
Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Tory Central Office MORE dishonest than DWP???

Dear Conservative Central Office

Despite appearing on Sky News (twice) LBC Radio and BBC Radio London when I should have been enjoying a wonderful roast lamb dinner my husband had slaved over on Easter Sunday, I'm still awfully cross.

You released statistics to the press on Sunday claiming that

"878,300 people claiming incapacity benefit - more than a third of the total - have chosen to drop their benefit claim entirely rather than face a medical assessment, new figures have revealed."

This clearly implies those 878,300 people felt their claims may be unjustified. 

What's more, they're not NEW figures, they're old. You released exactly the same nonsense a few months ago only to be proven wrong by your own stats showing 94% of people either returned to work or got better and - as they should - dropped their claims voluntarily. 

May I also ask why YOU "released" (or as we now see "re-released") these figures? Why not the DWP? Since when did No. 10 decide to make very unwell or disabled people look dishonest and lazy over Easter? Don't you see how dangerous this is? How low you are stooping to force through "reforms" widely described as "unfit for purpose"? Reforms even Professor Harrington, your own independent adviser accepts are still failing thousands?

If you believe in the "fairness" of your reforms, have the courage to stand by them. If you can only distort the truth, asking the public to judge some of the "most vulnerable" you pledged to look after on false implications, on statistics your own figures show to be entirely misleading and inaccurate, you are unfit to govern. Actually, you are inhumane. 

Never has a case been so clear cut. The two simple links in this article prove you used data to incite mistrust of a vulnerable group. 

If there's any justice, this post would go viral and you'd be forced into an apology by Midnight. 

Sue Marsh


  1. Excellent piece, shocking use of figures to again attack the vulnerable

  2. I am so tired of listejing to their lies being pedalled as Tory truth. For once, please, can they tell the truth?
    What is so frightening about the truth? Unless of course, you're hiding behind a tissue of lies which once started, threatens to unravel and consume you.
    Today's a bad day for me, a really bad day and I just wish it would all stop. Tory, Labour, Lib Dem - please stop with the spin, stop politicking and just see if you can all manage to speak the truth.

  3. No recognition of Brown Envelope Psychosis I see... Ive had to support so many people - myself included - with the terror of a brown envelope dropping on the doorstep without warning.

    People who are frail or mentally ill, or neuroglically impaired with an autistic spectrum disorder cannot deal with the extreme pressure such forms bring. The forms themselves are duplicitous in the extreme - with no mention of the need for their actions to be able to be performed "reliably, repeatedly and sustainably" so it seems at first reading if you can lift a small carton of milk or an empty cardboard box there is no WAY you could access disability benefits now.

    Its all so outrageous.

    Good for you for highlighting this Sue - and glad to hear you are on the mend hun :)

  4. I already commented on your other piece but will repeat it here as I am so upset about this.

    Incidentally, the government has already been pulled up (I believe by the joint committee on human rights) for releasing misleading statistics and maligning disabled people. At the time they said they could not control what the press said. Over the weekend we had this story AND McVey say "many DLA clamimants are not disabled". There is no excuse this time: it was direct.
    Can any official complaint be made?

    Anyway, here is my story:
    I am personally one of those smeared by this allegation.

    I opened my first claim for ESA in October 2008 after my SSP ran out when my progressive illness first got bad enough for me to have to take a long period off work. I was one of the very first claimants of ESA in the UK.

    During this time I was receiving aggressive medical treatment and eventually (although still extremely ill) I recovered enough to go back to work. Due to the timescales involved I happened to go back before I was ever called up for a medical assessment.

    Surely this was doing the right thing? What would the government have had me do? Stay off work a few more months claiming a benefit I no longer needed just so that I could go to a medical which would have confirmed that I wasn't entitled to it?!

    Two and a half years later as my illness had continued to progress I once more had to stop work and once more had to claim ESA. This time no amount of medical treatment would make a difference and so I stayed on the benefit long enough to be called up for the so called medical assessment. This confirmed I was very ill and I was put into the support group.

    At no point was I afraid of the assessment. At no point did I try to claim the benefit when I did not need it. I worked for as long as I was able to, and in fact I worked while I was very ill.

    I strongly resent the implications that have been made and feel personally insulted.

    1. @SpoonyDoc: "McVey say 'many DLA clamimants are not disabled'. There is no excuse this time: it was direct. Can any official complaint be made?"

      Shall we call her a lying bitch, or would something more extreme be more appropriate? Where is her evidence? She knows she hasn't got any. She is just spouting false propaganda.

      Those of us here who have claimed DLA know that from the beginning, this important social security benefit has been rigorously administered, that very strict medical conditions apply, and that claimants are checked at frequent intervals to make sure their entitlement is valid. Only when it has proved obvious that someone's condition is very unlikely to change -- or will get worse -- are they awarded the benefit 'indefinitely'. And quite right too.

      Yet the public is being defrauded by being told about 'automatic DLA payments'. What rubbish. There has never been anything automatic about DLA.

      These pompous, bloated Tories have got their own automatic entitlement to multi-million-pound properties and incomes, earned by the hard effort of the working poor, with DLA.

    2. No danny no no no no! People dont become rich by sitting on their butt, watching sky and smoking all day as some others do (hint hint!) People become rich by working hard, grafting and sacrificing things like time watching sky all day and drinking the hours away.

      It appears Danny you have a secret hatred for the rich but probably it is more jealously than anything. Jealously that they worked hard and made it in life whereas people like yourself are scratching around for what you can legally steal from them by way of benefits etc

      Just remember the rich have paid more into the system more than you will or ever have done and they wont want from the system either. If all the rich leave and the country implodes due to lack of wealth and enterprise then frankly you deserve it and the rich can then quietly laugh from their new homes and say I told you so :)

    3. Oh yes, all these companies like Vodafone and Starbucks who, if they pay any tax at all, is minimal and much of the "wealth creation" is anything but, by these same companies exploiting the welfare system themselves by paying people very low wages so that those people have to ask for top up from the govt. The state is subsidising these companies and most of the profit never benefits this country. Companies like Starbucks are only here to exploit the system, like many other companies. Wealth creators? lol.

    4. " People dont become rich by sitting on their butt, watching sky and smoking all day"
      But this is what we're continually told, that benefits are so generous that people can afford to sit on their arses (butts are for Americans!), and even that people cross the world to live it large on our generous benefits systems which are available to all, no matter their circumstances, and no matter what else they have to spend their money on (like their children or other dependents, rent, food, heating).

    5. I returned to work, part time after complicated spinal surgery. I signed myself off Incapacity Benefit back in 2008, three months after this surgery. One month into the job, more spinal problems were diagnosed which were in an acute phase. I struggled on and adapted as much as I could. My symptoms became less acute as time passed. A year after surgery and I was struggling again. My back surgery had failed due to scar tissue. The damage is permanent.
      At the end of the academic year I was forced to claim ESA. I went through the rigorous testing process.
      At the beginning of this progress I was already having symptoms of a separate degenerative neurological disease. It cannot get better, and there is no treatment.
      My DLA claim was supported by medical evidence from my consultant neurologist, my GP, my hospital test results, and THE REPORT OF THE ATOS DOCTOR WHO CONDUCTED A RECENT FACE TO FACE WORK CAPABILITY ASSESSMENT.

