Sunday 16 October 2011

What EVERY MP should know about welfare refrorm

Since Employment and Support Allowance was introduced back in 2008, campaigners and those affected have warned that it is flawed. Not because people must face assessment to qualify for support but because the wrong people are declared "fit for work".

People clearly too disabled to work get harassed and pressurised into work programmes they clearly cannot comply with, while the number of "cheats" or "scroungers" caught, remains at exactly the same level it always did.

Throughout the last year, we have warned of a tipping point.  With over 110,000 decisions already found to be wrong and overturned, 11,000 people a week are being put through flawed assessments. It is only a matter of time before this becomes the toxic story of recent years. MP mailbags are already bursting with letters about this.

With the double-disaster of care cuts, horrific stories of neglect and want join the stories of war widows with cancer sent to the job centre and soldiers with their legs blown off told to get a job.

I live in a safe, Sussex, Conservative seat with a 17,000 majority. Our local press is just as conservative, though with a smaller "c". We are not given to emotional outbursts and certainly not generally in favour of the "feckless" or "workshy"

This week, the Headline splashed in maximum sized font across the Worthing Herald screams :

Wheelchair bound Mark Saunders is diabetic, has lost a leg, is partially sighted and needs dialysis three times a week, yet the government wants him to go to work - or risk losing his benefits. 

Meanwhile, the Bognor Regis Observer carries this starkest of headlines : 


And goes on to explain how a local man with a progressive muscle-wasting disease, bedridden and unable even to draw up his own insulin has had his full time carer cut, left with just 5 hours a day and no night time care. To give one graphic example from the story, he explains how in he event of a fire, he would have to burn alive, unable to move independently. 

As campaigners like myself have tried to explain so many times, no one minds a fair assessment to see what work a person could do, but no-one, anywhere in the country has the appetite for sending people like Mark Saunders to the jobcentre. 

We all have ageing parents or face the threat of a minor condition worsening. No-one in the country wants to see severely disabled, bedridden citizens left lonely and lying in their own filth, unable to feed themselves or draw up life saving medicines. 

Stories like this become more and more common up and down the country, in every local paper, in every community centre. You may not see them in the Daily Mail yet, but soon, it is inevitable and it will be to our great, great shame. Once more, I urge the government to halt the roll-out of ESA to 1.9 million of our most vulnerable people until it can be made safe and "fit for purpose" 

I urge them to reconsider cuts to local councils so deep that they leave those we most have a duty to protect living in utter despair. 

Now. Before we make mistakes we will regret for decades. 

From now on, if YOUR local paper has a similar story, please add links to the comment thread below. I will list them all by MP and constituency and we will start to build up a directory of stories from around the country. Just keep an eye on the front pages and send me the headlines. 
Many thanks. 


  1. should this post not be sent to all the political parties although as we know they are fully aware of what is going on. Should Mr Milliband have a copy sitting in front of him right now so he can use it PMQ'S WHY ARE THEY NOT LISTENING TO US!!!.

  2. Anonymous - I've posted this on all 3 political Facebook pages and am urging people to send to their MP on twitter.

    I totally agree. This is the kind of political story that ALL MPs should read and understand. We can't ignore the warnings for much longer.

    Do join in and send it to anyone you think ought to read it :)

  3. Sue, They fully understand the implications of sending people for a medical even though they know people are not FFW. The Guardian does a great job in highlighting the plight but i believe they need to take a bigger stance and front page the post you have just added people will then read it.


    knock on effect of cuts -


  6. Great stuff guys, please keep them coming, I'll add constituency links later and start the cataloguing of all of these.



  9. "Our radical welfare reforms will benefit the poorest in society and target support at those who need it most to make work pay and break the benefits trap."

    Read More


    Thanks. Let's try to get a story from every constituency in the UK

  11. Government to blame for cuts in care allowances, says Lincolnshire County Council

    The rest are complaints about the council charging for disabled spots in the car parks, but that was pre-election


  13. Ealing North MP Steve Pound

  14. Cuts to Social Care Services and Manchester’s Voluntary & Community Sector
    Press Release from
    Manchester Alliance for Community Care
    14th October 2011
    Manchester City Council has today released details of proposed cuts to social care services including those provided by 59 voluntary and community sector organisations.

