
Friday 30 September 2011

Sickness and Disability campaigners didn't appear overnight....

A regular commenter on my blog, Robert, just reminded me that people like him have been saying the same things about ESA and Work Capability Assessments and politics for years.

(In fact, I have too, but less successfully than Robert :)

He posted this on my blog and it's definitely worth reading. People like Robert and 100s of others have been telling us all about this stuff for years.

Hopefully, we're starting to listen.


  1. This is also interesting I was told it cost a large sum to bring Mr Mathews to the UK, rumour has it £110,000 he also had a very expensive car with driver and a five star hotel.

    This article also had a film on you tube which has now been removed .

    Week In Week out is a very popular program in Wales, once made, my small piece was made even smaller, as they decided I was in fact a disabled person and they wanted to see non disabled people so they went to Merthyr and found a family in which the mother stated her son and partner were suffering depression.

    They were poorly educated and they could not understand what this program was about, sadly if your not educated and your not on top of your game these people can make you look an idiot, and sadly they did with two families in Merthyr.

    It was really sad to see them rip a family into bits like this.

    But something about Mr Mathews annoyed me, his Texas drawl, his cowboy boots his attempt to tell me OK I'm disabled but hell what's a disability.

    So I went onto the world wide Web and took a look at Mr Mathews, not a very nice man at all.

    He for example works for a company which would like to see long term prisoners perhaps be offered suicide injections, he is also involved with drug testing in American prisons, some of those prisoners have long term mental disabilities. When I brought this up with the BBC they told me they did not know this, well I dug a little deeper to find out Mr Mathews worked for a company which was looking to get a major contract getting people back to work in the UK.

    Part of his job in this program was to find me a job, remember I use a wheelchair, down the bottom of my road was a cafe, he asked this lady would you employ a disabled person, she said yes I will, now then this place was tiny one of those places if your in a wheelchair you do not bother with no room to move, but worse of all you had three steps to get in. The young lady was Asian not to bright and not up on the laws and this American was one of those people who could talk you into anything. He said to this young lady and how much would you pay Robert, she said £10 a day, I pay all my employee's ten pounds a day.

    The Camera crew and this American came back proudly saying they had found me a job, I said great, they said you have to climb steps and could not use your wheelchair, and they said you'd be paid Ten pounds.

    I then spent an hour telling them employment laws and how cash in hand was illegal.

    two weeks later the cafe closed as the Job center went up to check why they were paying cash in hand it's never opened again.

    This is one of many interviews I've done, I did one with Peter Hain and I have to tell you he was my MP and I have to say gosh he's two faced.

  2. Was he real dang Bona fide with flashing white teeth and mirror sun glasses? Did he kick some ass? I was wondering why our politicians now walk about in snake skin boots! They’ve been conned by a snake oil salesman!!!

  3. Oh yes even down to the American alligator cowboy boots and he was a kick boxing chap as well.

  4. I can’t imagine a more appropriate person to give advice to politicians on the sick and disabled.

  5. This should be read and yes I know its from the daily fail but still read it.

  6. Bankers, hedge fund managers and private equity moguls were found to have contributed over a quarter of all the Tories' private donations - which this year worked out at £1million a month.

  7. Look at New Labour seven of the richest people, four of them from India all of them with something to gain.

    This is not news it been the way political parties have lived or died by the donation of big business.

    Chap gives labour £25,000 and gets a contract to produce flu vaccines without it going out to tender.

    We already have state funding of parties, what we need to do is make it full, then no more donations from big business or millionaires, and nobody in the UK should be able to not pay tax

  8. Look at New Labour seven of the richest people, four of them from India all of them with something to gain.

    This is not news it been the way political parties have lived or died by the donation of big business.

    Chap gives labour £25,000 and gets a contract to produce flu vaccines without it going out to tender.

    We already have state funding of parties, what we need to do is make it full, then no more donations from big business or millionaires, and nobody in the UK should be able to not pay tax

  9. Sue I have no spoons to go into this today but this may be a legal jumping off point if things go totally pear shaped

  10. Will be of interest to anyone concerned with the current condition of Britain’s democracy.
    "In this compelling and unmissable analysis, David Beetham has expertly outlined how and why democracy is subservient to corporate power, and finance, in the UK" – Will Straw, founding editor of left Foot Forward and Associate Director, IPPR.

