
Thursday, 8 September 2011

Sod the Vulnerable

I wonder how many people still think that, in Iraq,  "weapons of mass destruction could be used within 45 minutes of an order being given"

I wonder how many people still think unemployment is a "price worth paying?" Norman Lamont 1992

I wonder how many people still think appeasement was the right approach in 1938? "I have in my hand a piece of paper...." Neville Chamberlain

I wonder how many people still thought that devaluing the pound in 1967 meant that "It does not mean that the pound here in Britain, in your pocket or purse or in your bank has been devalued?" (Harold Wilson)

I wonder how many people still think Clinton was a faithful husband? "I did not have sexual relations with that woman?" Or that Nixon was "not a crook?"

We all try to defend the indefensible at some point. Then one day, the scales fall from our eyes and we realise we were wrong.

Please Britain, before it's too late, realise that "We will protect the most vulnerable" is a lie. Listen to those trying to tell you now. Don't wait, please.

Don't wait for the day we all look back and say "We failed and we're sorry."


  1. What a load of crap this post is.

  2. Ooh, looks like someone's been poking a stick under the bridges ;)

    Great post.

  3. "We will protect the most vulnerable"

    From the Guardian

    But it's the new brazenness that takes the breath away. Now, when a minister insists the government "has no plans to do X", it means "will do X in six months, we're here for a five-year term, chill".

  4. There is no such thing as a free lunch Sue. Sorry, but there it is. And yes - unemployment IS a price well worth paying! Thanks to the failed Labour pork-barrel politics government, we have now all learned not just to part with money to people who tell us they cannot be bothered to get a job.

  5. Actaully Gordy, there is such a thing as a free lunch. Sadly, if you're disabled, you probably can't afford breakfast or dinner, but hey, thanks for the lunch you benevolent softie you ;)

  6. Life's a real bitch Susie, there are plenty of jobs licking stamps. I'm afraid your idle, feckless, Socialist friends expanded the circle of genuine need into a 'prefer not to work' culture, so we've had enough of you all. I wonder if you've been tested under the new rules? Remember what Liam said - "There is no more money" Blame your last Labour Government - there's no free lunches today!

  7. WHY POLITICIANS LIE (because they love you)

  8. I wonder how many people still think that Labour ended Boom and Bust?
    I wonder how many people think Labour saved the world?
    I wonder how many people want to see Blair in court for war crimes?

  9. Anthony Charles Lynton Blair8 September 2011 at 20:09

    Ever stopped to think how Labour turned Charities into government dependent QUANGOs?
    Charity is not a government function, because they're giving away someone else's money. Of course, it's easy when you're a Socilaist because you're aiming for a huge client state that is then dependent on you, and needs to vote for you. Labour = Scum

  10. You're correct Sue. It is troll central today. Condem crap policies speak for themselves. Ignore these idiots.

  11. good and timely post! (what's with the trolling?)

    I suspect that the politicos have not yet woken up to the fact the their words are now seen and judged around the internet at literally the speed of light. Or do they only intend their comments for the Daily Fail readership, that it really does not matter what the truth is as long as they keep their credibility with a selected audience

    Factual observation that a year or two before Chamberlain waved his piece of paper, the orders for a general mobilisation were already in effect in the UK and,irony of ironies, NATO are searching for Qaddafi's WMDs before they are offered for sale on the black Ebays

  12. The politicos have indeed learned from Blair's illegal wars, and Brown's spendthrift stupidity. They have been stupid enough to elect Miliband, which is good, but they still don't get it. They STILL don't get that the vast majority of people in this country know they have been led by the nose to bankrupcy, funding millions of freeloading socialist idlers along the way. Labour have screwed the pooch, and now the free lunches have been turned off. The real irony of course is that they never WERE free. They were borrowed from our grandchildren at a ruinous rate of interest, and now it's time to pay the piper.