    Mike Wild, Director of Manchester Alliance for Community Care, said “People all across Manchester will feel the impact of these cuts - not just those who use the services but the carers and family members for whom they are a vital and trusted source of support. Many of the people supported by these services are invisible to mainstream society: unless you have seen for yourself what difference these services make to people’s lives it can be hard to understand how important they are.

    “We know that the City Council does not want to be in the position of making these cuts and we do not argue that the voluntary and community sector should be immune from cuts in public spending. Our overriding concern is for the people who rely on these services. Charities are there simply to provide support to people and bring about change. In many ways the most fundamental job of a charity is to strive not to be needed any more. But this is not about not being needed, this is about a basic lack of public money. While we may dispute some of the priorities and the processes by which specific decisions have been reached, we recognise that this situation is ultimately due to the massive reduction in the Council budget imposed by Central Government. It was all too inevitable that cuts to services would follow and the impact would be felt by local people.

    “Over the last few weeks I have been speaking to voluntary and community sector organisations who stand on the brink of losing services they have carefully built up through years of hard work. There are many staff and volunteers whose knowledge, skills and dedication may now be lost to the local community. We will do all we can to help them cope, rebuild and renew.

    “The voluntary sector doesn’t give up easily. Every one of the organisations faced with cuts will do its absolute utmost to make sure that the people they support will not be abandoned.

    “We urge Manchester City Council to work with their partners in the local voluntary and community sector to do everything possible to minimise the impact of these cuts.

    “We would also encourage local people and local businesses to consider how they can support the efforts of voluntary and community organisations in these difficult times.”

    Note to editors
    Full details of Manchester City Council’s proposals:

    Manchester Alliance for Community Care (MACC) is a voluntary sector organisation which aims to improve the health and social welfare of the people of Manchester. Our work supports voluntary and community sector organisations. We try to help them create services which respond to the needs of local communities and to people as individuals. By working on the planning, design and review of services, we aim to contribute to improving the quality of life and wellbeing of people in Manchester.

    Mike Wild
    0161 834 9823
    Manchester Alliance for Community Care
    Swan Buildings, 20 Swan Street, Manchester M4 5JW





  19. Stuff in this article re benefit changes and homelessness - in the video/iplayer man in manchester, Dave, been homeless since being found fit for work. 8.14 onwards

  20. more homelessness as result of welfare cuts -


    Glynn Evans, the councillor in charge of adult social care, said: “These are awful, awful cuts – the worst in a eneration. To have to cut services that we've built up over the years and people have benefited from is heartbreaking.”

    According to the Times (£), this is because ministers are concerned that continued payments are acting as an "incentive to appeal"




    it has taken him a year to get it reinstated




  28. this will affect people in all constituencies -

    the government has released figures that its policy to halve disability benefit additions for low income and out of work families with disabled children will impact on up to 70,000 MORE families than it had originally estimated.,000_affected.aspx



  31. You know they do know whats going on here and we know they know.They dont care and we must make them care by whatever means.Like i keep saying we are all going to suffer in the end one way or another...some more than others depending on personal we have nothing to lose we just aint got to THAT point yet were we all say F**K this but they need to know we are close enough.Protests worldwide are gathering pace and they will listen in the end.They must know we wont forget this ever and we will remove them at election time and that includes libs labs and whoever else tries to lie to us again becuase one thing we should all realise that after this we wont listen to bullshit and we will hold those responsible to account.WE just need to realise just how strong we are....

  32. Desensitising
    The more people see or read about something the less impact it has on them to the point where horror stories hardly register unless it is directly happening to the person or someone close to them. Add to this the selfish gene and the lottery of being born into cocooned wealth and privilege you end up with a narcissist incapable of understanding or compassion with a delusional grandiose sense of entitlement. It would be easier for a camel to pass though the eye of a needle than for people such as these to comprehend the plight of ALL POOR PEOPLE be they sick and/or disabled, old, unemployed or other.

