Tuesday, 29 January 2013

DWP can run, but they CAN'T hide

I've just heard that the DWP have refused to send anyone to Radio 4's You and Yours show on Radio 4 tomorrow (12 noon) to defend and debate with me the changes we exposed in #esaSOS. 

Despite leading barristers saying they are ILLEGAL and Professors of medicine saying they are IMMORAL and UNWORKABLE the DWP haven't answered a single point we raised. Again.

It's remarkable. People are suffering. 140,000 people have been PROVEN to have been unfairly stripped of their livelihood . We challenge them, they don't even deny we're right, but they sit there in their ivory towers and say "So sue us"

Well, DWP, we will and if you think I'll stop at defeating you on ESA you're wrong. I'll make sure every last one of you is held PERSONALLY accountable for the horrific assault you're inflicting on vulnerable people in the UK who need you most.

In the next few weeks, I will release stories proving you are liars and cheats. I promise, you will not be able to hide from these. You will have no defence, no-one to blame but yourselves.

And yes, I'll do it from my hospital bed, and yes, I'll do it fed into my central line and yes, I WILL win.

And think on this DWP - You've left me the whole show to say what I like unopposed.

May you never sleep soundly again. 


  1. Well said, if I can help in anyway let me know. Uncovered an interesting DWP/ATOS tactic when handling my sons ESA application.

    1. Hi Susan, I was wondering if you would be willing to share what you have learnt, as I have some friends/family who are really struggling right now due to what ATOS/DWP has done with them. Bless :)

  2. Brilliant post, well said!!! I salute the work you are doing and am behind you and your cause...looking forward to listening to your slot on BBC R4 tomorrow!

  3. They are just buying time now, the bastards know it will take years for all this to get through court, and in the meantime a few thousand more will die giving them less people to pay for. I really fear that's the horrible truth behind their actions.

    1. Well done and I hope you can make sure they all pay the price. If you need any stories or anything you can use in court then please let us know and we will support you

    2. i caught your interview, well done, good points, very clear. I too have much to add, i,ve only just begun blogging, but a long time campaigner on all abuse, within and without the system that is meant to protect us, and have suffered horrendously, needlessly by those that are meant to be helping

  4. Bless you!! If you need my help please don't hesitate to ask me!! ppinksweater@msn.com Lauretta Pearson

    1. If you need my help please don't hesitate to ask me!! either atos are evil i cant believe the lies they tell and the deaths they lied through there teeth at my atos interview it was miles from my home i have social anxiety and manic depression also a few other pysical probs i dont leave house alone ever not to see fam i have no friends no social life etc yet they passed me fit for work i havnt left house on my own in 16 yrs iam 33 yrs old lol yet they found me fit for work also i have self harmed and been very very close to suicide she noticed thick scars on my arm and said there scratch's took two years to reach trib prob have it all again soon yet gov have just put in a private gym with tax payers money no-ones said a thing about that

  5. You are an amazing person, good luck on the show tell them like it is if any of them turn up after all

  6. My hat is tipped to you, this is brilliant. I'll be at work but will record the broadcast on my radio app so I can hear it. I wish I could do something to help bring the bastards down and fight back.

  7. "And think on this DWP - You've left me the whole show to say what I like unopposed."

    You have them over a barrel - good luck ripping them to shreds!

  8. Good luck Sue. You are amazing, I am totally in awe of the way you fight for us all, despite your own health problems.

  9. Sue, Thank you..... Go for it:-)

  10. You've probably got them scared Sue! The DWP know they're in the wrong and they can't defend the indefensible so take the easy way out by not showing up!

  11. Thank you for doing this Sue, but please allocate if you can we don't need your health getting worse over this your children need you. We all love you and are here to support in anyway each of us can, don't forget that. ;-) Superwomen xx

  12. I'd love to see you have a go at Ester, you'd chew her up and spit her out ;-)

  13. If anyone can't listen live, you can always listen again via the BBC's website. Programmes are online for at least 7 days after broadcast. Go Sue!

  14. Congratulations Sue.
    If I can help in any way just ask.

  15. You are amazing and give me strength to keep going. Good luck and please take care x

  16. This is the first time I have ever wanted to listen to Radio 4!

  17. You are the king! Have at them.

  18. I don't often listen to You and Yours as they always seem to me to be bit behind the times with Welfare issues, but will have my ear glued to it tomorrow. Am sure you'll put them straight, as for the DWP...words fail!
    What's that I hear in the distance...oh, it's a huge roar of 'Go get 'em gal!!' from the Sparti Army :-)
    Take care Lass xxx

  19. Radio 4's website schedule says tomorrow's You & Yours is:

    "An inquiry by the Office of Fair Trading has investigated the market for petrol and diesel to ask if motorists are being treated fairly. Employers are making greater use of mediation to resolve disputes between their staff. But how does mediation work, and why is it so attractive to businesses? Online dating has become a big industry, but what are the dos and don't of looking for love on the internet?"