      I am most thankful for this - a rigorous process indeed, but one that has treated me fairly with all the complexities of my individual condition, and all aspects of my health and ability to participate in everyday life considered under the DLA assessment method. I would be more than happy to be reassessed at regular intervals under DLA rules.I was reassessed after one year of my award being granted the first time.
      I also feel smeared by this article generated from the Minister for disabled people. PIP has moved the goalpost for the definition of disability as we know it to ensure that spending is cut.In the past few days the government have used the media for a defensive attack on all benefit claimants to scapegoat them for their failing economic policies and to justify reducing all the financial systems for support by dividing and ruling.

    6. Troll with no name: "scratching around for what you can legally steal"

      How can stealing be legal? Like legal murder?

      You stupid fool with no brain. Legal lobotomy, was it?

      You call me a thief, yet know nothing about me. Good God, the perfect example of a worst sort of bigot.

      It won't make any difference to you, because you are too stupid to understand what's happened when someone tries a reef knot on your legs, but what I hate is injustice.

      You promote it, and I suppose that means I hate you. I'd rather not, but there you are.

    7. Sh!tforbrains! What time is it over there in Americky?

      "Butt": I bet your's is a large one with all the speaking you do out of it.

      "grafting": I hope you realise this has criminal connotations in parts of the UK. A bit like 'grifting' in the good ole US of A, something you'd know all about.

      "[the rich] wont want from the system either": Wow! They're amazing them rich over the pond. Do they have their own infrastructure like roads and streetlights? What about garbage? Not the stuff you spout but all those empty champagne bottles and empty tins of caviar: who collects that stuff?

      " rich can then quietly laugh from their new homes and say I told you so": They laugh quietly. Yeah, probably at asslicking numpties like you! Or do you work for one of those right-wing thinktanks?

    8. ""eb922b2-9bd6-11e2-b2fa-000bcdcb29963 April 2013 02:48 said
      "People dont become rich by sitting on their butt, watching sky and smoking all day as some others do (hint hint!) People become rich by working hard, grafting and sacrificing things like time watching sky all day and drinking the hours away. "

      The myth that you get rich by hard work and if the poor worked harder they'd be rich is just that, a myth. Some of the hardest jobs in any society are the most poorly paid... digging ditches, dealing with sewage collecting rubbish, cleaning, working in laundries and factories, caring for the elderly... these jobs are bloody hard work and people often have to patch two or three jobs together to scratch a living because minimum wage is not enough to live on.

      Many of the hardest working members of our society keep our cities going.. cleaning the underground railways at night, cleaning offices and streets, cooking food for hospitals and canteens, working in shops and restaurants and hotels. They don't earn enough to pay for tubes and cars and taxis so add long bus journeys to their day. The companies they work for pay lousy wages ( often whilst evading tax) and then the state has to pay housing benefit and working tax credits to help house and feed their workers.

      Some of the rich worked hard and struck lucky, others just happened to be born into money!

      Many people choose careers which don't pay great wages but in which they can do something useful... teachers, nurses, social workers, charity workers, firefighters, ambulance drivers, paramedics

      Are you saying these people don't work hard enough?

      Personally I chose to work with people who have severe learning disabilities and later moved on to work with people experiencing or recovering from mental ill health... of late I mostly teach... the adults I teach support people with aquired brain injury, people with ASD,, people with Dementia, people with severe mental health issues.

      The workers get paid a pittance and often come straight off a night shift or a 24 hour cover shift to take a training course.

      By your logic they should be the richest of the rich!

  5. I don't usually comment on blogs BUT I have been so angry at how this government is treating ALL the disabled and sick. I myself am now one of these scroungers who went for an assesment after getting the feared white envelope.

    I was one of the very lucky one's and have been put on support but my heart goes out to all those that have been forced to go on the WRAG part of ESA or even forced to work when they certainly arn't fit enough to. I also feel for all the people who are now being hit hard by other benefit cuts and help that used to be available that now has been scrapped. Shame on you those in the government I know who I wont be voting for in the next election if I live that long but maybe thats your plan to kill off all the scroungers.

  6. We should NEVER expect the Tories to tell the truth. This detestable club, headed by a cadre of pompous multimillionaire cabinet ministers, bloated with their own importance and psychopathic conviction that they should rule the poor for the primary purpose of generating wealth for the richest, would rather see people die than give up their entitlement to ever-expanding riches.

    As for our entitlements, to a basic standard of living whether in work, unemployed or sick, to free education, to a National Health Service, to a Welfare State, well, stuff them. We can't have them.

    This will be the most detested and reviled government in the modern era. And their respond will be to laugh while the most vulnerable people die.

    If most people support benefit cuts, as the government claims, that is because they have been corrupted by the drip drip drip of demonisation and victimisation of the poor that has oozed out of Tory HQ and out of their disgusting newspapers. Their smug evil ideas are turning our nation into a new Nazi hellhole.

    Welcome to the new Nazi Britain.

  7. "No amount of cajolery, and no attempts at ethical or social seduction, can eradicate from my heart a deep burning hatred for the Tory Party. So far as I am concerned they are lower than vermin."

    Aneurin Bevan


  8. Daniel that petition already has nearly 300,000 signatures already! Surely a record??

  9. It has now had 4000 signatures in about 20 minutes!

  10. thank you sue. after having spent easter lunch listening to my stepdad lay into me for being a scrounger and having dla which comes from his money don't you know! i'm too tired to fight so thanks for continuing for those of us who can't anymore. at the moment anyway

    1. watching osbourne's performance today reminded me of the many old, black and white films of hitler and his cohorts - the vague background, the deliberate, awkward speech, the foul language and misrepresentation of the true nature of my country - it was hideous, this man of so little claiming there are only deserving and undeserving people in this country, my country, one that has shown the world so much positively, yet here shown as one that has only one outcome - civil unrest because of an obnoxious government prepared to divide the people, to discriminate and oppress - what a foul man osbourne is, what a foul government we have, what a foul representation to the world of our difficulties, created by the rich and being paid for by the poor. this government can't sink any lower and is not acting in my name or on behalf of the majority of this country, who I believe have more guts and more sincerity than osbourne will ever know.

  11. "his" money Maddy, what a nice chap! Does he honestly believe he would get 1 penny back from this government if they succeeded in killing off all the disabled people and starved all the unemployed to death?

    Not a chance.

    And I see, as many of us predicted as soon as they got into power, now they have pushed their disgusting attacks on the weakest in society through, they are now going after the "strivers" (ie those fortunate enough to have a job still intact thanks to this govt's economic idiocy) with take of freezes or cuts to the minimum wage.

    Disgusting. All those who swallowed the propaganda of people on the dole or on DLA etc being "scroungers" and paid for by "their taxes" - did they really think they would be left alone by this party "of the rich, for the rich"?

