
Saturday 25 December 2010

A race to Trump

Dear Mr Genius came to see me yesterday, just 2 days after my operation and said I could go home as soon as I passed wind!
This is an absolute prerequisite of recovery. The bowel paralyses during major surgery and wind is the first sign that it is waking up.
He even made sure that my discharge letter was all ready in advance, so that I wouldn't get stuck if I farted on Xmas day.
Sure enough, the first thing I did this morning was trump. Yipppppeeeeeee!
After much waiting for a confused pharmacist, we were finally good to go by about 3pm.
The ever constant Dave made me a bed on the backseat of the car and drove me home. (very quickly, it was agony!!)
We kept it a surprise for the boys. You should have seen their faces when I walked into the lounge at about teatime calling "Surprise, we're home!)
I'm exhausted but it was so very, very worth it. I don't think I could have had a better Xmas, never mind about them.
Home just 72 hours after major bowel surgery. Now that has to be a record.


  1. Hurrah!!! Brilliant news :-)


  2. That's great News. Happy Christmas. Take it easy!

  3. Very pleased to hear the good news. Christmas truely has come twice this year for you.

  4. That's a lovely Xmas story. Your Dave deserves a medal - what a hero!

  5. Sue,

    Great news! Never has a fart smelled so good! Was it the brussells? ;)

  6. Glad everything went well sue and enjoy the rest of Xmas with your wonderful family :)

  7. Wonderful news! Merry Christmas to you all BG Xx

  8. Thank you all.
    Dave certainly does deserve a medal - probably even a sainthood couldn't reward him as he deserves.
    My family are just incredible, both on my side AND on Dave's.
    I already feel better than before the op and just managed a delicious boxing day lunch.
    Happy days!


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