Kingston and Surbiton constituency (MP is Edward Davey)

    Not sure what the worst aspect of ESA/WCA is, I've never been on it or IB. But will help however I can.

  21. @IamMrJ

    I hate the constant, stressful reassessments of life-long conditions that don't have treatments. "Fit for work in 3 months" indeed.

    Houghton & Sunderland South.

  22. @ettie_b on twitter. Islington North. The constant feeling of impending doom and thinking you'd be better off dead than dealing with the stress caused by ESA

  23. Emma Round (@pseudodeviant), Birmingham Ladywood.

    With the WCA it's the dread that if the assessor clicks the wrong button/makes the wrong assumption I may end up having to spend 18 mths appealing the decision only to have to re-start the process all over again the month after.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. @ChrisBracken

    The outright, mortal fear: of being impoverished, & being forced to do something that will give me another breakdown.

  26. Actually my aunt was on IB for a while (don't think she is now). She told me that the WCA assessment was a tick-box exercise and was obviously designed to filter out any subtlety or detail from someone's case. As a WCA can be overturned on appeal, it's an unnecessary and stressful hoop to make a sick person jump through.

  27. Jax Blunt @liveotherwise Suffolk coastal (forgot that first time round). Am not currently disabled but know nothing in life is certain.

    The worst thing to me seems to be decoupling benefit from need in terms of limiting length of benefit.

  28. Sue Longley (facebook): TWELVE MONTHS with no income.

  29. @Samedifference1. Sarah Ismail. Ruislip, Northwood and Pinner.

    One year time limit- how on Earth to recover from serious disability/illness AND find job in one year? V unfair.

  30. The one year time frame - could they tell my body that it has to get better after that year too!

  31. ‏@twowolves on Twitter
    @suey2y Worst thing about WCA/ESA: I must repeatedly discuss abuse/rape & mental health with people I am scared may be abusive.. #ESAendgame

  32. Ed, @a_man_named_ed
    Sefton Central

    Endlessly being tested over and over again for an incurable illness using a ludicrous test that is not fit for purpose, which at some point is likely to arbitrarily and incorrectly remove my only means of financial support leaves me in a state of constant fear and anxiety and makes my illness much, much worse.

  33. Anne Stone @okesanne Knowing that I'll be left to financially take care of my older son because he will be deemed fit to work when he's not even fit to run himself a bath, cook himself a meal.

  34. Having to do last interview with a therapist that did not speak English well enough to do the job hence making the dread of loosing benefits worse


  35. Tori Tye @skatothecore Middlesbrough

  36. @Erika248 Ealing Southall

    The WRAG is unfair parking space for those not fitting JSA OR SG- it should only be used for those where health recovery is possible or only thing preventing work is support. Pushing meetings/workfare/time limits where health is never going improve is worst thing.

  37. , Durham

    Despite my own condition being accepted after I argued with them, as a Green Party candidate I talk down suicidal people and help desperate people every day regarding ESA/WCA and it is always a fight, even when their conditions are obvious.

  38. @Soylentish

    Worst thing about ESA is being denied it at the WCA, overturning it 12 months later at tribunal and then immediately being sent to another WCA that denies you again. Repeat ad nauseum.

  39. Chris Pampling @MardyOldGit I can't decide what the worst aspect is but I'll do what I can Sue.

  40. Hailey Matthew (Facebook Hailey Louise Matthew): The fact that being 'fit for work' doesn't necessarily mean you are able to get and/or keep a job, or even that the job you can do will support you (and your family) well enough.

  41. The lies by ATOS,and DWP. 11 month wait for an appeal where there was no disabled access. Having to rely on my 80 year old mum to send me monney in the post every week, as reduced rate of ESA didn't even cover half of what was needed for bills, mortgage, Ziltch left for food or petrol.

  42. @dembones3 The constant fear of poverty and stress of reassessment. Have a deteriorating neuro condition that can't get any better. It's like it's illegal to have a chronic health problem these days.

  43. I've been found fit for work despite a severe heart condition and other health issues. the worst thing for me is trying to survive on the £71 a week I'm now receiving. by the time I have put gas ( £30 a week in the cold weather ) and electric on, I have to adage on £21 a week for food, phone nd all other living costs. I have sat with no heating on many occAsions in orDer to buy food

  44. Adrian Wait on Facebook; skuttlebucket on Twitter (#AgeWait), Constituency: Leicester NW (Liz Kendall).

    Knowing the whole process was designed by people like Freud who labels, categorises and dismisses us all has “Stock”, thus seeking to strip us of our dignity.