  12. Sorry that should read "despite the govt's economic idiocy"


    This is the petition that would have to be debated if it receives 100,000 signatures. Shame the other one is getting all the publicity.

    1. Keep in mind the Badgers epetition has nearly 200,000 signatures and never saw a debate as there was "No time" - debate not a guarantee. We've become really complacent, thinking that petitions would actually do something, when clearly they don't. What makes this one different is it's showing actual anger - and is coming from people who normally would have dismissed all of "those people" as undeserving. That's getting notice, and I think the government will have more to deal with soon than just trying to weasel out of debating.

    2. Yes Oya's Daughter, the speed at which the Badger's petition was signed was evidence in itself that people are angry. Just imagine if that could be translated to actual people coming together. (That WILL be happening soon).

  14. Does Osborne live on another Planet where on earth does he get the figures £26000 and £18000 from – more Osborne Rhetoric .A single Unemployed Man in NE Lincolnshire over the age of 25 will receive Unemployment Benefit ,Housing Benefit and Council Tax .The maximum Unemployment Benefit is £71 per week .The maximum Housing Benefit is £75 per week .The average yearly Council Tax is approximately £1000 .The sum Total is £3692 + £3900 + £1000 =£8592 .Not taking into consideration the Bedroom Tax which is a minus figure and Council Tax introduced today .

    1. James, there is an "s" missing from your link - should be

    2. He's probably thinking of all these large families living it large on benefits. If you've got more than a couple of kids it could mount up if you included all the free school meals, dental care etc. As if having extra money to support extra kids means you don't have to spend that extra money on stuff like food, clothing (kids do tend to grow and need new shoes every so often), no instead, people think you're richer than someone earning the same amount from a job, but then don't have the children to support.

  15. I have different issues about this, which I think are being missed.
    First of all, the government is a coalition. Were the Libdems in agreement with this CCHQ release? It could have been construed as a press release emanating from DWP, and containing therefore reliable statistics (with a caveat, as DWP has been slapped very often on the hand for not conforming to ONS guidelines.

    Secondly it seems to be common practice. And left wing journalists (Guardian, Independent etc) do not highlight it because they fear they will be cut out, while right wing ones are quite happy to just peddle the propaganda. I call this a deception from journalists who are supposed to be independent.

    Finally, it begs the question about the government and the conservative party. Are they interchangeable?
    Anita Bellows

  16. One can only assume they chose Easter to convey the message that if a bloke can rise from the dead so people like me can drop their claim for support. Wasn't that the theory by labelling the Paralympians as superhuman and to aspire the lazy workshy like me.

    Whatever their motive, they and the feral media just make it a bleak world, devoid of hope and beauty. It's a wonder Dave isn't putting a claim in, I'm sure he must have disabled himself when he called himself a compassionate conservative.

  17. This comment said previously says it all

    'The reason people feel that many minimum wage jobs are beneath them is that they are hard work, dull, demoralising and generally unpleasant and then on top of that, you still have to go home and choose between putting the heating on and having three meals a day.'

    So essentially you all admit the jobs are there but its just not worth my while doing them. Well tough if you are left with the minimum wage job option or getting no money at all then what will you choose? That is what reform is about. Benefits should not be a lifestyle choice as millions of people have chosen for decades.

    The facts posted about people getting better and not going to their ESA medical are likely a positive spin for 'oh no if I go the medical they will see there is nothing wrong with me so I better not shame myself'. Yes they drop their claims voluntarily but only to save face.

    For whatever Osborne's failings do you realise his father was born into an incredibly poor family with a very poor upbringing. No generations of gentry here. He worked very hard built up a manufacturing business from nothing and that is where his wealth came from. It wasnt inherited it wasnt given. So this idea that the wealth is got for nothing is a joke of jealousy of those on benefits who have chosen that as their lifestyle over work because it pays them to.

    What happened to the idea of aspiration? Anyone who becomes rich you despise because of jealousy. Well if you worked hard rather than just looking for which benefit to claim you could also be rich. Its always someone elses fault never yours is it? Its no wonder people who work hard become rich then have to give a huge chunk of their income to you who does nothing are pi**ed. Wouldnt you be?

    Have a think about it. Not one of you has justified why welfare should pay more than work? All you do is complain the handout isnt big enough. Again until there is not a single migrant worker doing those jobs you are too lazy to do then dont complain their is no jobs. You know, the Govt. knows there are jobs so the choice know is take that job or nothing whereas you had the option before of job v benefit and always went for the latter.

    1. You took the comment out of context - here is the context.

      "You absolutely should be earning the same if not more a year than someone claiming benefits. Why aren’t you? Because in most parts of the country, minimum wage does not equal living wage. Particularly in the current economic climate, the cost of living is rising much faster than the minimum wage. The independently calculated living wage would put most people at around £2000 a year better off; unfortunately, very few businesses pay it.
      THAT is something to get angry about. A popular rhetoric employed by Irritable Duncan Syndrome, one of my favouritest Tories in the whole wide world is that people are not taking or looking for certain jobs because they feel they are above them. He's in the right ballpark, but he came in from the wrong dugout.
      The reason people feel that many minimum wage jobs are beneath them is that they are hard work, dull, demoralising and generally unpleasant and then on top of that, you still have to go home and choose between putting the heating on and having three meals a day. If I could earn enough to comfortably pay my rent, utilities and food bills and put a little bit aside for emergencies I would happily clean toilets for eight hours a day."

      The point is, people will do the shit jobs if they have to, of course they will, but it doesn't stop them thinking that the wages could be fairer (ie, pay them to be able to stay warm AND eat). So in your world, people should have no brains to think their own thoughts? In your world, we all roll over and grovel at the feet of the rich and entitled, tugging forelocks.

      Anyway, it's nice to see that wading through this blog is taking up so much of your time. I'm wondering where all these people you claim that share your views are?

      Now toddle off and invent another ID to pretend you have support. There's a good, whatever you are. (Don't think you are quite human though).

    2. Here is the full article AGAIN - (note, out of all this, Alphabettispaghetti, from hereon-in known as Alphaspag, has only been able to cherry-pick one little bit, grasping at his/her/it's usual straws) - article in parts due to character limits for each post:

      7 Reasons Why You Should Stop Bitching About People On Benefits.

      1. One day, it could be you.

      The welfare state is a safety net. It is there to catch anyone who falls on hard times, including you. Say you got hit by a car and were tragically paralyzed from the waist down; the welfare state would pay you a Mobility Allowance so that you could still leave the house. It would pay for any special equipment you needed and a personal assistant to help you go to the loo, bathe and perform household chores. If you lost your job and were unable to find a new one, the state would support you until you were able to find another one. Sounds pretty fair now, doesn’t it?