  13. This trolling lacks artistry. It appears to be based on the premise that this is a Labour v Tory issue. Personally, I believe both Purnell and IDS to have gloriously punchable faces.

    The article itself is spot on. My memory is suggesting there used to be a history show on Radio 4 along the lines of 'Why Did We Do That?' I'd rather there is no future equivalent asking why early 21 century Britain thought it acceptable to mentally torture and impoverish the weakest.

  14. Try this one:
    It's where we deal with the freeloading idlers happy to steal our hard earned money.

  15. Well Chris, Labour replaced that with the idea that it's acceptable to pay people to do nothing. Not for much longer.

  16. Actaully Gordy, there is such a thing as a free lunch. Sadly, if you're disabled, you probably can't afford breakfast or dinner, but hey, thanks for the lunch you benevolent softie you ;)

    Interesting comment there Sue.

    I work with disabled veterans, and they show more spirit and determination to get back on there feet, than practically anyone else I work with, infact more than most people I know

    And on the whole they all succeed, as opposed looking for a free lunch.

    In fact it disgusting that you bracket disabled people in such a manner.

    Do you think that everyone who has some sort of problem id a charity case?

    Thats the impression you give.

    Pissed off Physiotherapist.

  17. Public service.
    That's the concept. If you want to be given free money that has been earned by what Gordon used to call Britain's hard working families, then you're going to need to earn it. Litter picking, street sweeping, vegetable and fruit harvesting.
    Of course, you don't HAVE to do this, but you're not getting any money if that's the case. Choice is such a good thing ;-)

  18. The Troll Hunter

  19. The pissed off physio has it right.
    People with determination don't need charity, and don't want charity. Labour's client state think that they're 'worth it'.
    News for them - they're not worth anything.

  20. A carefully crafted, witty, poignant and very true post. Ignore the trolls who are trying to use it to attack socialism. It's so true... it hurts! :)

    Never has, never will, encourages lazy, feckless, drunken, feral RIOTING, underclass.
    It's no coincidence that Labour ALWAYS leaves office amidst an economic crisis.
    Go Figure.

  22. Whacking away with a long spoon I think that’s the last of them );>

  23. Having read some of the remarkably well aimed and nasty attitudes of people like Geordie I am beginning to think all Tories are basically cunts !


    The troll Hunters, lol (about 7 ppl just sent me this on twitter cos they think you're a bit sad)

  25. This is the best fun. These comments do more to prove my arguments in one evening than I could manage in a month!

  26. Anonymous 20.47 I have this great image if a Tom and Jerry cartoon and the "maid" whacking away at Jerry-Trolls with a broom standing on a chair!!

  27. Wow, get the message across fantastic

  28. Oi TROLLS fuck off back to tory central you dicks.Dont ever get sick or disabled.Dont ever get a disease with no cure and no treatment that makes any difference and dont ever find yourselves in need of help and DONT whatever you do find you have a fuckin heart cos you might then realise what utter twats you all are.

  29. Sarcboy - Well said that man! Some people haven't got a clue have they, do they think it's fun to wake up at 3am just to take more painkillers, or maybe they do. My friend Stacey says Karma will be Karma, and that (another cliche) goes around comes around, so maybe one day they will get it. (By it I don't mean necessarily a horrible illness but just how it could affect them or their loved ones)

  30. Fuck off with the Labour comments, this isn't about which fucking party is in office - they're all as bad as each other, but Thatcher was definitely in the running for worst fucker-over of this entire country and we've all been picking up the pieces ever since.

    For those of you who think all benefit recipients are freeloading scroungers/layabouts then I hope for your sake you never lose your job/get ill cos god help you!

  31. Health Etcetera - Yep. All as bad as each other on this particular issue, if not all of them.

    Accusing me of Lab bias on this is last resort of the disgruntled

  32. Well said, Sue.


  33. obviously overspill from daily mail right wing commentors ,cus there hasn't been a benefit fraud to comment on lately.