  33. All mp's know whats going on but as mine tells me he prefers to keep his mouth shut to not rock the boat
    Well theirs your answer and if you ask me it's probably right

    Nothing is going to help unless something very dramatic happens and even then David Cameron will have an answer and wriggle out of it Hitler was the same but at least he then went on to take his own life which was at least something i guess for the killing of many people

  34. Total waste of public money making disabled people would look for work since very few employers would help the disabled by giving them a job if they wanted to work, and I am sure many of them would like to work if they could.

  35. i think eoins blog suns it up very well

    none of these people are fit for anything but the very worrying thing is that some people voted for them on that basis you cant run a country not now not ever it just wouldn't be possible as at best their is no trust and at worst every word uttered would just be a lie
    And on that note as they say in the den "I'm out"

  36. Sigh. Well, Mr Cameron himself admitted that he puts people on incapacity benefit into one of 3 categories:

    1 Lying scumbags.

    2 Hypochondriacs who just need a pep talk and a computer course.

    3 People who are actually not well enough to work, who deserve a pat on the head and sympathy because they cannot help being parasites.

    Btw, there are a lot more than 3 political parties in the UK. I know there are some that I wouldn't bother with, but that still leaves a lot.

  37. After all the Green Party has done to promote the idea of a Citizen's Income scheme, I think they deserve to be considered as being a political party!

  38. Wouldn't it be more sensible to live with a friend rather than face burning to death unable to move?

    There are things we can do that help ourselves as well, I'm not denying the issues mentioned but suggesting the chaps only option would be to burn to death is as hysterical as the people running ESA seem to be.

  39. Depressed 'Jobseeker' commits suicide -

    Cuts Kill: the story of a sister driven to suicide -

    Man dies of kidney cancer after being told fit for work -

    Woman's depressed brother commits suicide after benefits being stopped , at 3;40 -

    Two die while waiting for appeals to be heard -

    Man dies of heart attack after being told by Atos 'fit for work' -

    Author's suicide 'due to slash in benefits' july 2010 -

    3 die in West Dunbartonshire after being told fit for work, area also has one of the highest unemployment rates with 40 people chasing every vacancy -

    Devastated Salford mum killed herself over redundancy blow -

    Southfields dad committed suicide after housing benefit cut -

    to name but a few........

  40. Live with a friend? Sheesh, that'd have to be one hell of a friend wouldn't it!! You must be incredibly blessed to have friends that would take you in and care for you through a terrible degenerative condition.

    Did it ever occur to you how isolating illness can be? Did you ever consider that human nature isn't actually always very nice and sometimes, at the bleakest of times, friends drift away - even family? Do you not know that most people in fact do not live in families, but alone? How many people have no family at all?

    I'm sure if the silly man had just thought of that all this wouldn't be happening eh?

    It must be lovely to live in a world where the answers to all societies problems are so simple and no-one is lonely, alone, frightened or actually, in any real need at all.


  41. blacflag - Wow, thank you so much.

    Left Foot Forward are considering setting up a spreadsheet for us that people can simply upload links to. The aim is to have a section for every constituency with the MPs names next to them.

    If this goes ahead, I'll let you know.

  42. [QUOTE]Depressed 'Jobseeker' commits suicide -

    Cuts Kill: the story of a sister driven to suicide -

    Man dies of kidney cancer after being told fit for work -

    Woman's depressed brother commits suicide after benefits being stopped , at 3;40 -

    Two die while waiting for appeals to be heard -

    Man dies of heart attack after being told by Atos 'fit for work' -

    Author's suicide 'due to slash in benefits' july 2010 -

    3 die in West Dunbartonshire after being told fit for work, area also has one of the highest unemployment rates with 40 people chasing every vacancy -

    Devastated Salford mum killed herself over redundancy blow -

    Southfields dad committed suicide after housing benefit cut -

    to name but a few........[/QUOTE]

    i told you the deaths would start to stack up and i tell you now it's going to run into the thousands over the next 2 years so George potter wherever you please take note