      2. What do you think the other options are?

      Let’s be totally selfish here; the other option is that anyone without a significant safety net is made homeless. Two summers ago I worked out that if I took my family out of the picture, I was one month away from homelessness. Two if my landlord felt like being lenient with the rent. Would you seriously prefer that millions of people had to live on the streets (your streets) if it meant that you would have to pay a couple of pence less tax?
      As attractive as it is to bluster on about how we should kick everyone off benefits and into paid employment, the jobs situation now is rather like the time my local library gave me an extension on my library books because if I were to bring them all back at once, they would not have room on the shelves. There simply are not enough jobs and due to 'austerity measures', more and more jobs are being lost. The more impoverished the area, the worse the situation.
      Job hunting is a soul destroying process. I have been unemployed twice and both times I was spending around four hours a day, five or six days a week job hunting. I had an excellent CV, a whole bunch of qualifications and lots of voluntary work but the fact was that every entry level job on the system was attracting around 150 applications; jobs at places like MacDonalds and Tesco were attracting over 500. It really isn't that simple.

      3. Seriously, the amount of tax you pay into the welfare state is a pittance.

      Every time I ‘talk’ to people having a winge about their tax going to ‘scroungers’, they seem to have run away with the idea that they, personally are paying for that flatscreen TV they have heard so much about. Your tax goes to pay for many, many things including schools, hospitals, bin collections, roads, the legal system, the royal family, streetlights, the military and right now, for massive corporations like Tesco to get free labor when they should be actually employing people who need jobs. If you earn £20,000 a year, you pay 0.00003066 pence a year to each individual person on unemployment benefit. I don’t imagine you have paid for even 1% of someone’s flatscreen.

      Continued below

    3. 4. If your objection is based around a perception 4. 4. If your objection is based on a perception that people on benefits are living a life of luxury, then I’m afraid I have news for you.

      Being unemployed is not a crime. I know that must come as a shock to you, but I’m afraid it’s true. Every citizen has the right to the same freedoms, rights and basic standard of living, regardless of their personal situation. Your perception probably came from sensationalist newspaper headlines urging you to grab torch and pitchfork because the Daily Mail found one family who, if you add up and tweak all of the benefits they receive, seem to be receiving a pretty average wage! And the bastards spent it on some really normal things! Kill them!
      Words to look out for are ‘flatscreen’ (seriously, when was the last time you saw a TV that WASN’T flatscreen outside of a school science classroom?) ‘laptop’ (how many families do you know who don’t have a computer?) and any references to irrelevant lifestyle choices such as cigarettes, obesity or alcohol. And that large number emblazoned across the top of the page? Before jumping to conclusions, ask yourself some questions:
      · How many people is that split between? Often journalists will find a large family and add up every benefit they claim to make the number a lot bigger.
      · Where are they living? The amount of housing benefit paid to each family depends hugely on what part of the country they are living in and the size of house.
      · Is the article comparing like with like? I have seen many, many articles that compare an ‘average working wage’ for one week with a jobseekers payment which is paid fortnightly or the total yearly benefit payment for a whole family with the average monthly wage for a single earner. This is because the papers know that if they tell you that a jobseeker is typically expected to get by on around £50 a week, even in London, they don’t have a story.
      Just as the NHS has no right to refuse to treat your brain tumor because you enjoy a drink on the weekends, you have no right to dictate how benefit claimants spend their money. Benefit claimants are not being punished and if you think they should be, go away and have a good long think about why.

      5. But I work for my money and I can barely make ends meet! Why should I pay for them to sit on their arses?’

      This is one area where you may have a serious point-not about benefit claimants, I’m afraid you are probably still being a bit of a cock-but you are right about one thing. You absolutely should be earning the same if not more a year than someone claiming benefits. Why aren’t you? Because in most parts of the country, minimum wage does not equal living wage. Particularly in the current economic climate, the cost of living is rising much faster than the minimum wage. The independently calculated living wage would put most people at around £2000 a year better off; unfortunately, very few businesses pay it.
      THAT is something to get angry about. A popular rhetoric employed by Irritable Duncan Syndrome, one of my favouritest Tories in the whole wide world is that people are not taking or looking for certain jobs because they feel they are above them. He's in the right ballpark, but he came in from the wrong dugout.
      The reason people feel that many minimum wage jobs are beneath them is that they are hard work, dull, demoralising and generally unpleasant and then on top of that, you still have to go home and choose between putting the heating on and having three meals a day. If I could earn enough to comfortably pay my rent, utilities and food bills and put a little bit aside for emergencies I would happily clean toilets for eight hours a day.

    4. continued from above:

      6. Benefit claimants are not criminals.

      I know I already said this, but it bears repeating. There are two prejudices here; firstly that the act of claiming benefits is in itself inherently criminal and secondly that people on benefits are inherently criminal. The first one is so ridiculous I’m not even going to bother; if you seriously believe this, you are so far gone as to be beyond saving.
      The second one is a bit more interesting. I read a story in The Express yesterday about a woman who had carried out a reign of terror against one of her neighbors; she was a thug and a bully and made this poor woman’s life hell. A sad story you’ll agree, but hardly something for the front page of a national newspaper. But there was one key fact that made this story particularly newsworthy and that was the fact that this woman was ON BENEFITS and the woman she was harassing was A VETERANS WIDOW.
      This was such a grossly transparent manipulation that it genuinely stopped me in my tracks. It very clearly highlighted the shorthand of prejudice; the headline may as well have read ‘SLYTHERIN WAS MEAN TO GRYFFINDOOR!’, the caricatures are so firmly entrenched in the political and journalistic canon.
      Politicians need you to think that these people are feckless and undeserving so they can get away with slashing the welfare state; Journalists need you to believe this so they can continue printing lazy, knee-jerk puff-pieces. Screw the lot of them over by remembering that all people are just people and a percentage of all people are dicks; I’d be more worried about what the rich and powerful dicks are doing.

      7. Supporting the most vulnerable in society benefits everybody

      Poverty isn’t good for anyone. (Apart from the economic elite, who need
      people willing to polish the parquet for a pittance). Impoverished people are less likely to invest culturally, socially or creatively in their community. Poverty affects the health, education and prospects of the people caught in its trap. It breeds resentment and apathy.
      It is crunch time; do you want a society where everybody is empowered to contribute, where people value their communities and incentives to commit crime and behave antisocially are greatly reduced? Or do you want to punish the poor, the disabled and the downright unlucky because, eewww poor people are so last century?

    5. "Not one of you has justified why welfare should pay more than work"

      No one has, because it would be irrelvant inane drivel to do so, because it is not true. YOU keep inanely driveling on about it for some reason like a broken record for some reason. Do you need professional help of some sort I wonder?

      Work v welfare? Work and welfare are intertwined because rich companies will not pay a living wage to people.

      In 1971, JSA equalled 20.9% of the average wage. Today, it is worth 10.9%. These people are living in poverty. There are 8.5 million people receiving benefits in this country. There are more people in work who get benefits than not working. The majority of all housing benefit claimants are in work. 6.1 million people classed as living in poverty are from households in work.

      Can you justify why you want people to live in poverty or be thrown out on the streets because they are not paid enough? Can you?

  18. I am so angry about this! McVey saying 'many DLA claimants are not disabled' is so obviously directing hatred towards genuinely disabled people, it is unbelievable that a government minister should behave so irresponsible and I believe, deliberately so. And the drip, drip, drip constant messages of suspicion and hatred.
    Maybe a naive question, but isn't directing hatred towards a group of people illegal?