  34. Jobs licking stamps? Where? I'd like an application form...

  35. Deborah - me too!! OK, I have an English Lit degree, and an MCSE but a bit o stamp licking would see me right!!
    (It's just another DWP scam to see me off with glue poisoning really....)

    #degree #crohn's #fitforwork #justlazy

  36. A form of socialism does work look at Scandinavian society. Humans are social animals and therefore we care about other people. Right-wing idealists need to wake up and see that solipsism, selfishness and greed is the road to ruin.

  37. Stamps are self-sticking so no licking needed if you do you will then have to put more glue on so doubling the cost and time. Not very cost effective! Putting them on upside-down or skew is also a problem as is putting them on the wrong side. These things take years of training you know. Does anyone still use stamps anyway? I have not liked a stamp in ten years.

  38. Anyone who thinks the GFC was caused by socialism and that Labour in government were socialist has absolutely no clue about politics - read up on neoliberalism, it's what's been ruling (and ruining) us for the last three decades and more, regardless of party politics. Or continue to feel you're making a point by smugly trolling on the internet. Up to you.

  39. Gordon Brown comments are obviously not from THE Gordon Brown, just like the Justine King Comments are not from THE Justine King.

    I class Justine as a friend and - like you are Sue - she is a good person.

    Good luck Sue. Rob Sutherland

  40. All political parties have but one intent and that is to rule NOT represent.All of them use the media to force opinion and to use the media to smokescreen the voters so they can continue to rule END OF.People who think that because i became ill and claim a benefit (note i say benefit as contrary to public perception not all claimants as entitled to everything going) then i am in any way responsible for the sate of the countrys and the worlds fucked up economy is an idiot.Fact.The trouble is these idiots do two things they bolster up the ideology of scapegoating by politicians in order to further the smokescreen and they become enabalers.They enable the criminally run banking system to steal all our money (what happened to the billions we gave em to bail out the failing banks...answer bonus payments and cash reserves...So yes believe all the tripe that the benefits system is to blame for all the worlds financial problems and whilst you breath in the smokescreen DEMOCRACY is being stolen from us but hey as long as you fuckwits have someone else to blame then you wont see its end.Then when the future you didnt see coming bites you on the arse dont bleat that you are sick or jobless of homeless because the economy is screwed and OHHH guess what there is no help at all and you are living in a cardboard box and you cant get medical care cos nobody bloody cares and you dont have the private health insurance(see america and thier system)to get you in to hospital well lets see who you fuckin blame then eh.Do any of you trolls think that we chose to be sick you ignorant bastards..would you want to be in pain everyday with no cure and have very little money or any prospects of bettering your life if so fine chose it ..if not count your blessings and get on with your lives.Oh and another thing wake up and remember DEMOCRACY is dead and you stupid people let it happen cos if you REALLY believe the sick and disabled are REALLY to blame for the economic ills then they have bloody won and hmmm guess what you will be the next scapegoats and you bloody deserve to be.Why cos you believe any old shit the politocos tell you while they are robbing the store.

  41. Phnarr! Great comments from weareallbonkers, sarcboy, Deborah, Jane, Health Etcetera and especially superfurryandy. Apologies to anyone I've missed. I could stick stamps to envelopes; I spent an afternoon doing that for a small charity before my first breakdown, and it wasn't bad at all. Unfortunately, anyone *forcing* me to stick stamps to envelopes would get their throat cut, that's the rub.

  42. The big problem is - people don't know its happening, and don't believe it if you tell them. All they see is screaming headlines about '4m scrounging families'. Tell them people assessed as too severely disabled to work are to be cast adrift and it isn't believed.

    But perhaps the only effective message is an appeal to self-interest. These changes will affect EVERYBODY that falls ill, gets cancer, has a stroke, suffers a serious injury, develops MS, Parkinson's and myriad other neurological disorders, has a disabled child, suffers from acute arthritis, a heart condition, diabetes, etc., etc. AND all those whose partner or parent or child is affected in this way at any time in the future.

