
Wednesday, 3 April 2013

My "Bedding Out" video

Following on from the guest post by Liz Crow "Bedding Out", here's my version. It's remarkable how truly vulnerable just exposing my everyday life made me feel.

We fight, we strive, we press on, we paint on a smile so that no-one ever sees us like this. But perhaps now, in 2013, it's important that they do. Do take part with your own version of Bedding Out


  1. There's my beauty, it does feel a bit "meep"; I did my own on my tumblr and linked it to Liz Crow.

  2. Hi Sue, well done and thanks for sharing! Fab bed and great view! Keep up the good work :)

  3. Wow, thanks Sue, this makes me admire you even more. I'm really glad you have such a lovely view.

  4. Love you, your bed and your random jar of chillies!

  5. Sue,

    It feels a bit intrusive entering your inner sanctum but interesting to see the HQ of such a brave warrior.

    It sort of puts me in mind or the various Resistance operations during WW2, the sort of ill equiped groups fighting back against German occupation. We all know that anyone decent and right-minded enough supports the Resistance.

    Keep up the fight Bonny Lass and always realise there are thousands of us backing you up.

  6. Great sue you inspired me to do my room too... just have to figure out how i can share it for #beddingout... foggy day for me today ... ps love the jar of chillies xxx

  7. Great! Love the blue (?) nail varnish. Mind you, I had to do it with captions on as the sound isn't working on my computer. This made for interesting, if frustrating, listening - suggested you go to Tucson to buy your pizzas. Perhaps you do! I'm now going to see if I can download it onto my phone where I have got sound. Brave bedding out. Three cheers and more. Sarah

  8. Hi Sue, I have been following your blogs for nearly a year now and after spending most of last year in hospital having one op after another a d finding myself now living in my lounge, was feeling very isolated and sorry for myself... Then I read about your last visit to your doc and you talking about "that place" a d how you managed to basically flip the bird to the medical lot telling you to basically give up; I cried so much. Then, reading about your "bedding out" and how we manage to have a public face but the real one is kept for our inner sanctum so to speak, and how we are now required to really let that become public in order to get benefit really struck such a strong chord in me!!! You really are an inspiration and give us more of a fighting spirit. Thank you and.your hubby for letting us glimpse inside... Although Sue, you were still your chirpy public self heh-heh!! I guess some things are hard to change when we have spent years training ourselves to behave in a certain manner. I love you loads, you are a very brave woman and thank goodness you have such a wonderful, supportive family :-)

    Look forward to the new t saga
    Take care
    Mel Maelo

  9. How can an MP be so despicable as to use the deaths of 6 innocent children as a platform to justify his attack on the benefits system.

    To attribute this act to being on benefits is not just immoral it is despicable beyond reason.

    If our top politicians hold the belief that only people on benefits can be capable of such crimes then they do not deserve to hold office.
    Please sign this petition to let them know how we feel.

  10. Thank you for doing this video. I wish I was brave enough to do a video but I'm really not. I am so relieved to realise that there are other people like myself who have a 'Bedlife' and an 'Outside' life. Liz Crowe ("Bedding Out") bringing it out into the open has made such a difference to how I feel, it is good to know that there are lots of us and it makes me feel that little bit better about myself.

  11. I finally got to view this Sue. Vulnerability sucks a bit, but thankyou for being brave enough to do this. Bees xx

  12. I think you're so very brave for posting this, as I know we hate showing the world what's under the mask.

    My only complaint with this video is that your hubby/cameraman is chewing so loudly that I found it difficult to focus on what you were saying (something to remember in future).
