
Monday, 4 April 2011


Lord Owen: NHS changes must halt

Independent, Monday 4th April 2011

"Andrew Lansley should be prevented from implementing any further changes to the NHS while the Health and Social Care Bill is being debated, Lord Owen has said......."

Just thought I'd post that really. 

It seemed so blindingly obvious, I was amazed to even read it in print. 


  1. wishes there were a like button!

  2. This is a just a cynical ploy by Landsley etc to divert attention away from the bill until after the may local elections.Do any of us seriously think that a man who has worked and planned this for seven years with the help of private health care companys is REALLY going to abandon these plans.Well some people may think so but dont bet your life on it.The NHS is one of the finest institutions and modern country has devised and despite its faults it should not be carved up and fed upon by the private vultures. IT is not thiers it is ours and once we let them destroy it its gone forever.Do we really want the american model or the third world model .Tell all of them in westminster we aint having it and remember who NOT to vote for next time........

  3. Well of course i was commenting on landsleys supposed back down here but its in context with lord owens comments