    That list above is only small but is the tip of the iceberg to come and the bbc needs to act fast as they will be to blame just as much as David Cameron

    they wont be able to wriggle out of things as they have been informed and i have first class knowledge of that fact the police cant get involved at this time as it is out of their remit I'm told but if things took a turn for the worse they they would indeed take some sort of action

  43. Brilliant Fourbanks! Thank you so much

    Rather excitingly, I have this submission from Tom Greatrex MP (Labour) who is as concerned as we are :

  44. I doubt you will find anything you do not already know, but you may care to take a look anyway.

  45. No problem sue as i say the police can only get involved if their is evidence that a person is receiving any type of harassment either by mail Phone calls or unexpected visits by the DWP

    In all cases of suicide they are involved and it is up to the spouse where applicable to provide them with as much help as possible as to ascertain what level of stress has been placed upon the deceased also the coroner needs to know so that it is on file for use at a later date

    The DWP are above the law it looks like from within their own workings they work in private with ATOS and no one knows how they operate it seams not even the prime minister that's makes sense so the prime minister wont ever have to be bought before any court to explain any wrong doing as he like us wont have a clue

    What i can say from my own experience is that if you should become a victim of injustice you can have all your mail from the DWP to go through your care worker like i do and the DWP are then banned from phoning you which is a god send
    The only trouble with this is that when my care worker comes to visit me once a month we have to spend that 1 hour that you get talking about the DWP and ATOS instead of talking about my care and how am i as he is my only visitor to the house it's not good as he is responsible for my well being and needs to be sure that my lung/heart pain is not to bad and that i am eating at least one small meal a day

    As i don't sleep he has to make sure that my breathing is OK and that my blood pressure is not to low as any form of stress whatsoever means i cant drink or eat at all as to do so makes me violently sick so all in all he has his work cut out to say the least

    He also has to deal with a very large file of papers sent to him each month by the DWP about me so when i talk about persecution i know first hand what I'm talking about and this has been going on for years

    Do you get use to it i hear you say ? No you don't it just compounds the illness so you just feel permanently sick

  46. I think also that David Cameron and co will go down in political history as people who caused untold misery for many thousands along with the deaths and destruction of the sick and disabled
    How much longer he can get away with it is unclear and i know he will fight us to the bitter end but we have to live in hope just as the people in Zimbabwe /Egypt/Tunisia/Yemen/Libya hope and pray for a better tomorrow

    David Cameron i believe will go down in history as a leader of death and destruction i have no doubt. At this time of writing it is only small Scale the odd person dying and suffering here and their but if left unchecked will become more widespread at worse you'll be killed off with bureaucracy / loss of benefit from the DWP/ATOS whilst at best you'll end up like me imprisoned in your own home


  48. Hopefully someone other then me is keeping a copy of all these links it's very scary but i know to my cost when they smash their way into your house at 5 am in the morning many years ago and run up the stairs shouting yes you only need for it to happen once and you'll never forget that i do know


  50. fourbanks - the wonderful guys over at left foot forward are designing us a spreadsheet as we speak.

    Every link will go in, along with the headline and which MP/constituency is affected. It will be uploadable, so that any new stories that come along can easily be added by anyone that finds them. LFF will be hosting it for us too, so I'll let you all know when it goes live.

  51. That is good to hear sue although very tragic to hear of this type of news or even see it for that matter

    David Cameron and co along with nick clegg and Ed milliband should be disgusted with themselves and hang their heads in shame
    Their should be no if's or but's they have conducted themselves in a manor not seen in the uk since the war with Hitler and on par with the theft and trafficking of thousands of babies by nuns, priests and doctors, which started under Franco Spain's leader and continued up to the 1990s.