    So it's not just an issue for half a million severely disabled people.

    It could be YOU.

  43. WEll that is the trouble...people do not believe it will happen to them.Someday it just might and in a lot of cases it probably will then eyes will open.There will be no help unlesssss you have private health insurance ,watch out for the adverts to appear on tv soon and legislation in parliment to make it compulsory with all the bullshit from Landsley etc,but even that will not protect you if the american model is anything to go by.
    Its not just in one sphere of our lives that the changes are planned behind our backs ,behind closed doors, by people we put in power its all about big business and the freemarket policys of both goverments over the last 20 years.HOW the hell can it be my fault that just because i and others became ill that the world and countrys economy has gone to hell and why do people believe this crap.The answer of course is the govt control the media by way of briefings and leaks and scapegoating the weak and vulnerable is a tried and tested way of diverting attention away from thier real policys which are to sell everything to the highest bidder and avail themselves of various consultancy fees and bungs along the way.Atos has cost us more that what it saves and there is the hidden costs of ruined lives not yet factored in.The health service has been on the list for years with PFI initiatives that we know at best are useless and it worst are ponzi schemes and organised corporate fraud that even some of those who believed in them are now realising.Taking much needed benefits ,or in my case just the one as not all claiments receive more than one,is a social crime against the sick and disabled.Take the money back we gave to the banks to bail them out and use it to help those who need it most and maybe there would be a little bit of respect for those we put in power to WORK FOR US.Jail the casino bankers and criminal hedge fund fraudsters and we would stop the legalised looting there and then and actually put people in the banks who will use the money for its intended purpose that was and is to lend out to businesses wether small,medium or large to invest and get the economy working again not to hand out bigger bonus payments or hang on to as capital deposits.As i said taking away my much needed benefit will not solve to worlds woes ,it will however leave me penniless as it will all the others and then when we have nothing we have nothing to lose and 2 million sick and disabled are then in a position to really make there voices heard we will have nothing to lose and no bloody choice....are you listening know Cameron,Osborne,Clegg etc etc because you BLOODY should .Remember this you can take away benefits but we can and will take away your power and jobs at the next election we are voters and most have families who are and will be affected (how many million will that be then eh)and all of us will REMEMBER YOU.WE HAVE ONE VOICE WE WILL MAKE IT HEARD AND WE WILL REMEMBER YOU.............

  44. Obviously the trolls cannot defend this indefencible government
    so have decided the best line of defence is atttack. They must be
    very worried.

  45. (That last comment was my Mum, lol)

  46. How about this then as a suggestion.How many are there who are sick and disabled who claim any benefit?How many of those are there who dont? What do big companies and those who seek some sort of influence on parliment use?Lobbiest thats who proper proffesional lobbysists.Well then why dont we.WE could all contribute say 1 pound a week each in to a properley run and audited fund to employ lobbyists on OUR behalf.
    Proper representation by US for US.Dont ask why ask WHY THE HELL NOT.WE could and should have someone who WE know works for OUR interests not some govt funded quango who purprts to reperesent us but in reality is vying for govt funded work to MISrepresent us.FIGHT BACK on our terms not thiers.We will all have nothing in the end so we have nothing to lose here...WE could ,in theory,even apply for charitable status...Want a job sue??? Anyone else???

  47. FYI Gordy, I got offered two free lunches today - for my tireless efforts to open the eyes of numpties like you. Go figure eh?