    In Joseph Goebbels book 'Life and Death' (you can 'look inside' at Amazon) there is a chapter heading 'we have done the right thing' - a phrase I've heard used very recently indeed!

    I agree with Daniel. We are living in a Nazi hellhole.

    1. Well go and live in China then and lets see how far your claims of 'give me benefit' get if you think this a nazi hellhole.

      All that is happening is working people fighting back against those that choose a life on benefits. Work v welfare. Being better off in a job than welfare. None of you can handle the ethos.

    2. My husband works while I 'sit on my arse and claim benefits' while I care for my young disabled child.
      I would rather not be doing this and going back to earning the £20k I was on before it became clear that my son needed me at home more than he needed me lauding it over other people in a similar situation - as far as my son is concerned, I am not better off in a job - I'm better off being his carer on less than £60 a week. But people like you (who hilariously is hiding behind a fake account with no name because you're too blooming scared to give a name with your fascist opinions) seem to think I'm lazy and work shy and would prefer to be scraping the barrel week in week out.
      So, tell me now Right Wing Idiot, who can't handle the ethos there? Me - who wants to work but can't because my disabled son needs me - or you?

    3. Sooo, you think it's working people fighting back against welfare ?
      You are indeed quite stupid in your assumptions.

      Fact (and you can, if you have the brains, check for yourself) Benefits are claimed by more people working than unemployed.

      Fact There are 5 unemployed for every job.

      Fact We do not live in China. We pay into a tax system that was designed to pay for those who could not support themselves.

      Fact It is not "Rich" people under attack here. It is the actions of a minority who happen to be rich. We all want and aspire to be rich, unfortunately not all of us possess the required skills or had the right education to become "business leaders"

      Fact. The majority of our MP's did not themselves "work hard" to achieve their riches. Most were handed the privilege due to family connections.
      Almost none have had a real job since they left school.
      In the case of IDS he was a failed soldier with no qualifications, who even lied to get into Politics in the first place.
      IDS has never done a "demeaning" job in his life any riches he has he married into or swindled from the taxpayer. IDS claimed more than £50,000 in expenses he was not entitled to. That is more than 5 disabled people claiming max disability allowance (inc Housing and council tax) for a year

      Fact ALL the figures released through the "impartial" media were in fact misrepresented, if not outright lies.

    4. @Troll with no name:

      I did not "choose a life on benefits". My life of disability and caring was chosen for me by fate. If you know how I can reject my fate and get a different one, tell me how.

  19. Well you'd know all about China, being a 'Bot, you were probably made there, lol.

  20. Sh!tforbrains said:

    "Its no wonder people who work hard become rich then have to give a huge chunk of their income to you who does nothing are pi**ed"

    Is that all the champagne they drink then? Do they give their income to the person down the Wine Shop?

    1. Doesnt matter does it? Its their money earned with their own efforts rather than via doing a higher national diploma in benefit claiming isnt it gordon? Their income is involuntarily taken from them to fund the lives of the 'welfare class'. That is changing but slowly.

      Its interesting those reliant solely welfare are now trying to goad those that fund it. In the end one hopes justice prevails and you will be left worse for it.

    2. So just who is funding what and how?

      The richest 1,000 people now possess £414 billion between them, a sum more than three times the size of the entire UK budget deficit. The richest 1% of the population are estimated to possess wealth of about £1 trillion. The richest 10% control wealth of about £4 trillion. The Quantitative Easing programme has increased the personal wealth of the UK’s richest 20% by enough to pay for Job Seeker’s Allowance for the next 100 years.

      In 1971, JSA equalled 20.9% of the average wage. Today, it is worth 10.9%. These people are living in poverty. There are 8.5 million people receiving benefits in this country. There are more people in work who get benefits than not working. The majority of all housing benefit claimants are in work. 6.1 million people classed as living in poverty are from households in work.

      This is Alphaspag's ideal world!

    3. Sh!tforbrains said:

      "Its no wonder people who work hard become rich then have to give a huge chunk of their income to you who does nothing are pi**ed"

      Gordon, no, it's the way Americans say "angry" ie, pissed, as opposed to the British "pissed off". In Britain, "pissed" means "drunk" but AlphabettiSpaghetti meant "angry".

      Just keep em' comin' AlphaSpaghetti.

  21. Here's the very simple thing I think people need to be clear about. When the government messes about with benefits and it results in deaths, and said government shrugs and goes on with more of the same while granting tax cuts to the rich? They are not only saying some people are less deserving than others. They are saying that some peoples' *lives* are less important than some peoples' money.

    1. Its amazing how whenever anything negative about the millions surviving quite nicely on benefits is said, it is automatically lies!!

      But when the people with their 'vested interests' speak up for benefit claimants it is automatically gospel truth.

      Yeah right for decades you have pulled the wool over working folk and now is payback time and about time you all got your comeuppance.

  22. More sh!tforbrains gems:

    "For whatever Osborne's failings do you realise his father was born into an incredibly poor family with a very poor upbringing. No generations of gentry here."

    Pfffft!! Sorry, just spat out me sausage sarny!

    That'll be this bloke then:

    His father, Sir Peter Osborne, is the 17th holder of a hereditary baronetcy that has been passed from father to son for 10 generations, and of which George is next in line.,_17th_Baronet

  23. At the end of the day people who support these reforms are too scared to speak out. They really are. If say they anything they are bullied and harassed by the benefits mob who cant accept the good days are over.

    Check out the cheat who challenged IDS

    Interesting is that he gets 3 times what he claimed to. Also he dabbles in gambling and online poker. Also a self confessed del boy. These are hardly the activities of a hard up man are they?

    Interesting also as this article points out

    "Or behold the bamboozled Joseph Rowntree researcher Fern Brady, who was horrified to discover that the less well-off are not remotely “pro-welfare”. Earlier this year, Ms Brady interviewed 150 families who will be affected by benefits cuts and was alarmed to find that “the majority held the kind of attitudes that make the Daily Mail ’s headlines look positively Left‑wing” – that is, they were anti-welfarism, and stingingly critical of those who claim welfare, even though they themselves claim it."

    Well lets make life a bit easier for them and stop their welfare check and see if they still preach the same %*$*£*. Hopefully that should happen now and we'll see if the hypocrisy is borne out eventually when they go bagging on the welfare door that is now closed.

    Also its great to see the headline for the Mail pointing out that the person who was responsible for the death of his 6 kids is a vile person who is a product of 'Welfare UK'. Spot on and well said.

    The battle is just beginning but there is still a lot more reform that needs to be done. Labour have no alternative plans. All they have to say is oh isnt this bad but we aint got an alternative. Well the working man has woken up and realised that Labour sees their pay packet as an easy target to plunder to give to those that dont want to work.

    1. There is no one speaking out about these reforms (except for the ones against them) as there aren't many who are in favour. Oh, there's you, but you don't count as you're not in the UK.