  45. Kate Boardman



    I'm not disabled ( but who knows what the future holds)? But I am a full time carer for my son who is currently on disability benefits. ESA must be destroyed for the sake of everyone now and in the future.

  46. The most difficult part about ESA is the timescales involved that exaggerate the cruelty of the process.

    Forms that mislead; tickbox assessments that ignore the complexities of real people; the unwillingness of any assessor to take into account medical evidence; the particular lack of awareness re mental & processing conditions; using descriptors of illness/disability that come from a culture of disability denial; the interminable wait for a tribunal hearing; winning your tribunal by more than tripling your points score than the WCA process gave you only to find that despite your condition being permanent, that you get recalled to do the process all over again. All that cruelty and its spread over years.

  47. Can I ask if it’s appropriate to be involved in this if I don’t get, and will never get, ESA because I’m drawing a pension? Just wanted to check… obviously that doesn’t mean I think ESA is ok, of course not! Thanks:-)

    1. All for one and swords in the ceiling.... come on board Jane, Altogether NOW!

    2. ABSOLUTELY - I must add a sentence, lots have asked. It's vital ANYONE who knows the injustices of ESA get's involved. The more non claimants, the more credibility it has IMO

  48. Mark @imthenicenurse Tewkesbury
    A computer program that ignores thorough, diligent Consultants' reports

  49. #ESAendgame
    Jodie Manners
    Manchester - Withington

    The worst things about ESA/WCA is the fear and mental trauma they cause to people who are already suffering enough.

  50. Steven Sumpter @latentexistence, Mid Worcestershire.
    The worst part of the WCA for me is the Atos staff who just don't understand the illness described to them and make no effort to understand its impact.

  51. Carole and Clive Carrick

    @CC_Me_AND_ME twitter /


    The worst thing about ESA/WCA is that severely ill and disabled people are being refused feels like the Government are attacking the most vulnerable people in society.

  52. @whisperbat Nottingham
    The constant looming threat of having your life taken away from you. Feeling like everyone else is judging you if you have a life outside, and judging you if you stay indoors.

  53. Mandy Gordon (fb)/loonyfeminist (twitter) The worst thing for me is that my doctors have simply not been consulted about my state of health.

  54. Karen Preston - Tynemouth.
    The worst thing is seeing my friends stress out about ESA and being terrified if I get ill one day.

  55. #ESAendgame


    The worst things about ESA/WCA Is the one year limit, atos and the lies that IDS & this govt attack the welfare state

  56. Beth Gregson

    Its the 365 days contribution limit, means either its nothing or fight for the support grp..and then you can try for a few hours..its all or nothing with threat of sanctions, which puts people off.

  57. @severedelays


    For me the worst thing about ESA is that I'm paying large amounts of tax to be wasted by the government on companies whose assessments show limited understanding of medical issues and disability, thus causing so many wrong decisions.

  58. @JulesPick
    Skipton & Ripon

    The worst thing about ESA/WCA is the fear and the stress... Stress kills!

  59. Maddy The worst thing about ESA/WCA is being made to feel like i'm a liar and less than human

  60. @ActionNowGal

    Rustington, West Sussex
    MP: Peter Bottomley

    Whether I can turn on an alarm clock is irrelevant to the intense agony of the conditions I suffer with day to day, how many times I vomit, faint or dislocate a joint from minimal exertion. ESA doesn't want to know about such things when these sorts of questions are important.

  61. jenkirtley on Twitter, Bristol East

    The form. It's endless. And full of traps. You get 1 month to complete it- it takes my fit and healthy husband (I've no hope of doing it) all his spare evenings/weekends and even work time to fill it in to make sure every detail is there. Terrified to leave out something they may pounce on.

  62. LT (Glasgow South West) - The fact that the 'tests' have no real relation to being able to do a job (or 'work-related activity'), particularly in that they do not reflect a multitude of difficulties and symptoms someone with a chronic condition or impairment may have that would entirely preclude them from being able to do such tasks.

  63. the stress of constant reassessment makes my condition worse.
    constituency aldershot

  64. Suzanna Cook

    The one year limit on contribution based benefit makes a mockery of the many years i contributed for the times when I may need help.

  65. @tanteros Solihull

    The worst thing about WCA is that it does not accurately allocate claimants to the correct group. Because of this failure it is costly in terms of appeals, inhumane due to the stress it causes claimants and ultimately adds to the health burden to society by making claimants iller than they already are, for some to the extent of becoming suicidal. It's a shameful system.

