
Thursday, 6 March 2014

2 Thirds refused PIP

This rather worrying report claims that just 37% of standard claims for PIP were successful.

If it's true, it's even more worrying than we feared.....


  1. Again, the PIP assessments are done by Atos! We have to stop this as again, they are letting the disabled down whilst taking the taxpayers money for doing so! I don't care that they have changed their name to OH Assist, they are still the cruel, evil company that have helped to send people to their deaths, and don't care at all. Toxic? That's why they changed their name but toxic they still are!

  2. Hi Sue, hope you are well at the moment. This is very worrying. I don't know if you know but over at Benefits and Work there is a link to a petition to scrap PIP. Thought you might like to push it through your blog. All the best, Jane

  3. I was thinking about my problem, which is Chronic Pain, and like many other problems it has variability added into the mix.
    As a sufferer for many years I know it is difficult for me to know moment to moment how it will affect me, so how much worse it must be for others.
    Many GPs have a problem with it so how are tick boxes and unqualified penpushers at the DWP supposed to understand what many people are going through.
    I do not excuse the DWP or Atos, but they obviously need specialists on their teams or they are going to make a right muck up.
    They have with the WCA and they are doing to PIP too.
    Don't forget, when you blame Atos, that IDS and the DWP are right behind them, trying to deflect the flack.........
    We need changes in how all these tests are done. We need to get rid of tick boxes, and we need understanding - medical conditions affect people - people are complex beings, mental and physical conditions vary.......
    DWP get it sorted!

    1. This had some interesting aspects as to the GPs view of pain & I found it of interest.

    2. very helpful THANK YOU for this link

  4. The really dodgy thing about people losing PIP is that their carer will no longer be able to claim Carer's Allowance.

  5. I have recently gone from Income support to CSA. I currently get indefinite DLA but I am so worried about going to see ATOS. It just seems like they have made a decision before you go in!

  6. As someone who gets DLA, I'm obviously worried by this, but it's fair to point out that not many people ever got accepted for DLA anyway. Acceptance rates were in the low 40's, so a move to the high thirties isn't like the savage cull that happened when ESA started, and may be remedied to a large degree by the appeals process. There's no point in exaggerating here, the very real problems with this system are bad enough.

  7. Hi all
    When is it going to happen: IDS the DWP and ATOS are a direct violation of not only cival rights but also human rights........A goverment is elected not to cause harm - or death - to do so is a violation of the foudations of good governance and therefore a reckless abandoment of their freedom to govern based upon the mandate given.

  8. They're largely not reassessments, which won't take place until 2015 at the earliest and probably not even then as the system is such a mess. The current assessments are new claims and people who report 'a change in their condition', as I've no doubt SM knows. The latter are likely to be a fairly small number comparatively, unless you know of lots of people queuing up to join the fun of the PIP circus. You appear to be conflating two different things: the basic acceptance rates, which have dropped a bit, and the numbers who will lose some money but not all, not mentioned by SM, will will doubtless be much worse. I don’t say that the situation isn’t bad, because it is, or that I’m not basically on your side, because I am. I’m just saying that there’s no point in making it look worse than it is, as it will only be used against us in the end. God knows that I’ve got plenty to fear from this business myself. I’m glad you didn’t set out your maths, because to be honest I haven’t got a clue what you were on about.

  9. You have to remember that those with DLA are going to lose out as they have cut the 50m rule to 20m. I know of a friend who got DLA every 3 years, and so was able to get a car on Mobility and she eventually trained as an inspector of nurseries for children. She is losing her DLA mobility as she can walk more than 20m but less than 50m - she will not be able to go to work as she won't be able to afford taxis, and her bus stops are too far away for her to walk. She would then have a long way to walk between buses and then she would have to see if she could get an office bound job as she wouldn't be able to go and inspect the nurseries, which she is trained for!
    The Mobility part of PIP is horrendous and will make those who cannot walk more than 50m but can walk more than 20m, become unable to go to work, and for those who don't work it will make them become isolated, depressed and angry.
    I really feel for them, I get DLA higher rate mobility and if that was taken off me I would be stuck in the house for most of my life. I've already lost my leg due to medical negligence and I need my car to get from place to place. I cannot walk more than 20m due to severe pain, due to nerve damage and I would give up if I had the mobility part of the DLA taken from me :(

    1. To be honest, I've written off my higher rate mobility after reassessment and I've been largely housebound for well over a decade. I think we'll all end up thinking ourselves lucky to come out with anything at all, especially when the stories of who got chucked off altogether start coming in.

    2. Dear Jacqueline, has your friend heard of "access to work"?? This is a Govt funded body although part of the DWP it is separate from it and may be of help to your friend should she lose her mobility allowance. Access to work enables people like your friend to get to her place of work via taxi if that is the only way. Access to Work will pay for this . Your friend will have to pay the costs for the first month as the costs are claimed back one month in arrears.This is not classed as a "benefit" so is not subject to all the nonsense going on now.Worth giving them a ring.It is a Glasgow number my wife tells me. Just google "Access to Work" for further info. Hope this helps your friend and anyone else out there worried about losing their job/independence.

    3. Here`s the link for access to work

    4. Thank you for that holidayspot :) I've passed on the info and hope that this will enable her to keep on working, as she's damned good at what she does.
      Thanks again, much appreciated :)

  10. Why don't my posts appear on here?

  11. Ah, ok. The different approach worked. Anyhoo -

    HCPs - Name and Shame, is a blog I have started that attempts to list all the HCPs that carry out WCA and PIP assessments for the DWP via Atos, Capita, and any other companies that are shameless enough to take on the contract.

    We could help each other tremendously if everyone who has had an assessment would get their HCP on that list.

    Please go to:

    Another blog with DWP DMs names listed on it will follow in due course.


  12. 20M or 50M the distance is irrelevant to the disabled person. In effect if you can`t walk between 20m and 50m without incurring stress, breathlessness,pain etc YOU NEED HELP to live an independent and fruitful life.The drop to 20m is exactly what it is.A Tory ploy to rob genuine people of a benefit any wealthy civilisation would not begrudge it`s citizens. Esther Mcvey and Ian Duncan Smith should be made to live for a month with a 40 KG back pack to lug around.Maybe then they would have a tinge of humanity creeping out of their selfish uncaring Tory careerist selves. I`d tar and feather the two of them and make them live in a high rise block on 70 quid a week.

  13. the figures quoted above are no different from the figures for new claimants for DLA in previous administrations. DWP hjave always been primed to dissallow for the flimsiest of reasons becasue they know full well that a high % of people will just give up. Majority of claims are upheld on appeal. No reason to think the same will not apply now. PS My advice to anyone in this situation.Don`t walk more than 20M without undue stress, pain or discomfort..and you will keep your mobility.
