Monday 5 November 2012

Savile, Hitler & Welfare Reform. Some things are just too Terrible to Believe

Generalisations are always tricky, (Do you see what I did there?) but I think I can say fairly safely, that there is one question almost everyone in the western world has asked :

How did Hitler happen?

How did the German people allow Hitler to round up millions of jews and homosexuals and disabled people, cram them into cattle trucks and gas them to death? How did that happen? Why did tens of millions of presumably good, honest, compassionate German people turn a blind eye to one of the greatest atrocities of all time? It was going on before their very eyes!  Bakers and lawyers and neighbours “disappearing” never to return, the rhetoric of hate that the government used to justify psychopathic murder – how did it happen? In Europe?  Just 70 years ago?

When I asked myself the question, I decided some things are too terrible to believe.

I mean, imagine, right now, I told you that I had proof - absolute solid proof - that aliens were going to destroy the earth around teatime next Tuesday. You wouldn’t believe me would you? Your mind would immediately cast me into the “raving conspiracist” category of amusing fools. Your answer would almost certainly be “What this Tuesday? At teatime? Don’t be so ridiculous.

We saw the same thing happen recently with Jimmy Savile. How did he get away with the most disgusting and calculating abuse, in plain sight, for decades? Why did no-one say anything? Why didn’t they do something? Why were the victims almost unanimously dismissed?

Again, some things are too terrible to believe.

It was Jim! Jim’ll fix it Jim!! The Jim who ran countless marathons for charity, who raised millions for good causes. Children my age literally deified him and would have done anything to get on Jim’ll Fix It. Rumours that Savile was a paedophile did the rounds for years. We all just sort of knew and simply couldn’t bring ourselves to go there.

For the last two years, I’ve seen for myself that it’s true.

For two years, I’ve been saying very clearly, here on this blog that sick and disabled people face a very grave threat. Half a million people with disabilities will lose the support they rely on to leave their homes or to get them out of bed and dressed. A million more will find themselves forced to the jobcentre with cancer or Parkinson’s or heart failure. People are dying as a direct result of the policies this government have introduced. 

Right here, in Britain, right in front of your eyes, this government is lying to you. They are not "protecting the vulnerable", they are not “making sure support goes to those who need it most”. What's more, they are making sure you turn a blind eye by making you hate us. You don’t hear me over the screech of “lazy feckless scrounger” propaganda when I say people will become bedbound or housebound; starving without the means to buy food; cold but unable to heat their homes.

When I tell you that we have a government so calculating that far from protecting the vulnerable - as they endlessly claim, - they are in fact attacking the one group of people they thought could never fight back. You are witnessing the biggest attack on the well-being and security of people with genuine and profound disabilities this country has ever seen. It’s happening, right now, here in Britain, right in front of your very eyes. Like every bully, they have picked out the weakest, who's voices are rarely heard.

But you don’t believe me yet – some things are too terrible to believe.

So when a 13 year old boy is writing to a government minister, here in the UK, to tell him very clearly, that his father is dead as a direct result of that minister’s policies, something is very wrong indeed. Kieran McArdle, 13, wrote this heart-breaking letter to Iain Duncan Smith last week telling him what so many thousands of others have tried to tell him but failed. That his ill-conceived, ignorant welfare “reforms” are killing people.

When someone with a disability embarks on a hunger strike so that you will listen to what they are trying to tell you, something is very wrong indeed. 

How far will you let this go? What will it take for you to listen? What are you prepared to "turn a blind eye" to?

My father's generation hoped we would never need to ask these questions again. 


  1. Open your eyes Britain & save people before it's too late!!!

  2. Yet when you say look at the links, look at the connection to the past. People say you are using godwins war. My great aunt was jewish and her entire family ended in dachau and auschwitz. I remember the past. I am afraid we are doomed to repeat the past and that scares me so much. People also forget that the unemployed the "workshy" the homeless were all put into the camps as well. Forced labour working for nothing for the good of the state..

  3. I agree. Injustice in this country is rife, but the unjustifiable is justified.

  4. this is a fucking good piece of writing man. respect due...

  5. Heartbreakingly true Sue. Where is the outrage ? Where is the disgust ? When will the public at large start listening ?

  6. The time for eye opening has long since passed, only the people dying and the media reporting of it will open peoples eyes. How many have to die, go cold, starve before anything happens. There are no knight/s in shining armour waiting to ride in and save people. We have to do it ourselves through sacrifice im afraid

  7. Once again Sue you've put into words how a growing number of us feel, yet many are still blinded by the propaganda. I mean cmon, we've got a disabled guy on hunger strike right now in Britain 2012 - all thanks to a private company employed by the Government.


    I make comparisons between our current regime and 1920s and 30s Germany and I'm laughed at, yet the evidence is there, in front of everyone, but they choose to believe the lies.

    What the hell will it take to break through the mists of deception?

  8. your so right sue ...people know whats happening ( like with jimmy So~vile ) but turn a blind eye...this government makes me feel very frightened... i can even see a very slight resemblence between Hitler and Scameron ...brill piece o writing Sue ...hope your plodding on ok x

  9. A lot of us have our eyes open and are horrified. But apart from bombarding our friends with links on Facebook or Twitter, what can we actually do?