  20. They couldn't find a single person to spout the usual clichés then?

  21. OK so that's:

    DAB Listed as "BBC Radio 4", "BBC R4", or "Radio 4"
    FM - 92 - 95 FM, 103-105 FM
    LW - 198 Long Wave
    MW - Medium Wave is only available in some locations: London 720; Plymouth 774; Hayle (Cornwall) 756; Newcastle 603; Carlisle 1495; Aberdeen 1449; Enniskillen 774; Derry 720; Glasgow 720
    Freeview Channel - 704 (FM schedule only - the LW schedule is not broadcast on Freeview)
    Freesat Channel - 704 (FM schedule) and 710 (LW schedule)
    SkyTV Channel - 0104 (FM schedule) and 0143 (LW schedule)
    Virgin Channel - 904 (FM schedule) and 911 (LW schedule


    They didn't want one of their "Shout Over The Top" interviews with a disabled person as they know none of their arguments hold air, let alone water!

  22. Sue, Yesterday I posted the following: :http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=4782600801157&set=a.1859255799359.2099094.1179830538&type=1&relevant_count=1

    Today, I have just finished reading your latest post (and I will read it again, and again) you write from the very heart of your passion for Justice. God Bless you Sue for you're sustained campaigning - I hope you will draw some strength from our words of love and support, and T H A N K Y O U, for being a Voice for the voiceless. - 'Thank you' two small words that cannot hold the gratitude, the admiration, respect, and Dignity with which you champion the right to be A Person! Excellent article, brilliant passion and compassion... Truth crushed to earth will Rise again...the arc of the moral universe is long... But, it bends towards Justice - No lie can live forever. Please accept my thoughts and prayers for you and yours. Take care.

  23. I have known sue for a long time and without doubt she is the leading light where welfare reform comes in. Moreover, to think that she fights as hard as she does from her hospital bed is all the more remarkable

    To me she is in a class of her own and the most gifted person I have met on line over the past 12 years. The last person I’ve know fight so hard was DR Martin Luther king before his Assassination

    This fight on a daily basis she fights with the government could kill her at any time and despite that fact she fights on a truly remarkable woman if ever there was one’ and I for one sure speak for all the sick and disabled throughout the UK’ and wish her all the very best and pray that she remains free from harm and put’s right what the government have done with the negligent deaths of those going through the welfare reform process

    Like Dr martin Luther king' Sue may not live to see the Promised Land and whatever the outcome be it soon or at a later date win or lose we as a country will as group the sick and disabled be forever indebted to her not only for the courage she has shown but because she has done the right thing and that’s to get the human rights of all the sick and disabled to be upheld and that their lives be free from constant stress which so far has cost thousands of lives by a negligent government

  24. God Bless you Sue Marsh for you’re sustained campaigning – I hope you will draw some strength from our words of love and support, and T H A N K Y O U, for being a Voice for the voiceless. – ‘Thank you’ two small words that cannot hold the gratitude, the admiration, respect, and Dignity with which you champion the right to be A Person! Excellent article, brilliant passion and compassion… Truth crushed to earth will Rise again…the arc of the moral universe is long… But, it bends towards Justice – No lie can live forever. Please accept our blessings thoughts and prayers for you and yours. Take care.We look forward to hear you tomorrow on Radio 4. Blessings, peace, prayer be with you.

  25. Just wanted to add add my own thanks Sue, for you being a voice for those who have none.
    We will be indebted to you for a long time.

  26. Thanks for all your hard work! Can't wait to listen :)

  27. It is not just the DWP that need to be sued for all the murderous killing of vulnerable, defenceless people, it is the government too. Strangly enough before even reading this page tonight I began praying that those responcible would be held to account. I am sertain that what the government are doing is illigal and sooner or later somebody needs to hold them accountable.

  28. Thank you honey, I'm bipolar, I feel like I'm made of glass and might shatter at any time. Without people like you, people like me would have NO RIGHTS.

  29. Great that you are doing this! Hope all goes well. Fingers crossed you don't get the odious Winifred Robinson, with her "people-with-disabilities" take on disabled people.