  66. Anthony Thrower, Bridlington
    Constituancy - East Yorks - Rt Hon Greg Knight - Conservative

    Despite constant sick notes, having my ESA appeal rejected today on the "medical report" provided by a nurse. Awaiting Tribunal response for them to reclaim overpayments as I am fit for work? but cannot sign on as I am signed off??

  67. The_Morningstar, Barrow and Furness, The sense of dread as the process goes on.

  68. Jan Coogan on Facebook - @giggles3475 on Twitter
    liverpool, Walton - Steve Rotheram

    'The assessment process is an absolute JOKE! There's no common sense used by any of the unqualified assessors.'

  69. Twitter: @JamJar21
    Constituency: Bolton South East
    I am new to ESA and for me the worst part was understanding the forms and processes with my current state of mind and then the knock on effect the stress has on my body.

    Partner also on ESA has been paid late, had sick notes "lost", appeal letters "lost", letters from medical experts disregarded, one size fits all questions when they don't, ringing job centre constantly costing a fortune, did not receive an assessment until two years in as lost in the system, only when he requsted assessment was he seen.

  70. Mark Newman, @sassenachweegie on Twitter, Glasgow South (Tom Harris MP, Lab)

    Not disabled or claiming benefits myself, but to me the worst thing about ESA/WCA is seeing and reading every day about the colossal amount of pain, stress, uncertainty and upset it is causing some of the most vulnerable and powerless people in society and knowing we have a Government who just don't care - and how many of the rest of the population still believe the "scrounger" rhetoric.

  71. Worst thing about WCA's is how ATOS appear to go out of their way to refuse any reasonable adjustments as requested by claimants. In my specific case I had written & requested "to be seen by a female HCP", due to mental health problems arising from many years of abuse by my stepfather. However on arrival I was told I could only see a male HCP. When I showed my appointment letter from ATOS agreeing to supply a female HCP, I was manhandled by 4 ATOS staff ( male & female ) out of their reception. This incident forced me into CBT therapy for 6 months. ATOS refused to provide any apology or accept any blame for this incident.

  72. Andrew Healey Facebook /

    Degeneration is not Regeneration and never will be in any language, constant reassessments a complete waste of taxpayers money and only fuels corruption.

  73. Emma-Jayne/@urbanimal

    West Dunbartonshire

    The worst thing about ESA/WCA is being made to feel like a criminal for having a mental health problem.

  74. Philippa Fleming on Facebook have been placed in wrag runs out in June. I would have placed myself in this group under labour rulings. The worst thing about all of this is that correspondence is confusing I thought I was going to lose all esa based money because I didn't understand the letter but it turns out that I won't lose any money as I am single. I probably should be in the support group but I could cope with the endless rounds of assessments. I just don't get the mentality of any of it. & I really do feel for all of u having to deal with this crap.

  75. Gemma Hallam
    Barrow & Furness (John Woodcock)

    The worst thing about ESA is that the WCA process (and its culture of disability denial) are almost 100% guaranteed to make mental health WORSE.

  76. Jude Hider
    @0oJudeo0 twitter
    Judith Hider Guarani-Kaiowá Facebook

    1. I am working through the comments & following everyone who lists their twitter account ƸӜƷ

  77. Jemma Hill @tottwriter (Maidstone and the Weald - Helen Grant, Con.)

    ESA and the WCAs do not fully take into account the impact of a variable health condition or disability on a person's ability to work and/or find work. I'm convinced I only got my "Limited Capacity to Work" tag because I had a seizure in front of the assessor. (Who did not know what to do, by the way, and gave incorrect information to the paramedics who were summoned. It was right in front of him on his computer, for heaven's sake!)

  78. Helen Southwell @Helenuk1963 .

    The WCA has to be the worst thought out assessment this country has ever seen. A tick box computer questionnaire , carried out by inefficient and under qualified staff that gets to decide the fate of people with a massively wide rage of illnesses and disabilities. Ludicrous and impossible.

  79. Posting on behalf of a friend -

    Ema (@Fp_em) -cambridge - the worst thing about ESA/WCA is the fear; the fear that an assessment form may come through the door any day, the fear that the subsequent face to face assessment will be wrong, the fear of the appeal & trying to exist on 'assessment rate' pennies for over a year until tribunal

  80. Dani Ahrens, @greenhousedani on twitter, Brighton Pavilion. I have no direct experience of esa but have been shocked by horrific stories of people treated callously by ignorant assessors and some being left destitute after benefits withdrawn.