    I can quite clearly see the pain and suffering so far that has been going on by the sick and disabled and if i can the mp's can and they should all be held accountable at some point and when tried by a judge given at least 25 years for crimes carried out against the sick and disabled

    You can never tell what political party will be in power in years to come you only need someone like myself to become in power and i would have you up before the judge as stated and you would be punished most severely for your crimes of the past against humanity make no mistake about it it would be the very first thing as prime minister i would attend to

  52. Not only all those mentioned above but also all those who work for the DWP and ATOS should be fully investigated by the press for their involvement in all crimes against the sick and disabled

  53. And now that Muammar Gaddafi has beeen killed in Libya we must now move forward with renewed hope that we to can win out against the likes of David Cameron and co who have caused us and will cause us much hardship and suffering in the months and years to come

    Hopefully we will be able to hold our heads up high like the Libyan people and rejoice and be free to live a life of some sort without the constant persecution of the DWP/ATOS towards the sick and disabled

    At this time for the likes of me it feels like just a dream but seeing how happy the Libyan people are has made me cry but has also given me hope for us all to have a brighter future and to live in peace


  55. I'm not surprised sue by the lack of understanding at the Croydon assessment centre
    All of these people should be assessed in their own home in private with any care worker that they may have

    To humiliate the sick and disabled in this way in public is a very wicked thing to do and is just plan evil of the highest order


  57. That is indeed very bad sue in his very own constituency how dreadful is that
    It's hard to believe most extreme leaders of his way of thinking normally keep their own patch better then everywhere else but in David Cameron's case he has scraped the barrel



    How many more do there have to be????

  60. very sad sue there is not much to say then to forward it on to Anne begg mp who like you is keeping the list up to date of deaths


  62. where is it going to end sue i am putting as much pressure on Anne begg as i possibly can via her secretary at least she talks to me but as for Anne herself it would appear she is like us and that's struggling

    sure she's disabled and is a easy target for David Cameron to sideline i still think that the deaths will get out of hand and the press will then in turn seek revenge on David Cameron

    i do detect by his manor that he is being informed of these deaths i cant be sure but i do know that lord fraud is blaming the press for the media's hate against us slightly distancing himself from these deaths



    RIP Mark and Helen. Am crying after watching this

  65. RIP Mark and Helen. Am crying after watching this

    It is sue as i have said many times before very deeply upsetting and it's the role of Anne begg mp to sort out i could no problem by telling IDS to his face "stop the killings from the DWP"
    It's all so very simple in my mind and always has been

    And as i keep on saying anne begg mp need to get a grip and seek legal advice as if the deaths continue under her chairmanship in a court of law she could be held responsible for it continuing instead of taking legal action and stopping it

    She could become an accessory in knowing that the vulnerable are at risk of taking their own lives by pressures put on them by the DWP and not taking any action to stop it

    IDS is well and truly in the frame as of now because many deaths at a latter date will be linked back to him because of his policies and David Cameron allowed it to continue

    Many dangers ahead for everyone and nobody knows that better then myself


  67. That's all down to David Cameron and the press pure and simple sue



  70. My Husband, after struggling for 2 years with his job and believing he was suffering from severe stress received the devastating news in March 2011 that he has Early-Onset Alzheimer's disease, since the diagnosis he can no longer work, he is unable to drive and I now care for him. He is only 56 looks younger, is fit and strong, this news has decimated our family. We never believed he would have to stop work 12 years before retirement as a result it has left us in a huge mess financially. For the first time in his life he has to depend on Benefits. What a journey that has been, never in my life have I ever had to deal with such incompetence that lurks in the departments of the DWP. First I had to fight tooth and nail to make them understand that my husband would never be able to work again, despite having letters from a Hospital Consultant they still made him attend a medical and then after seeing a Foreign Doctor who could hardly speak English he was declared fit for work! Most days now he is unable to remember his date of birth, he is unable to write, spell correctly,use a computer, his cognitive skills are severly impaired, a particularly cruel thing to accept when he was previously a Chief Engineer in the marine industry. After many appeals, including writing to Ian Duncan-Smith (who ignored my plead for help and didn't have the common decency to reply to my letter), my husband was finally was put on ESA Support Group Benefit. I work part-time, I am unable to work full time as my husband can no longer be left safely on his own at home for more than a few hours. We are on a very low income, I cannot get any mortgage help, we are desperately trying to sell our house, it has been on the market for 15 months due to the dreadful economic climate we are unable to sell. My husband was awarded DLA but only the lower tier, despite having a disease which is incurable and he will deteriorate mentally with each passing day. I am currently appealing due to his deteriorating condition but have had to fill in yet another form the size of a book and seek help from social services to help me complete - I am absolutely convinced that it will be rejected and yet again I will have to fight yet another appeal. What I find so dreadfully upsetting is the fact that we never ever wanted to have to ask for benefits but due to my husbands incapacity we have no choice. The system is so dreadfully complicated you need a brain the size of Einstein just to try and complete the forms they insist on sending you. My husband worked for 40 years, paid all of his NI and higher rate of tax, never had a day's sickpay until this dreadful disease took hold of him. Why oh why does the government seem to think that even people who have a real genuine need are still nothing better than scroungers? I thought the benefit system was set up to care for the vunerable and needy, from my experience it is anything but that!!! All I want is for myself and my husband to be treated with a little bit of dignity and respect - Mr. Cameron/Mr. Grayling/Mr. Duncan-Smith is that too much to ask? May you never, ever have to suffer what my family is continuing to suffer under your regime, and here is the part that really brings bile to my throat, I have always voted conservative!