  30. Well said and what a GREAT campaign... Thank you for being our voice, may TRUTH and JUSTICE prevail!

  31. I went through my medical yesterday, boy did this doctor who was local about 70 catch me out he totally disarmed me.

    This doctor was charming he was put you at rest and he was good oh so very good at his task.

    he took me hook line and sinker before I could catch out what he was doing.

    Boy that will learn me to be cocky and think I knew my stuff.

    I will be going to appeal then.

  32. We are fighting to get this country back join us if you can. www.the-99.co.uk we are a mix of working not working disabled able we are the 99 %.

  33. You may know that 38 Degrees are asking for stories on how vulnerable people are being assessed by ATOS as being "fit for work", when quite obviously they are not. The stories will then be sent to Michael Meacher, MP who is running a campaign in westminster on ATOS. Worth thinking about and the more stories then the more ammunition he will have.

  34. Sue, Three deep breathes. May your 'cup' overflow with wisdom, strength, courage, and inner peace. Bless You and Yours, and all of your faithful friends and support networks. May you be given the contentment and clarity of mind to speak truth to power. There is no movement, no development with severe friction and sacrifice. None us, well perhaps those nearest and dearest, will ever know the depths of sacrifice you have already faced, and overcome with the scars to show for it. But, your cause is JUST, and I am sure you are aware of the many thousands if not millions of voiceless people thank God for you and your loving loyalty to act and to do that which is right. This can encourage, but it can also become an oppressive weight of expectations - I believe you will find the courage, and I know you have the loving loyalty of millions of people you will never know. Be true to 'Sue' trust the still inner-voice within you and be the person you are. Do the very best you can do, no one, that's no-one can or should expect any more. Be gentle with your self, you too are a person, let the course before you unfold has it should and hold on tight to your inner strength and the dearest love of those close to you, and the love and support you have from us, the 'ordinary' people. Your steadfast loyalty and love for justice, Truth and Dignity will be a staff to lean upon. We are all maladjusted - maladjusted to injustice and the lying propaganda of a shower of hired hands who purport to be a 'government'.
    Take Care Sue, and don't let the Bastards get you down. Adrian.

  35. I just wanted to say THANK YOU for continuing to stand up against these bullies in such an articulate and informed way. More power to you, and I hope I can do something more if and when I get a bit less sick.

  36. Just listened to the broadcast - short but oh so sweet. congratulations for refusing to be shouted down and interrupted, and for producing factual hard hitting evidence as always to reveal the con/dem lies. My thoughts are with you.

  37. Once again, well done Sue for your efforts. You put many people to shame the way you are forced to fight against this pernicious government on behalf of the most disadvantaged in society.

    Shame on the privileged Tories who effortlessly gain power without ever having to face the hardships they're putting large numbers of their fellow citizens through.

    Shame on the sections of the media who are responsible for bringing about the "scrounger" narrative that has, in part, driven this governments actions. Where are they when those who are struggling just to survive need a voice? Reporting the latest celebrity nonsense and trying to divide the population with their hate filled twaddle, that's where.

    And shame on those who believe the tripe the government and media spout and who disgustingly attack, verbally and physically, those of us struggling with disability, ill health and the brunt of the cuts imposed on us through no fault of our own:


    It comes to something when campaigners have to battle against the powers-that-be from hospital beds. I want to live in a society that cares and looks after it's sick and vunerable. Is this too much to ask?

  38. well done sue and as always a big thank you
    Every sick and disabled person in the country is indebted to you and without you most of the sick and disabled would be sunk and i cant stress that enough

    Those in charge in the EU need to see what you are doing as you are saving many lives of which we will never know the true answer but saving lives you have

    How you manage to carry on is the most remarkable thing i have ever witnessed in my life and am sure i speak not only for the UK but for the rest of the world

    I have known many truly great people in my time and an very proud to put you in to that select group of all time greats with the likes of Dr martin Luther king and nelson Mandela / Mother Teresa etc

    Those that fight as hard as you do are very rare to find and if ill like yourself virtually impossible

  39. Hear hear!
    “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

  40. Your a true warrior Sue, a guardian angel for the sick and disabled and you have my deepest respect.

  41. we've seen in the past throughout history the like of Idi Amin President of Uganda from 1971 to 1979 /Saddam Hussein/ and Bashar al-Assad Syria, President and Hitler all having an agenda to kill off people they don't believe in whilst on the outside to the world denying everything saying it's not me it's someone else and putting on a smiling family face to the world