    2. "an easy target for those that don't want to work" - my my, you keep on and on about issues that are not relevant to this blog. People who are sick and disabled, (many which DO work and many who desperately want to work but are being failed by this govt), many of them cannot work, so what do these "don't want to work" people have to do with this blog?

      Anyway, your inane, rambling repetitive posts are sounding more and more desperate. It's the sound of someone who knows they are outnumbered and losing the debate.

      Again, stuff another Twinkie down your cake-hole and toddle off to furiously invent another AIM, google or whatever ID/persona so you can artificially increase the numbers in your "supporters" group while you lose more sleep trawling the internet for sensationalist articles from the Daily Mail that you think "prove" your black/white fascist opinions.

      We are all laughing at you lol.

    3. The "welfare bloke" who killed his kids.
      As opposed to middle class professional Harold Shipman who killed - how many?
      A product of the class system?
      Of medical school?
      Or forgivable because he's you know, middle class?
      Which is it?

  24. "Well lets make life a bit easier for them and stop their welfare check and see if they still preach the same %*$*£*."

    I think you'll find it's spelt 'cheque' in this country.

    "Well the working man has woken up"

    What time do they wake up in your part of the country? 1am?

  25. Corr blimey you up to at this hour. Why is that giro man?

    Its highly amusing that Miss Mcvey says this given she is the disability minister. It must be because she is perplexed how someone with acne can claim DLA! Yet thousands do despite the rigorous process Danny claims there is.

    Her medical advisors have probably told her that fibromyalgia and ME were invented purely for the purposes of DLA i.e they cant be disproved, are lifelong, have no cure yet generate loadsa money in benefits! Great she has decided to crack down on it.

    1. "Thousands" claim DLA for acne?? Seriously? lol. What a fucking drama queen you are.

      The DLA application and assessment is rigorously applied but what would you know, you only pretend to be British.

    2. Of course, we know why you are "up at this hour" (05:35, it says by your post), because you are in a different time-zone.

      Why call someone "giro man"? All you have is ignorance, hatred and insults.

      Keep your disgusting thoughts inside your fetid mind.

    3. Think it's a bot. Who uses the term giro these days? Better tell your masters at the Ministry of Propaganda it's time for an upgrade, bot.

    4. If he's a bot, why does The Evil That Plots to Bring Pain and Suffering to the Sick and Disabled use an American bot? Maybe that's all they could afford... It is very odd that the Troll with No Name should use so many non-British, American turns of phrase so often. (I am keeping them in my little Black Book, and won't disclose what they are, so that I can take extra comfort when he uses them again.)

      In haste upon our calling his American Bluff, he drops in "giro" as if someone has desperately looked through an old 1985 edition of Colloquial British Expressions without really knowing what the dickens they are doing.

  26. I don't normally respond directly to Trolling Fools but I'll make an exception for you Sh!tforbrains (or is it Randy Sh!tforbrains III?)

    "Corr blimey you up to at this hour. Why is that giro man?"

    Sorry, I don't understand American?

    But while I'm here it might be an idea to enlighten you on what real working people experience here in the UK.

    I currently have two part-time jobs working just under 30 hours per week. I don't qualify for any help as the Tories cut the working tax credit threshold to 30 hours and I'm ineligible to claim HB because I "earn too much". After rent and bills etc I have around £40pw to live on (I'd like to see Idiot Dungcan Sh!t survive on that!).

    And I haven't had a holiday for a lot longer than 3 years!

    And, unlike ill-informed "assholes" like you who claim they're working, I resent what this government is doing to the disabled, sick, vulnerable and already disadvantaged.

    Just like you this government and it's "asslicking" media, like the Daily Fail, haven't got a clue about the reality of the current situation. But, there again, you've got an excuse: you don't actually live in this country.

    Tatty bye Old Sport, must dash to my first job of the day.

  27. @LightWhiteFeathers:
    I was astonished to see last night, as I refreshed the petition every five or ten minutes, that people were signing at about 1000 per minute! Maybe that is a record. Good.

  28. Get out your crucifixes, Esther McVey on channel 4 news in a minute defending the indefensible (lying).

    1. Wriggled her way out of a direct question regarding the suicides and deaths that have come about because of ATOS by quoting the figure of 50 billion pounds and saying just how high the support is for disabled people in the UK compared to other countries. Slippery and well-rehearsed. No direct answer to the suicide and deaths question.

    2. No she didnt. Do you know the Taxpayers alliance have nicknamed DLA the 'DO LITTLE ALLOWANCE'.

      Be grateful for what you get. In most countries you get nowt!

    3. Another lie. Yes, she did. She also evaded giving a direct answer to the questions about what happens to people who have vital money withdrawn.

      I am checking with the TPA about the comment on DLA - if true, probably taken out of context as is your usual way. If untrue, expect to be tracked down for libel.

  29. Danny oh Danny do you see what Mr Philpott got up to. He symbolises what welfare is all about right? But there is a paradox right. If benefits are so meagre Mr Philpott was raking in a cool tax free £60k with not a shred of fraud or sickness in sight. How do you explain that Danny? That is equiv. of £110k taxable income.

    You know I wish I was American. In the US people on welfare dont have the internet. There is no social housing there. They dont have mobiles. In fact they barely have a pot to piss in. Noone is intrested what they have to say as they contribute nothing to society so put them in the storm drain where they belong. I would be interested to see how you got on there.

    Hopefully when your benefits are stopped Danny you can then decide whether to bother to getting a job then. When that point cometh your internet will go and all other luxuries that others pay for should evaporate also. Do you think anyone who works is going to care if you end up festering when the line of free cash is suddenly stopped. Sink or swim your choice but not with taxpayers cash.

    Keep reading your black book Danny. That might be all you are left with when the reform program is enforced successfully and the working man cant wait to see it!

    1. Daniel, it is only trying to push buttons. There is only one of it. It has not addressed any of the valid questions that have been asked of it in this thread, probably because it is desperately clinging to it's flimsy non-valid non- relevant "arguments" which are only based on spurious articles in the Mail or wherever which it seems to spend all it's time looking for. But mostly because it's thick and has no answers.

      Alphabetti, luckily, you are on a lone mission. No freinds here, and no friends in your life. Probably has the bank of mum and dad to rely on too. A lonely, cowardly armchair troll whose sole mission seems to be picking on disabled people.

      Why don't you meet with all of us in real time eh? Bet you wouldn't spit nearly so much bile. You're a coward and you thrive on negativity.

      As Daniel said, one day your time will come - only wish I was there to see it first hand.

    2. Taken from the official site of the US Social Security administration (ie, Welfare)

      "Social security," as used with reference to the Social Security Act in the United States also encompasses some of what we call "welfare" or "needs" or "assistance" programs. These are programs of grants to States for aid and services to needy families with children, maternal and child welfare, aid to the blind, aid to the permanently and totally disabled, and medical assistance to the aged. The term also encompasses programs of unemployment benefits to be administered by the States, and unemployment benefits for Federal employees and ex-servicemen. In addition, the term is frequently used in referring to programs not encompassed by the Social Security Act such as Workmen's Compensation (Employment Accident Insurance) administered by every State and at the Federal level for Federal employees, maritime workers and workers in interstate commerce, as well as programs of temporary cash sickness benefits in four States.