  71. [QUOTE]Anonymous has left a new comment on the post "What EVERY MP should know about welfare refrorm":

    My Husband, after struggling for 2 years with his job and believing he was suffering from severe stress received the devastating news in March 2011 that he has Early-Onset Alzheimer's disease, since the diagnosis he can no longer work, he is unable to drive and I now care for him. He is only 56 looks younger, is fit and strong, this news has decimated our family. We never believed he would have to stop work 12 years before retirement as a result it has left us in a huge mess financially. For the first time in his life he has to depend on Benefits. What a journey that has been, never in my life have I ever had to deal with such incompetence that lurks in the departments of the DWP. First I had to fight tooth and nail to make them understand that my husband would never be able to work again, despite having letters from a Hospital Consultant they still made him attend a medical and then after seeing a Foreign Doctor who could hardly speak English he was declared fit for work! Most days now he is unable to remember his date of birth, he is unable to write, spell correctly,use a computer, his cognitive skills are severly impaired, a particularly cruel thing to accept when he was previously a Chief Engineer in the marine industry. After many appeals, including writing to Ian Duncan-Smith (who ignored my plead for help and didn't have the common decency to reply to my letter), my husband was finally was put on ESA Support Group Benefit. I work part-time, I am unable to work full time as my husband can no longer be left safely on his own at home for more than a few hours. We are on a very low income, I cannot get any mortgage help, we are desperately trying to sell our house, it has been on the market for 15 months due to the dreadful economic climate we are unable to sell. My husband was awarded DLA but only the lower tier, despite having a disease which is incurable and he will deteriorate mentally with each passing day. I am currently appealing due to his deteriorating condition but have had to fill in yet another form the size of a book and seek help from social services to help me complete - I am absolutely convinced that it will be rejected and yet again I will have to fight yet another appeal. What I find so dreadfully upsetting is the fact that we never ever wanted to have to ask for benefits but due to my husbands incapacity we have no choice. The system is so dreadfully complicated you need a brain the size of Einstein just to try and complete the forms they insist on sending you. My husband worked for 40 years, paid all of his NI and higher rate of tax, never had a day's sickpay until this dreadful disease took hold of him. Why oh why does the government seem to think that even people who have a real genuine need are still nothing better than scroungers? I thought the benefit system was set up to care for the vunerable and needy, from my experience it is anything but that!!! All I want is for myself and my husband to be treated with a little bit of dignity and respect - Mr. Cameron/Mr. Grayling/Mr. Duncan-Smith is that too much to ask? May you never, ever have to suffer what my family is continuing to suffer under your regime, and here is the part that really brings bile to my throat, I have always voted conservative![/QUOTE]

    You speak for everyone and theirs nothing further to add other then to say i sincerely wish you all well with the outcome of your benefit entitlement