    In this chapter in our lives we to in the UK the sick and disabled now face our greatest challenge in staying alive as many have died so far and despite many deaths only a very few mp's have woken up to this fact

    we must remember tho that the majority of mp's will never wake up and if you live in one of their constituency's you are likely to go unheard and die so wherever you live we must all help out the best we can to those suffering in silence and through this blog hopefully save many lives along the way

  42. During today's PMQ's Mr Alexander said with regards to the Europe debate:
    "The Opposition understand that the real agenda on certain Government Benches is not only to bring powers back, but to take rights away."
    Our government's hidden agenda, would almost without a doubt, affect not only workers rights but those of benefit claimants too. Rather than change their new system to make it more fair and reduce the amount of claimants that have to appeal, they could take away our right of appeal, and without the European Court Of Human Rights to oversee our government, they will have full reins over the fate of all of us in England, no matter which party is in charge in the future.
    People like yourself have fought for people's rights for decades and these could be lost in a matter of a couple of years if not sooner. In a nutshell, if we pull out of Europe, we are all screwed....aren't we???

    1. that is indeed the hidden agenda making it impossible for the uk to leave the EU
      The only people to benefit out of the EU would be the professional working class everyone else would suffer especially the sick and disabled along with the long term unemployed

    2. Thank you for such a positive reply; as many times I have blogged or wrote comments on disability sites about where our future is heading given the current political and social trends, and have been dismissed by other people saying that "Nah, that won't happen!" but it did! I soooo wish I predict something positive....

      Many Thanx


  43. First of all can I thank you for continually highlighting the plight of fellow suffers of this horrendous campaign, where we are all treated in such an appalling manner. On Friday I had my DLA appeal I had previously been awarded both components at the Higher Rate but it was removed in 2011 following a visit from a quack who didnt even examine me. I complained and it got me no where. I Have cronhns small bowel malabsortion, sever asthma, heart disease, suffered a stoke, have lupus, von willibrands disease, depression, psychosis and auditory hallucinations. The tribunal didnt like the fact that I complained about one of their colleagues she sat with them the day before. All of my disabilities are as a result of trauma following the Manchester Bomb. The tribunal judge made a statement it was a question stating that as far as he was concerned no one suffered as a result of the bomb all were led to safety, he didnt like my response riased his hands and continued making facial gestures to the presiding officer. In response to my taking a holiday he stated that I should not be spending my own capital on holidays but using it to pay for carers. I am devastated appeal refused.

    1. You must see if you can find legal help. A group of people need to sue the government for breaching their human rights. Are there no lawyers to help? Appeal and appeal and appeal. That is your life's mission, now. We need tee-shirts: "I am a disabled victim of the DWP." If the tribunal judge remarked that no one was hurt by the bomb, he is in effect calling you a liar when you say you were hurt. That's slander. He has to prove what he said is true, and he can't. Sue him personally. Find out how to do it.

    2. Daniel
      as i have stated before many times their are no qualified lawyers in the UK according to the law society that are able to deal with the complexes of the welfare reform bill
      their are human rights lawyers however but are very expensive at a cost of £5000 per day

      the best bet would be for those that have died that their family's get together and take the government to court on mass for the negligent deaths that have been caused in the thousands

      The cost in getting started by a class action spread over many years would cost millions of pounds having said that if just one million sick and disabled were to pay into a lawyer fund the sum of just £10 it would be more then sufficient to cover the costs for 5 years so that justice would be served and those found guilty of mistreating the sick and disabled would be sent to prison

  44. Great interview found it 28.45mins to 35.23 on wednesday 30th..as You and Yours didn't head it up and it doesn't come up in searches..she really didn't want to give you other than the token comment time and really for a public broadcaster thinks Harrington is a wonder and Gov really trying to sort this out are they..--- pretty biased if you ask me..cheek of the woman you will never be satisfied.

    Why is it that we don't have a regular tv programme on Disability on BBC?
    Well done you and Thank You you are very clear and concise something I struggle with. I got my little brown envelope today 'we will be calling you in next two weeks'..theyhave really tuned up the wording of the letters to make it all seem so 'nice'..I hope I have the strength for whats ahead I can't even get treatment for my MH 'you can't expect to get the specialised treatment you need here, you would be lucky to find it in a busy urban area' and thats from my new CCG's rep for my town..we are a pathfinder area for new system. Heaven help us all when this gets rolled out it never ends does it:-) Best Wishes and thanks again