      Now over 100 countries have put into effect programs they call social security which provide protection against one or more of the hazards just mentioned. Many of these progress have been in existence far longer than the one in the United States.

      Other Government Programs as Social Welfare

      Besides the government programs contained in the Social Security Act itself and the other Federal and State government programs in the United States which are properly classified as social security programs, there are many other government programs in the United States that fall within the broader field of social welfare. Certainly veterans' benefits, public health and medical programs, child welfare services, school lunches, food stamps, surplus food distribution, slum clearance and public housing should be included.

      It is well to recall that the very first sentence of the Federal Constitution reads as follows: "We the People of the United States in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this CONSTITUTION for the United States of America."

      The underlined words indicate that the founding fathers recognized that a democracy had an affirmative obligation to promote both the liberty and the welfare of the people. Thus, their concept of liberty was a positive one of equal opportunity for all which can only be achieved through promoting the general welfare.

    3. "Hopefully when your benefits are stopped Danny you can then decide whether to bother to getting a job then. When that point cometh your internet will go and all other luxuries that others pay for should evaporate also. Do you think anyone who works is going to care if you end up festering when the line of free cash is suddenly stopped. Sink or swim your choice but not with taxpayers cash"


      There are 8.5 million people receiving benefits in this country. There are more people in work who get benefits than not working. The majority of all housing benefit claimants are in work. 6.1 million people classed as living in poverty are from households in work.

    4. @Troll with no name:

      I have been the full-time carer of a severely disabled person (my wife) for almost 30 years. I have saved the state at least three million pounds in care and nursing costs, possibly substantially more. I have sacrificed my career to do this, but in the years while I was working, I paid income tax and national insurance payments, as we all do.

      In recent years, my own health has failed, and I am probably getting to the end of the road as a carer. At that point, both my wife and I will have to go into residential care. If I am lucky, I can hang on until retirement age.

      Please therefore justify you outrageous accusations (and please correct the precise wording, if I have recollected incorrectly), that I am a liar and cheat, and that I deserve to live in a storm drain. All your other obnoxious accusations and vile rudeness revolve around these major themes. Please correct me if I am in error.

      I have defended your right to the very same support if you should be treated by fate in a similar manner, but you made no response to this thought. Please correct me if I am in error.

      You vilify all social security claimants, and seem to be expressing the view that people in need should be left to die if they cannot provide for themselves. Please correct me if I am wrong.

      My wife needs minute-by-minute care, as her incurable degenerative disease makes her incapable of doing anything, either with help (for the moment, she can lift suitable food to her mouth, if the meal is placed before her), or at all (she cannot move in bed, cannot sit up, cannot dress, wash, go to the toilet, cannot work the remote, cannot write, hold a book or hold up the phone.

      What is your wish for her?

      How is it even possible for a human being to be offended at my commitment, or be affronted by my wife's entitlement to support?

      How is it possible for a human being to be offended by the plights and entitlements of all the people who contribute to the comments on this blog?

      The vilification and demonisation of social security payments today, is no different from the vilification and demonisation that the Nazis and the German people perpetrated against the Jews in the 1930s and 40s.

      If you object to Nazi policy, you must also object to the current treatment of claimants.

      You appear to side with Nazi policy. Please correct me if I am wrong.

    5. "Hopefully when your benefits are stopped Danny you can then decide whether to bother to getting a job then"

      But what you don't seem to realise is that Daniel's benefits will NEVER be "stopped". As a person who deserves the support of the wider public, Daniel and others like him will always have some government assistance. Otherwise, if what you suggest happened, who would look after his disabled wife? Are you wishing that no-one cares for her and millions of other people like her? If that is the case then, even though we all know you're just a pathetic wind-up merchant, you are just about the lowest of the low: but of course, the Land of the Free has a habit of creating those sorts of people!

  30. Danny your time has already come otherwise you wouldnt be moaning so much! If you had it as you wish then you would be sitting in your nice 2 up 2 down with oodles of time unlimited cash but your world is about to change dramatically.

    Danny why has all the welfare reform legislation got through with no political opposition? Because the working public demand it. Even your mates at Labour HQ realise its becoming a vote killer to support bludgers too much.

    Danny is opposed to a 26k benefit cap equiv. to a salary of 40k!! Why exactly? Most working people think the cap is too high. You never know this might have stopped your idol Philpott doing what he did. He did it for benefits Danny, more money a bigger council house never forget that! The working public picture him when they think of him.

    Every sink estate in the UK has tens of thousands of philpotts. However they are probably happy with their £60k handout unlike him. He wanted more more more just like you Danny. When you can get something for nothing other than just form filling you just want more.

    Millions of people take the career decision of having kids because it pays too. Welfare reform is about work paying more than welfare. Danny fails to grasp that. People in low paid jobs are irate they pay taxes to fund people to sit at home!! Danny wants more welfare in a country with the highest welfare bill in the EU. Why? Need a bigger car Danny? Not had enough cruises this year?

    None of you answer the questions either. If no job how did 800k Poles come here and find a job instantly? Yep you aint gonna get of your arse when it doesnt pay to. Whenever you are offered a job the mathematical genius in your head suddenly awakens and all these calculations ensue to see if you're better off. So now the situation is going to be take the job or the soup kitchen is there. What you gonna choose then?

    You use the terms sick and disabled to pull the heart stings as if there is clear distinction. The greed in people makes them sick and disabled if it pays to. Hence why were fibromyalgia and ME invented. Conditions that doctors feel are bogus in the extreme. Atos is showing that millions are fudging it who are fitter than Usain Bolt. In fact they dont even bother going to the medical as they know the game is up!

    The working public is hitting back. There is still work to be done. People like Danny know they are on the ropes, on the rack and its time for the working people to finally have their day. Their wages for their families, not for Danny and co.

    As for the US you dont get money to spend on booze, fags, iphone like here. You get food stamps that too not many of them. So no booze or fags there at other peoples expense. Also thousands live in storm drains there. Until we see that situation here there is still work to do and legislation to pass. There they arrange the cities so that those who dont contribute usually end up in ghettos so most of the working public never see them. Can you see why their economy is booming and here isnt? Yep working pays there and there is aspiration. Here the only aspiration is how much the state can give them not how much they can earn through their own efforts.

    1. @Troll with no name: "Every sink estate in the UK has tens of thousands of philpotts."

      You appear to believe that all claimants are criminals, or closet arsonists, just waiting for the chance to kill.

      There is no longer any need to point out how nasty you are, as your own posts make this abundantly clear.

    2. So, just when we thought alphabetti could not get even lower, he is using the tragic story of 6 children killed in a fire to use as leverage against Daniel and to justify his wildly incorrect tirades against people who claim benefits (ie, working people).

      Even Esther McVey disassociated this case from the welfare issue.