  81. the stress of assessment and the fact that you have to keep going through it even though you have a condition that won't improve only get worse,pointing out what you can no longer do and each time that list gets longer very depressing, oh and the fact that evidence from professionals that support you ie specialist nurses, consultants etc is ignored and seen as less important that telling the computer if you can set an alarm clock or not !

  82. I second Ema's comment. The fear from not knowing when the next assessment will be is horrible. I'm in the support group and my WCA was a year and a half ago but I have no idea if the letter about the next one will come through my door next year or tomorrow.

  83. Rachel Miles - @theinnerlight, Harrow West.

    Worst thing about ESA - Impossible points system. Someone can be unable to work but still not fit one of the support group criteria.
    I have been deemed able to join the Work-Related group although I believe I DO fit one of the criteria. A long appeal process is ahead of me.

  84. Helen Thomas @Hellsbells265
    Poole (Robert Syms)

    Theworst part is the fear and worry over the WCAand knowing that your life is in the hands of someone who knows nothing about your condition and is paid to try and deny your benefit

  85. Barbara Cohen @barbski70, Ilford South (Mike Gapes, Lab)

    The worst things about ESA are the questions on the forms and face to face assessment bearing little relation to my (or any) illness and how it stops me from being able to work, the ridiculously short time limit to get the forms and medical evidence submitted, and then the feeling that everything I or my doctors and other medical professionals write will be ignored anyway. That stress is bad enough, but the constant reassessments for a condition for which there is no evidence I'll recover from anytime soon if ever means I'm living constantly in fear.

    The feeling that the whole system assumes me to be lying, rather than sick.

  86. Chris Gregson, @cm_gregson, Mid Derbyshire.

    1 worst thing - The fear and and(deliberate?) unfairness of the WCA system, designed to cut costs with no interest in the consequence s.

  87. Being recalled so soon after the first ESA assessment, put in Support in April recalled in November. Stressful and unnecessary

  88. Whatever I can do I will Sue - Worst thing - Diagnoses & Opinions by Dr's Consultants & other Medical professionals overturned by low level civil servants, known as Decision Makers - HOW?

  89. pameb89,,,, being told it's illegal for you to work but being told by ESA that you're fit to work so cannot claim

  90. @Debbiesayers i dont get esa but for me its the one year contrabutionary limit the seven thousand a year income cut off and no esa support while waiting for appeal... And dont get me started on esa wra...Dxxx

  91. Tig Aka-Tricia Brown, Rother Valley (Keith Barron).
    worst? That this government refuses to face the facts or that these are real people not just numbers.

  92. Sarah Vernon on Facebook (East Sheen). Pressure, stress, time limits: Many conditions, my own included, are stress-related and the system plays havoc with your mental and physical health. Their not taking account of variable conditions and their disdainful attitude makes one feel persecuted, all for the sake of saving money and catching the fraudsters. A lifetime award should be for life: Having to prove over and over again that you have many problems that are not going to go away is crucifying. I may have to sell my flat in order to survive and remove the stress caused by what this useless coalition is doing. This is NOT right in a so-called civilised country. I could go on and on but just writing about it is stressful which, in turn, gives me a Raynaud's attack (circulation) and affects my ulcer ... and general well-being. I can't afford the heating costs. [Please feel free to edit for collating purposes!]

  93. @silversapphire on Twitter
    Being put wrongly in WRAG twice. Recon into SG twice! Medical reports ignored. Continual assessments/harassment for lifelong degenerative condition. ESA not fit for purpose!

  94. David Finch, Esher & Walton. The 1 year time limit on contribution based ESA, that has left me broke on Income Based.

    1. Sorry to add a 2nd line but.
      The feeling that the whole system assumes me to be lying, rather than Disabled.

  95. @TSAAPG

    The worst thing is having to relive every psychotic episode while filling in the form, every abusive put down, every single personal detail when I hate revealing personal details about myself to anyone, driving me to psychosis, the WCA is biased against mental health conditions

  96. @billkruse How are people suppsed to live during the indefinite to infinite reconsideration period, and after too by which time (if they're still alive) they'll be carrying huge amounts of debt?

  97. Chrissy Fletcher - South Leicestershire
    Living in fear of the next assessment dumping you in WRAG and then not recieving any real support to get a job because you aren't, and never will be, well enough to work.

  98. @mrsborderreiver Northumberland

  99. Rita Davenport Islington...

    The worst thing about ESA, being made to feel that due to no fault of your own that you are an unnecessary burden on society despite paying into the system for 30 odd years.

  100. This comment has been removed by the author.

  101. fb dale thumper fuller , the fact that im discriminated against cause i have mental health problen not physical problem which the test based on

  102. @trek98 on twitter. keep up the good work.