  11. Guys like mr Matthews are all over the place in America causing absolute mayhem they dont like the sick and disabled and they dont like prisoners and they dont like free health care

    He like David Cameron are identical and are menace worldwide to society and a very grave reminder that the human brain is very evil at times

    Of course if you have the money then David Cameron will see you in person and that's guaranteed and there are many who do pay to see him and that number is on the up which is truly shocking but very true

  12. The above is shocking if we are not “governed” by the government at the people count for nothing and there is no democracy than what’s the point in having government at all? And it’s not getting any better we are handing more and more over to the private sector – to anyone and everyone who has enough money and power.
    Download a full PDF of Unelected Oligarchy: Corporate and Financial Dominance in Britain’s Democracy.

  13. There's no doubt in my mind that democracy is dead and over the coming years the conservatives noose will be well and truly wrapped round the heads of the sick and disabled

    As for the government and the running of the country that will all be outsourced every part of it to the likes of ATOS and as for justice that will be a thing of the past and today's children being born will have no idea that it even existed

  14. And don't forget those that go hungry yes it's hard to believe that in 2011 a conservative millionaire government allow this to happen and David Cameron like's to think he is different to a middle eastern leader absolutely not he is a highly skilled manipulator and is capable of causing much death and destruction not only to the sick and disabled but to those who have little to eat and have to rely on the good work of charities

    You then have the likes of the home secretary Teresa may wonting to get rid of the human rights for the uk stating it was not good for the uk because it allowed terrorism to move around within the uk

    With the likes of David Cameron around and IDS the sick and disabled see way to much terror as it is

    No thanks Teresa we will keep them intact like nick clegg wants the human rights for the uk but if your that concerned Teresa that you don't wont them then the Saudi prince will be more then happy to accommodate you in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia for those that don't know Saudi does not have any human rights


  16. And as my mother and father fought like many others in the war to save this country and secure human rights for all i would say to you Teresa any of you on the front bench or your fellow mp's who don't wont human rights then i would suggest that you all leave the UK and live and work in Saudi of Yemen where you will feel most at home and leave the running of this country to the likes of mp's who show a degree of torrence and understanding of people especially the sick and disabled

  17. An oath for politicians
    All MPs are currently forced to swear allegiance to a hereditary dynasty.
    Parliament should debate an oath whereby MPs can only take their seats after swearing allegiance to their country, their constituents' best interests, and their own consciences. An oath that all MPs can honestly swear is a step towards greater integrity in public life. The debate should also include discussion on whether the oath should specify that MP's are expected to live cleanly with the highest of morals, and strive to inspire and act as a role model for all. Such an oath would clearly state why MPs are elected and whom they should serve.

  18. Adopt A Banker

  19. I think that the conservatives have made a grave error with the constant harping on in wishing to get rid of the human rights for the people of the uk

    This should be seen as a fundamental flaw with the conservative way of thinking as they have always detested other countries who flout human rights but wish to get rid of it for the people of the uk

    Only politicians like those in the middle east and china along with the BNP party dont wont human rights so i think that the conservative wonting to go down that evil route will be their undoing at some point

    E'd should have nailed them on this at the labour conference but failed to do so and for the life of me i can’t think why it is after all the most serious error a political party can make and am sure the EU will not let that happen especially after Hitler's behaviour in the war

    Someone is bound to pick up on this at the conservative conference and if so do expect fireworks and David Cameron back tracking like mad

    I personally think the conservative conference will be a national disaster as the way they do things is outside the brief of the ordinary misguided conservative voters

  20. The problem is I've seen Labour do this before and sadly I think labours going to be out of power for at least this one and the next term, it may well make a new record with five terms out.

    I mean Labour conference said little, promised some things, but missed so much, especially about welfare it did not even bother with that, it missed social housing, it did not say to much about the NHS.

    So talk is cheap now Labour has to put meat on it's plans, what it's going to do, I suspect Welfare will not be high on it's plans because plainly Miliband thinks the rich are tired of paying me and you benefits, until of course the rich become broke, they suffer depression for going broke.