    3. "People like Danny know they are on the ropes"

      No he's not. It's you who have stooped so low as to get personal against Daniel, a person who has done more for society than you'll ever do. But of course, you're the sort of fool who doesn't believe in society. So it's you who is "on the ropes" with desperate, hyperbolic and utterly ridiculous comments like:

      "Danny wants more welfare in a country with the highest welfare bill in the EU. Why? Need a bigger car Danny? Not had enough cruises this year?" A pathetic attempt at windup, knowing that people like Daniel NEVER get the chance of a holiday, let alone a cruise.

      "Every sink estate in the UK has tens of thousands of philpotts": Prove it!

      "As for the US you dont get money to spend on booze, fags, iphone like here": Prove it!

      "Can you see why their economy is booming and here isnt?": Prove it!

      "Millions of people take the career decision of having kids because it pays too": Prove it!

      "Hence why were fibromyalgia and ME invented. Conditions that doctors feel are bogus in the extreme": Prove it!

      You can't can you. That's why you resort to the sort of hyperbole we hear all the time from the far-right.

      We will never have a society without a benefits system of some sort. Even the Tories would never stoop so low. They may be making cuts and sending more and more people into even harsher circumstances but they wouldn't dare do the things you're suggesting.

      You don't speak for the "The working public" who are only interested in seeing a benefits system that doesn't reward so-called shirkers and scroungers. This is the true reflection of what the majority of the public want:

      43% against 27% want an INCREASE in welfare spending. There's the "working public": a little bit out of touch now aren't you Yanqui Boy!

      It's only the desperate and hysterical who resort to hyperbole. Anyone with a rational mind will produce evidence to back up such pitiful, hate-filled claims as yours.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Do we have any professional people here who could advise on using legal remedies against the hatred that is starting to consume our society?

    Can we use legal remedies again the Troll With No Name who so plagues these comment threads?

    He has attacked me personally, calling me a cheat and liar (and perhaps other things). This is of course libel, and action can be taken against it.

    I believe we should start by reporting abuse to Blogger, and perhaps contact AOL, if as someone has suggested, the Troll’s code number identifies him as an AOL user.

    Do we have computer experts here who can find the true identity of the Troll, which we would need to do if we were to issue libel proceedings?

    In future comments, I would like to explore the options we have for using Human Rights legislation to tackle the immortality of the Tory government, and perhaps bring some cases at the European Court of Human Rights. I have only just started to research this option, and I feel at least somewhat encouraged by what I have found.

  33. IDS is a very bad example of a politician and should really be in the BNP party with the likes of most of the conservative front bench

    And in reality IDS would be better off in a place like north Korea where he could insult the people all day long and they like the sick and disabled in the uk would have to take it on the chin

    IDS said the other week he was a Roman catholic well my son goes to a Roman catholic school and I've never met anyone like him at the school as teachers or fellow parents

    the man's a complete fool and costs the taxpayers a vast amount with his other front bench fools and it's about time this sort of twisted logical person was driven out from politics as it's this type of person that could quite very well unsettle a country like north Korea or indeed any country that struggles in the world today

  34. "Keep reading your black book Danny. That might be all you are left with when the reform program is enforced successfully and the working man cant wait to see it!"

    So that will be the working people who are claiming various benefits.

  35. Danny you've called me scu* and other words of abuse on many occasions and repeatedly expressed a wish and hope that I succumb to some long term disabling illness on many an occasion.

  36. The difference between what is libel and what is not, is determined by what is true and what is not. I am not libeling you by calling you scum, because it is true that you are. These comment threads are full of your detestable hatred, to be brief, and someone who inflicts that sort of nastiness on sick and disabled people is rightly called scum -- and other things as well, obviously. But what you have said about me is untrue, impugns my character, and is libelous.

    It is right and proper to wish illness and accident upon you, because that way you might learn needed lessons. I would infringe the law only if I were to plot to do the deed myself, or encourage others to do it.

  37. Likewise if I called you a cheat its because you are. Thats not libellous its true. What you have said about me is untrue, impugns my character also and is libelous. Nice choice of words Danny but whatever you say can be flipped in reverse directly against yourself also!

    1. @Troll with no name: "Likewise if I called you a cheat its because you are. Thats not libellous its true."

      Can I ask you to clarify exactly what you mean by calling me a cheat? When I say that all the claims I have ever made for social security benefits have never been fraudulent, your response is, what?

      Is this the same view that you have of everyone else on these comment threads? Is Sue Marsh claiming her benefits as a fraud?

    2. Alphabetti, you don't belong on this blog. You come here, all confrontational, telling outrageous lie after lie, with your spurious theorising, and targetting Daniel in particular.

      You would not have a leg to stand on if you were tracked down as anyone reading this can see you have provoked and responses to you, which were made in self-defense. But nice try with your attempt to turn it around to Daniel (typical sociopathic passive/aggressive behaviour) Get lost loser.

  38. Sh!tfor brains

    This is a blog set up by a campaigner against cuts to benefits for people who are sick and disabled. People distressed by the possibility of having their lives adversely affected when they are already struggling to survive.

    Around 5 months ago you turn up on this blog and start to post comments on a daily basis implying that we should not only swallow the cuts but you hope that the government will go further and end all assistance. You do so in a tone that is both scoffing and hurtful to readers.

    Lately, you have targetted Daniel, associating him with a monster like Mick Philpott, insinuating that he is in receipt of benefits he doesn't deserve (cheating!), knowing full well he is a carer for his disabled wife, and doing so with the sole intention of upsetting him like you have done the rest of us over the months.

    Anyone in their right mind can see what you are up to. You are here to bully and cajole. You are here to hurt the most vunerable people in society. If that does not fall under the remit of harrassment, defamation or even hate crime I don't know what does.

    You better beware because:

    "Under Section 127 of the Communications Act 2003 it is an offence to ‘send by means of a public electronic communications network a message or other matter that is grossly offensive or of an indecent, obscene or menacing character’.

    Trolls can also be charged if, for the purpose of causing annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety to another, they send an electronic message which they know is false."

    That's straight from the pages of your favourite rag:

    1. @Gordon Blimey: Thank you so much for your recent comments, putting everything into such clear perspective. Your identifying the Troll With No Name as purposefully harassing us is most interesting. Of course, hate crime against disabled people is now illegal, and I would suggest that this is something that might be followed up. Maybe we could get an MP involved. Michael Meacher comes to mind. He has an excellent blog:

      It is certainly worth finding out whether Section 127 can be applied in this particular case. We need to find out how most effectively to deal with people who want to stoke up hatred.

      The Troll has made every effort to be "offensive" and "menacing" to me in particular, and I think it might be worth my while to comb through the comment threads and save the evidence ready to present to the appropriate people.

  39. Guys, I have to remind you not to feed the troll.
    Explaining facts is one thing, but he really isn't worth any more energy and certainly no upset.

    If we rise to his bait, the thread simply becomes an increasingly angry place to be.

    Ignore him and just remember he's only here because the blog is widely read and may have a little influence.

  40. Brilliantly said Sue, thank you.