  103. So so sorry for not sticking to a one-line comment. I just couldn't stop myself.

  104. @stuckinscared Southend central, will do what I can. Worst thing about ESA: constant fear of next assessment, overwhelming fear of face to face and having to talk about mental health symptoms with a stranger, mental illness much worse because of fear, feeling judged for being ill!

  105. The worst thing about ESA is the constant reassessment of people who won't get better #ESAendgame North West Norfolk

  106. As someone who doesn't need to claim disability benefits the worst thing about the WCA system is its relentless harrying of the sick and poor, which makes me ashamed to be British. (Giselle Winston)

  107. Facebook: Elaine Stammers
    Constituency: St Ives, Cornwall

    The worst thing about ESA/WCA is the fear and distress that is caused by a process that is entirely flawed and not improved despite 3 years of review, and which doesn't represent in any way whether someone is actually fit for the workplace.

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. @Kazcita. From Belfast (we don't have Atos in NI, but the rest is the same). The worst thing about ESA for me is the lack of medical specialists assessing people in the WCA; it means that those with misunderstood and/or fluctuating conditions - especially those with mental illnesses, like me - are assessed as fit to work, when clearly they aren't.

  110. ‏@phoebemonkey on Twitter
    @suey2y I'm in - constituency Glasgow (Anderston/City). I'm sick of dreading the brown envelopes and nobody understanding autism

  111. Sorry, constituency is Belfast North.

  112. N.E.Lincs.
    Having to go through and fail WCA for ESA, because the lies written in the medical reports by the assessors, Ask DWP to Reconsider, then have to Appeal, now going to Independent Tribunal, and seeing my Dr every month for a sick note.

  113. Constituency: Middlesbrough
    Worse thing about ESA: Been ill 13 years and the put me in WRAG!!

  114. Beth Hartley/@beesmade

    South East Cambridgeshire, Sir Jim Paice MP

    The worst thing as I see it about WCA/ESA is the utter destruction the process is wreaking on already fragile lives and the inability of anyone to see that this is about people, not paper.

  115. Peter Robson FB Oldham
    Not sure if I can do anything to help but if there is give me a shout

  116. Can always count on me Sue, @theboymurray on Twitter.

  117. ‏@lisakef
    @suey2y North Durham Area ATOS HCP do not understand mental health issues.

  118. ‏@sillybugs55
    @suey2y #Spartacus - I'm in, Sally Burgess - 1 year time limit, I've contributed all my life.

  119. I HATE being made to feel like I'm guilty of cheating! Since when were we GUILTY until we can PROVE ourselves INNOCENT!!

    More than happy to spread the word, although unfortunately a lot of healthy people don't listen ........ until it's THEM who have to go through this.

    I have frequently felt suicidal since being put in the WRAG, and am still waiting for my tribunal.

  120. Paula Pandora Allen (facebook) Wigan

  121. The worst thing about it for me is the amount of times in a year that they call you in, Then its the fear of going, and the out come of the assesment, managed to get Income Support back, Still waiting on DLA been going on now for nearly 14 months. Other Fears of Starving, and being mad homless not a nice feeling at 53 years old, and after working, training in differant arears and still no work, Then Health problembs, its just not on, I would rather take my life than go on. Afraid every time post comes cant open them anymore so the letters just get put to one side. Just can not cope with it any more. Swansea west Wales

  122. Angela Cunnane (name) @acunnane (twitter) Angela Hawes (FB)

    ESA seems to be the governments equivalent of the Nazi gas chambers, over 11,000 to date, they should hang their heads in shame.
    ATOS is the worst thing this government has done, even their training manuals imply everyone is a liar and scrounger.

  123. Pam Sanby (Pamela Frances Theresa Curtis) (Facebook) The worse thing about the ESA process is the waiting and not knowing when that brown envelope will pop through the letterbox!!!

  124. @queenofthekats on Twitter. South Antrim constituency. There is nothing good about ESA.

  125. @mookpixie, Bath
    Being ill/disabled is stressful enough without having to prove I'm too ill for work. I don't choose this life and would much rather be able to live an active and working life but I can't. I paid my taxes so the system would support the needy but now I need support I doubt I'll get it. Expecting to be passed as fit for work even though I can barely leave the house.

  126. FB: Marianne deSantis
    Worst: Dumping ppl diagnosed with permanent/degenerative conditions into the WRAG group with constant harrassment, because ATOS/DWP refuse to grok that incurable diseases can not be cured.