  21. Your right Robert labour said overall very little and why not when you have plenty of money like ed? I mean he's not rich but he gets over £100000 per year for what i hear you say ?
    Talking that's what and as they say talk is cheep and if were daft enough to keep giving out this type of money for talk then it's no wonder things are as they are

    The average benefit long term claimer with two children gets around £10000 per year and out of that in most cases has to pay his rent and council tax so as you can see there is not much left

    If i was fit i would talk and do it for a darn sight less then £100000 which is madness

    Very few highly skilled public workers don't get anywhere near that and this imbalance needs addressing even e'd said it that rewards should go to who do the most

    He should then have gone on to say i don't do much all i do is talk and as talk is cheep i will be taking a 50% pay cut that's what he should have said and that would have made a very big difference to the people of the uk as it would have sent a signal that i mean business it would also have shown understanding but he didn't as throughout history those that talk always have money and they invariably when talking are always saying that you need to cut back

    Everyone but themselves they mean

  22. Billions of pounds sent to overseas counties for food aid and millions of tons of food is dumped in UK. Makes perfect sense

  23. And this is very disturbing and wont get a mention at the conservative conference once again why did not ed speak up at the labour conference it's no good ed reading this blog as i know you do I've been told and staying silent be a man and speak up and support sue in her mission and don't leave it to the likes of me

    I am not your agent mores the pity just start like acting your a leader ok at least you make sue happy

  24. I do not think people know how government runs, Ed does not read blog his advisor may but I doubt it.

    If your send a letter or email to Ed it's diverted to a private company who then reads your letter even if it stated private.

    Then Ed gets a break down of emails and letters, into categories.

    Ed will only get your letter or your email if the people reading it thinks it's worthy.

    In the last year of Blair's regime he had over 4 million emails and letters he not be able to read all these so they hired a private company.

    I'm disabled and my wife is disabled we have two grandson we are looking after

    my wife and I get £40,000 a year in benefits tax free

  25. Oh, I don't know Robert. I had it on very good authority that Ed got 100s of emails before conference when Broken of Britain ran a "Sound of Silence" campaign. It definitely made a difference!!

  26. my wife and I get £40,000 a year in benefits tax free

    That's very high Robert you get more then those in work ?

  27. There are very narrow circumstances where a household can receive a higher sum in benefits than if they were working. Robert is disabled, his wife is disabled and I'm going to guess at least one of their grandson's are disabled and they are carers. They'd need at least a 3-4 bedroom house too.

    These circumstances are rare, but the Mail is certain they are 90% of all benefit claimants.

  28. No subject/citizen will be paid more than they are legally entitled to by law however there are very many who are paid less than they are legally entitled to though various devious means. These laws do not apply to politicians, bankers, the wealthy or big businesses who are a law unto themselves.

  29. We are not living longer - it's all a big lie.

  30. Silent political ships pasting each other in the dark stormy night ignoring the screams of those unfortunates in the freezing water…one a PLC galley slave ship another a storm damaged wreck with no rudder and torn sails and a ghostly creepy ship disappearing into the mist…

  31. How stupid I put a 4 it should of course be a 3


  32. [QUOTE]Robert said...

    How stupid I put a 4 it should of course be a 3


    No problem Robert it is just that someone other then us who know your circumstances looking in will jump to a unnecessary conclusion

    I don't get housing benefit for example where my neighbour does so that adds £5000 per year to their yearly benefit claim as they live in a social house

    But if their were to live in a private rented house then that bill would be £10000 per year or £20000 if they were to live in London for example

    The bottom line is that a long term single benefit per person on average for a sick or disabled person excluding housing benefit and council tax is around £200 per week and it's very rare to be outside of this limit. If your under you need to take advice likewise if your higher and you don't fully understand your personal breakdown then again you need to take advice as any overpayment must be paid back

  33. And we need to remember that the conservatives along with the mail apart from detesting the sick and disabled they don't like the polish people so we are not alone

    The Daily Mail's hate campaign against Polish

  34. The conservatives hate cats too ;(
    If you have one you can’t be deported or evicted and your human rights must be upheld.

  35. Here comes the political Mary Rose ship to our rescue! How grand she looks with all those Lords and Ladies up in the poop deck! So many of them in all their finery but this makes her top heavy her cannons are unloaded and useless and she is unseaworthy and will topple over and sink along with the others.