  48. sarcboy - I'll do it. Desperately need some cash now though, so am going to have to start thinking about earning money somehow

  49. Well yeah it would have to be paid posts obviously but why dont we.Everybody on here must know someone else who is sick/disabled long term or whichever and if we dont bloody do it nobody else will.There are lots of lobby groups around to take reference and advice from bikers for example have lobby groups (Mag..bmf..nabd etc).aimed at fighting legislation and they are bloody good at it.They took the fight to Brussells years ago with fullystaffed offices there too all paid for by donation and fund raising.There must be other sorts of lobby groups too.
    WE NEED to do it because nobody else will.Lets get it going .One brick is all a wall needs to get started and a quid each from us all gets it goingand we could direct debit a quid a week each in to funding this surely fighting back is worth this .Come on folks there must be some of you out there who have the experience and the skills to get it rolling .WE could put paid ads in papers to publicise it ..articles in magazines such as saga and who knows what else...facebook media.Lets use what we have,what we know and who and what we are.WE aint scroungers..we didnt cause the economic plight and we wont be bloody blamed any bloody longer RIGHT. WE need a page of its own on here as a first step.I aint got much money myself,i know none of us have, but i will put my money in if we get it going .WE have to do it. WE have nothing to lose.

  50. I’ve just broken my porcelain money piggy there’s hardly enough for a loaf of bread :(

  51. Someone say trolls?

  52. SARCBOY said...
    "WEll that is the trouble...people do not believe it will happen to them.Someday it just might and in a lot of cases it probably will then eyes will open."

    So true.

    It seems as long as people think it wont happen to them and will happen to someone else they don't seem to care, but of course anyone can get sick. I think a video showing the country what life would be like if they were to suddenly get sick could maybe help them see.

    Here are some of my ideas for a video:

    Show a previously healthy person getting sick, struggling to work but eventually being unable to and losing their job, show them applying for ESA going to the medical with a sneering Atos worker evaluating them and humilating them and then receiving the letter telling them they have been denied ESA and then opening their other letters which are bills and then saying something like "what am i going to do now".

    Then the next scene could be them appealing the Atos decision and winning the appeal but then showing how little money they now have to live on, how little food they can afford and the poor quality of the meals, how they can't afford to put on the heating and how much of a struggle everything is and show them not being able to buy basic things for their kids.

    Then the next scene could show them getting a letter a few months later saying they need to go for a another medical show them getting humiliated at Atos again and then receiving a letter saying they failed the medical again.

    After reading that then show the main character turning on the radio to take their mind of things and then slowly sinking down in their chair and closing their eyes. Then on the radio a discussion on benefit scroungers and how most of them are really healthy but pretending to be sick to get free money and a life of luxury and have caller after caller saying they are all fakes and how disgusting it is that they have to pay for others who could work to live like kings and then show the main character completely falling apart and breaking down in floods of tears.

    Then a grave sounding voice over could say: "This is what is being done to sick people right now by the government, anyone can get sick at any time, and if you do this is the living hell your life will be like because of current government policy."

    Then the challenge would be aim then would be to somehow make the video go viral and reach people who believe everything the tabloids and the TV says about benefits to counter that untrue narrative. I have no idea how that could be done.

  53. I thought you might be interested in this.

    The Greens appear to be the only decent political party out there right now.

    I really hope that something can be done to stop this. :(

  54. Ok trolls of whichever political colour heres one for you.Go ask you bloody useless MP which govt department thought it was a good idea to spend er i mean waste 261 million quid and research in to how to help the poor and vulnerable.YEP TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY ONE MILLION quid on answering the bleeding obvious now just how much of that was actually spent on anything usefull pertaining to the question and how much went on mp's expenses,fees to god knows what outside agencys ,etc etc.Now if we are all in this together and the govt is fully accountable you should be able to get a print out of just where this money was spent but i bet you dont.
    So 261 million ...where could that have been better spent eh hospitals,ambulances, visting nurses,meals on wheels,oap wardens service,etc etc,childrens heart units, youth clubs even you heartless twats getting the picture yet.BIG society my arse.....You couldnt make this crap up.Nice one Big Dave and sidekick clegg

  55. ''Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.''
    —President George W. Bush, Aug. 5, 2004