  127. The worst thing is the sheer quantity of inept reports by ATOS. Every week more horror stories.

  128. Sally Burgess forgot to say : Brecon & Radnorshire

  129. Jay Astarte (facebook), @jayarte (twitter), Jayast google+

    The worst thing about the ESA process is knowing that at some point it will all start again and the paranoia, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts will return.

    Morecambe and Lunesdale constituency (unhelpful Tory MP).

  130. Liz Packham, Barrow-in-Furness

    The worst thing about the ESA is the thousands of people who have lost their lives due to their incompetence.

  131. Glen, @bewildergirl on Twitter Consituency Liverpool, Walton. Worst thing is all of it! But my perspective the way both mental health issues and fluctuating conditions are misunderstood/misrepresented.

  132. Colin-Roy Hunter on f/b, Altrincham & Sale West (Graham Brady, Chair '22 C'ttee)
    @criquaer on twitter
    @criquaer50 on storify - (last three months averaged 3,000+ viewings) happy to post there if worth it.

    The Form-Filling followed by The Waiting with no acknowledgement or updates as to how one's claim is progressing. The Waste-of-Money.

    October new DLA form; ATOS doctor visited on New Year's Eve; decision end January; February ESA form. Winter is my worst time. For more than a decade I have been asking them to send forms in summer months when i am most able to deal with them. As I am house-bound this time of year will mean another ATOS visit.

  133. David Gillon @WTBDavidG Chatham and Aylesford

    Worst thing about ESA? Talk about a target-rich environment!

    Scrounger rhetoric, which punishes us for daring to be disabled.

    Time-limiting - government regulations that actually punish you for not delivering a miracle cure on schedule. The reality for most of us is that a disability is for life, not just for Christmas, but that isn't a reality DWP want to acknowledge

    The WCA - and all the people it has abused and damaged.

  134. This comment has been removed by the author.

  135. The constant stress of having to go to an assessment when I was awarded indefinite Incapacity Benefit and DLA to avoid this due to my chronic anxiety/depression/agoraphobia. Sandra Martin, Derby.

  136. Jane Bancroft ‏@JaneyBancroft
    @suey2y Count me in. Twitter only. #ESAEndgame ESA eradicated my (and others') belief in a fair society and concept of justice in UK, Bootle, MAnchester

  137. Helen, @Nelsims411 I don't claim ESA (for me it's DLA/PIP but this worry covers both. It's the fear of the WCA.

    I'm terrified.

    Can't sleep well, anxiety, nightmares.

    My condition (Cerebral Palsy and other things) will not improve,EVER! I cannot walk or stand unaided and what mobility I do have will deteriorate.

    The fear has made my depression, anxiety and pain levels worse than ever. I (we) suffer enough.and I can't stand the thought of somebody (who doesn't know what I go through - and doesn't care) judging me.

    I feel like I'm living with the 'sword of Damocles' over my head - and I'm a lot luckier than some, but what they are doing to us is psychological torture. There is no doubt about that.

    If I lose what independence I am able to have - independence I have worked hard to keep, and that I treasure more than anything, then I may as well just give up. I've lost so much already. I can't have a job, I can never be a mother - and now they want to take my (relative) independence from me too.

    I'm sorry to waffle, but I just wish (more than anything) that I didn't have to live with the fear on top of everything else I deal with everyday. To do this to people is cruelty, and it needs to be stopped.

  138. The worst thing is going to be the inability to appeal immediately and the fear of having to go through the process without any income.

  139. the stress of assessments every 6 months. Support group May...19 weeks later another ESA50!!!

  140. The worst about ESA is that my conditions haven't changed but the goalposts have!

  141. Amanda (@tigrez). South Kesteven.
    I am not bad enough (yet) to have to had experienced it, but from a potential claimant, and also from a health are professional viewpoint, I think the worst thing is it is not assessed by health are professionals involved with the person, but someone just there to get the form filled in

  142. @Dalekette, Sheffield west, worst thing-constant cycle causes people to live in fear

  143. Sarah Campbell
    1)Time limiting

    2)The constant reassessments when you are progressively getting worse and the doctors have told you nothing more can be done.

    Upsetting seeing how much have deteriorated since last time.

    Time and effort filling in forms invariably takes physical+emotional toll even when result is "good". I am ALWAYS ill as a result of a reassessment.

  144. Two things; ATOS interviews and the one-year limit for contributory benefit. I've had major problems with the former, waited 18 months for a successful appeal, then lost all benefit due to the latter, which has received very little publicity so far.

    Robert Brenchley

  145. @Depresseddancer, London

    The worst thing about ESA? At my assessment my mental health condition was assessed by a physiotherapist who deemed me ok to work because I was neatly dressed.

