Thursday, 15 December 2011

Research Fund - URGENT UPDATE

Some of you will have noticed that it is no longer possible to makements to the Research Fund Appeal

It would seem that PayPal have a limit on received funds of £1,900!! Just £100 short of our total!! The government require them to verify accounts that receive more than this in one year

I have submitted my details, but am not sure how long it will take for the restrictions to be lifted. Sadly, I believe it will be 2-3 days, though obviously, if it happens sooner I will let you know.

Happily, thanks to your overwhelming generosity, we have plenty of funds to get on with printing, so we achieved what we set out to do. The research will be produced and when we are able to we can collect the final £100 for distribution costs.

Once again, a million thank yous - for your trust and your support and sorry for any inconvenience.



  1. fantastic sue, i only wish i could have donated (I cant am afraid, am in dire straits financially), so the least i can do is rt this for you and as always spread the worrd.

    best of luck sue, wholehearted support

  2. That's completely arbitrary and mad. Thanks for keeping us posted.

  3. Will make a donation as soon as they lift the limit, I have sent out over 40 emails to Lords and Baronesses per your request on time limiting ESA and can help in that way as needed. Thank you very, very much for all of your help, we are all very fortunate to have people like you fighting in our corner, you also give us hope for mankind that there is still goodness amongst the epitome of evil who are attempting to eradicate us. Merry Christmas!

  4. Paypal are strange..brilliant news with the donations.100 quid short but that will fly in no doubt.Thanks for doing this for us all.

  5. WOW! you broke the bank!

    Is there another spoonies paypal that we can use?

  6. They've legged it with your lolly.

  7. Anon above...very funny....get back in the hole...

  8. Lol, can you imagine my first thought when I got an email from PayPal saying government needed information to verify my account?????

    It's easy to get paranoid doing this ;) It was all entirely standard, but I did chuckle, thinking to myself "I bet the government would LOVE to know exactly what I'm writing.....

  9. I've only just come across this. Good luck with it. Anything to help the cause of welfare rights is solid good IMO.

  10. Just writing to say THANK YOU Sue for all your hard work...I am surprised how many disabled people are unaware of the proposed cuts that are threatening our care and benefits, they are being kept in the dark( through lack of media coverage) even consultants and social workers seem to think that the government is just wheedling out the fraudsters (if only)again many thanks for your campaign

  11. I agree, thankyou Sue for all your hard work, it's nice that people care enough to support the disabled, seems we're all branded as boneidle scroungers by the press these days, and with this Goverment doing their damndest to take money off everyone, we need all the help we can get.

    Because lets be honest here, the goverment says the most vulnerable will be protected, but thats nothing but lies.

    - Matt

  12. sue in reality should have been the government adviser to IDS on the reforms in the first place just as my mp thought i should have been

    Either of us with myself with 30 years of poor health DWP experience or sue with many years of hands on in the hospital environment would have been a very smooth transition in taking these reforms through no one would have been any the wiser at the end of the day and much anxiety and death avoided to all concerned

  13. Please let us know as soon as we can donate. This is a battle we must win.

  14. PayPal eh?

  15. To anonymous @13:12

    What exactly are you trying to insinuate?

    As far as I understand it the only issue here is that accounts have to be "validated" to receive donations above a certain amount. This seems a perfectly sensible precaution.

    As a paypal user myself I remember that this took a few days to process.

  16. Look anon at 13.12 if you have something to say just say it or keep off here.These people put thier hearts and souls in to doing this and if you actually read some of the stuff on this website they do it under very difficult circumstances...BECAUSE they care.So either put your money in to help or do one we get enough crap from the govt without enduring trolls.

  17. WTF?! I was highlighting another, very recent, incidence of PayPal taking liberties on user's accounts when attempting to raise funds for good causes. Something worth considering and reading up on. I fully support the cause and am/was concerned that it may have uncomfortable parallels with the money being raised here.

    Why not read the link before giving it both barrels.

  18. lol, touchy bunch eh?