    1. It feels like we can't make a difference, but every day, new ppl hear us and get outraged. Tell your friends, ask your friends to convince their friends. We can do this, one by one x

  10. Well said. As a saying goes: If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention.

  11. So many people agree with this and so do i .we as a nation should be standing together and be saying enough. We need to stop what is happening and get this government out . Taken down permanently. We need to gather together and make a physical stand in wgat ever eay

  12. So will 13-year old Kieran now attempt to kill Cameron? I probably would if I were he....

  13. People are afraid of speaking out, I have in the past spoken to the bbc radio, i felt i had a target on my head. I felt threatened when my adviser said She KNEW about my interviews. People are too scared to speak out, there has been bullying tactics by some police over a disabled activist. People are scared because they may lose what they have. Dare i use my real name on here or on other places NO.. this feeling of being under threat of sanction/punishment is throughout society. But i can see a time when those with nothing to lose will take drastic actions, and i fear for the repercussions of that.

  14. It says a lot about the state of the country today that people are seemingly more concerned about the well-being of badgers than the well-being of the sick and disabled.

  15. Agree with everything said here... but ppl please remember it's not just THIS government which preys on the vulnerable... so did the last one... & they blinded your eyes to removal of your freedoms by throwing 'benefits' at you... giving with one hand whilst removing with the other.
    It's not just THIS government, but ALL government which leeches & exploits... & until people are ready to stand on their own feet & help those around them... rather than expecting the ppl at the top to do so, such exploitation & leeching & culling of the weak will continue.

    1. You're right, its not just THIS government.
      Sadly, THIS government have taken it to extremes and have caused far more harm than most governments before them.


  17. May I make a suggestion, as this is, as always, brilliantly written, thank you Sue. If you are able to or know someone who is able to, print this page off get it copied and deliver it to the people in the road where you live, It has to be read by the wider population I don't know how else we can do that? It brings to mind something Ive been tweeting every so often-

    1. That's a very good idea. Also, most communities have a local village hall or community centre. You could pin it on the notice board.
      If you feel really brave, you could invite some ppl to your home for a brainstorming session and ask them to deliver it in their street too

  18. Totally agree with The Exiled Educator. What scares me is that the hatred of THIS govt will throw us to the wolves of the last govt. They were all too happy to take our liberties and act as authoritarians whilst exploiting the public purse. What we need to think about is how we bypass these corrupt creatures and ensure that no matter what they do, we have something in place to help ourselves and keep our vulnerable safe. I'm afraid it is time for people to turn their backs on the politicians and start making their own plans within their communities. Make these bloodsuckers redundant.

  19. someone in the house of commons today did mention the deaths that have come about over the welfare reform bill and IDS just swept it right under the carpet as did his number two minister

    i cant remember what he said but is was so dismissive it was breathtaking like all dictators of the past

    as i have always said is that the weakest will be killed off first IE those sick and disabled people that live alone but even those like myself who have two carers will find life very difficult knowing that many of those reading this blog will be dying because of a welfare reform policy that is being badly executed

  20. great article ....and they've not finished yet


    for their next trick ...

  21. This young man Kieran McArdle will never get over on what has happened to his dad and of all the horrors stories that have come about over the welfare reform bill this has to be the most outrageous of all

    I myself had a very bad night last night in an 8 hour dream being in auschwitz and i tell you now it was the most disturbing thing that i have encountered in my life and has left me very depressed

    I just hope that Kieran will get to read this blog knowing that we are all right behind him and fighting the welfare reform bill so that many needless deaths are prevented such as his dad's in future as failure to get these welfare reforms bill axed will result in thousands of more deaths to follow in the coming years

  22. David Cameron has told university students in Abu Dhabi that it was important to stand up for human rights.

    The Prime Minister is visiting the Gulf on a trip to strengthen the UK's defence, security and commercial ties.

    so there you have it from the prime minister himself
    a bit odd coming from him when he denies some of the sick and disable their human rights so they die without an income when their told there fit for work and clearly not

  23. Like all politicians, Hitler had writtenthe answers to the questions before they were asked.

    Taken from Mein Kamp

    “In this they [the Jews] proceeded on the sound principle that the magnitude of a lie always contains a certain factor of credibility, since the great masses of the people in the very bottom of their hearts tend to be corrupted rather than consciously and purposely evil, and that, therefore, in view of the primitive simplicity of their minds, they more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a little one, since they themselves lie in little things, but would be ashamed of lies that were too big. Such a falsehood will never enter their heads, and they will not be able to believe in the possibility of such monstrous effrontery and infamous misrepresentation in others.…” (p. 231 of the Manheim translation)
    Hitler is accusing the Jews the Vienna press of this strategy. It is often taken as evidence that Hitler advocated the “Big Lie.” He is, in fact, accusing his enemies of lying.

    Now, Hitler was entirely willing to lie — but in public he insisted that he and his propaganda were truthful.


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