  146. Tired of being made to feel that I'm a scrounger and a slacker.

  147. Roisin O'Hagan
    I feel most for those who've fought a hard exhausting battle of appeal only to find themselves back at the beginning of the 'caucus race'.
    Belfast North, Rt. Hon Nigel Dodds

  148. Saffron Walden.
    That face to face assessment CANNOT accurately assess my physical and cognitive functionality, and that I have to beg and plead on my knees at every stage, and at every repeat assessment, for DWP, Atos and tribunal staff to acknowledge this and to base their assessment and decisions solely on written evidence.

  149. ‏@dombed
    @suey2y Waveney. Worst is the constant retesting of those with incurable, untreatable or progressive conditions, its pointless and costly.

  150. Elaine Edwards
    South Pembrokeshire
    The worst thing is how ill it has made me and I am painfully aware of how much worse I am treated than a person who goes to prison for committing an awful crime.

  151. Chris Evans @onlyflufflyone

    Eddidsbury MP Stephen Obrian

    dreading the brown envelope dropping on the mat... im to sick to see anyone so the new medicle evidence will be non existant

  152. Stephen Budden ‏@sbudden72
    @suey2y The fact that people are being found fit for work who quite clearly aren't, a fact that is proven when cases eventually reach appeal, but which doesn't stop those people having to go through the process time and time again. Sittingbourne and Sheppey

  153. R Mobbs @GoodmotherM (Witham constituency).

    I'm currently not an ESA claimant, but have experienced the tickbox hell that is a WCA.

    The worst thing I see about the ESA is that so many subjected to this are worried, scared & their lives made a living hell by an unfair, brutal joke of a system.

  154. @B4dAlbert
    They don't really care at all about the damage being done to real people, while pretending to listen, simply in order to keep ramming through legislation against all advice to advance their own ideology for which this country has given absolutely no mandate. Which itself is damaging to Parliamentary democracy to the point of bringing it into disrepute.

  155. @VioletNights on twitter.

    Worst thing about ESA: Making my illness worse with stress, when I should be recovering. Illness is NO ONE'S fault.

  156. @nannachicken The very real fear I will be found fit to work by one lot at DWP and unfit by jcp and end up with nothing at all.

  157. @Fibrography (Leigh)
    (Crewe & Nantwich)

    The constant pressure, fear and anxiety of the entire process. Increasing symptoms of depression and more!

  158. Sarah Ledsom - Facebook
    The worst thing for me re ESA/WCA is, having a progressive, incurable disease with constant pain and having to deal with all the form filling,questions and worry, when a report from my consultant should be sufficient. Our politicians have declared war on the poor, for that I will gladly fight back.

  159. Twitter @butanoverture. Constituency Norwich South.

    Worst thing about ESA/WCA is the dread, humiliation and distress the whole process causes.

  160. Ann Vincent Dunfermline & West Fife
    The never ending circle of ESA50, WCA, Fit to Work, Appeal, ESA50, WCA, Fit to Work, Appeal, ESA50, WCA, Fit to Work, Appeal, Tribunal - all in 2 years!

  161. This comment has been removed by the author.

  162. @bloomer71 on twitter
    Winchester & Chandlers Ford Constituency

    Terrified that assessors won't understand a fluctuating condition - just because one day is manageable doesn't mean the pain won't be making me vomit the next day.

  163. M C Thomson, @Fibromitesunite
    Glenrothes & Central Fife Lindsay Roy MP (Lab)

    Assessment Reports: Numerous basic inaccuracies, too many assumptions made and conclusions reached without regard to reports by Consultant & GP,

  164. Dave Davis (@neitshade) Ellesmere Port
    I fear going downstairs every morning, anticipating the dreaded brown envelope. If it's not there, or if it turns out not to be the one I feared, I can relax a little, but not completely.

    1. Dave everyone in the country who is sick or disabled would agree with you statement

  165. Hi,
    You need a follow me on Twitter thing on you blog, then friends can retweet. My Twitter is @mike10613 if I can help. I have Coeliac disease and pancreatitis amongst others and so I understand what you go through. I'm not on ESA though, thankfully. I know people who are though and it's simply not fair and ATOS Healthcare is a disgrace.

  166. P Gadsden twitter @paulgads82

    Uxbridge and South Ruislip.

    Inhumane treatment and lying by ATOS staff.

  167. @WendyAttwell, Welwyn Hatfield.
    The assessment is designed so that patients fail: it's not fit for purpose.

  168. Lydia @lydabuff
    Cambridgeshire North East

    The brown envelope of doom. It has the power to kill.

  169. Hi, Natalie Dunn @nataliedunn3 Dudley. The worst part of the ESA is the high rates of incorrect assessments, making people go through a tribunal only for the benefit to be reinstated. This takes over a year though, and they don't pay in that time ridiculous system throughout.

  170. I'm on esa wrag, and all the media say theres #luxuryonthesick THERE isnt.
    Govt ignored the BMA on WCA ~ SO WRONG!
    Atos NEGOTIATED Legal disabled employee ratio quota down in France, and they run our WCAs #ESAendgame
    WCA ATOS recommendation wrong (written report) and overturned. And you cant sue for libel This person is fit for work WRITTEN DOWN WHEN NOT TRUE SURELY is LIBEL .

  171. Lydia Hendry, @kntgrn Glasgow North West

    The worst thing about ESA/WCAs is that they utterly destroy the very people they claim to help

  172. Charlie Christie, Norwich South (MP Simon Wright, Lib Dems)

    The impact of the assessments on mental health (& their inability to recognise mental health problems and their impact in claimants).

  173. Scott Woodrow @blue_blade Facebook shadowblade22
    Chatham and Aylesford MP Tracy Crouch

    for me its the constant worry of reassessment and the watching over the shoulder for anyone who may be watching me and having to be careful over what you can say to people

  174. @sdbast The worst thing about ESA for me is no longer feeling any sense of security for myself or my family, very worried anxious and stressed

  175. Franklin Percival

    Shrewsbury and Atcham - MP Daniel Kawczynski

    Worst experience - Atos staff anonymity and the error rate, for others and for self.

    Shared on FaceAche.

    1. Sorry, omitted email address:-

  176. Alis Mccabe @swangirl14 Manchester Gorton Ward (Fallowfield)

    Managed to get in SG after submitting Appeal (all done via paper) Got Award for 18months yet terrified to open Brown Envelope last week incase being called in early - turned out to be uprating letter.
    Dreading when I'm reassessed as how will I live on nowt if have to Appeal again, this will also bring me up to when Indefinite DLA Award due to go to PIP. It's not my fault I can't work, yet being made to feel a scrounger despite working prior to body giving up

  177. A hypocritical, two faced, unprofessional approach to assessments. A complete disregard to any evidence or information that contradicts their pre-determined conclusions. The whole process is a package of lies, discrimination and harassment, designed to dishearten and demoralise honest, deserving, disabled people,to the point where they are made to feel guilt for being disabled and forced to accept accusations of lying and fraud. This not just an issue of bad management or bad government; This is an issue that breaches our basic human rights and people need to be held accountable.

  178. Illness does not just stop after a year. We live in fear of that brown envelope dropping through the letter box, the horrendous medical and belittling questions. The fight to be heard by the tribunal when the decision maker says you are well enough to work and then the hopelessness of letting down your family.

  179. The worst thing about ESA/WCAs is that has prematurely killed many people and at some point IDS will have to stand trial in a court of law along with the prime minister to explain to a judge of how these deaths have come about ?

    It is something the whole country would wish to know and that to save money will not be an acceptable answer so I'm legally told

    you are not in law allowed to kill or harm or cause suffering in which a person commits suicide by whatever means to save money under any circumstances

    you would have thought that IDS and the prime minister would understand the value of human life as they keep on saying how bad it is in oversees countries led by brutal governments and to overturn them but they themselves are being brutal which has led to many dying as a result

    henry smith mp (crawley)

  180. Rick B @TenPercent

    Worst thing about ESA and WCA? It almost killed me, destroyed my relationship, put my illness back to its worst.

    WOW is with you Sue!

  181. Natasha Fisher @Tashf81
    1yr time limit, my health hasn't improved, Dr still signing me off work but money ends tomorrow, no idea what we're going to do.

  182. The worst thing about ESA/WCA is:

    I'm always turned down then win an appeal - I'm assumed to be guilty of lying until proved honest.

  183. BarrysDaughter on Twitter Barnsley

    worst thing is waiting for the dreaded brown envelope that you know is comming

  184. i myself am very weak and have to rest on and off for 16 hours over a 24 hour period. my bodyweight is very low for my height which makes things worse and looking like I've come out of a prisoner of war camp

    i would have loved for the BBC to interview me but with regret they couldn't as my bodyweight disfigurement would not allow it to be shown on TV

    but i live in hope of a trial of the government and at some point show the persecution i have suffered over the years to the world and I'm sure their are many others like myself who are in the same boat
