
Thursday 4 November 2010

Carer Watch - Letter to send to MP

Hopefully, over the last month, I've made it a little clearer just how a chronic illness affects me, my partner, my children, my parents and my friends. I think most would conclude I won't be getting a job any time soon and limiting my benefits to a year would simply be a step so regressive, we should hang our heads in shame.

This wonderful template letter from Carer Watch explains in excellent detail why the changes to ESA and DLA are wrong.

It won't take very long to click "print," put it in an envelope and send it to your MP. Alternatively, copy and paste it and email it to him or her.

You can read my blog, you can sympathise, you can comment, but I didn't start writing it for any of those reasons. I started writing it to change this whole ridiculous system of benefits and assessment, and I won't do that unless we take real action. Unless you take real action.

Please, please do this. From whatever party, tell your MP that it just isn't acceptable in our society to make these changes.

I've said it before and I'll keep saying it. We can change. we can post these letters, we can come together in a voice so loud that all three political parties shake. Millions of sick and disabled people and their carers and their friends and their families can simply refuse this.

Thank you.


  1. Already did it you have the answer from my MP on here.......

  2. 1 down, 999,998 to go then Robert!!

  3. What you have not written yet shame on you.....

  4. Robert - Yes, look, you and me!!

  5. Another ten and they will have broken the record, it's sad really when I was asked to send this letter off, I showed the site to the local disability group at the community center we use, Nobody was interested. I was told this did not bother the disabled people since they were disabled it was only a concern to those who played at being disabled.

  6. Wow, Robert that's breathtaking!!
    People really need to wake up from the zombie effect.

  7. Sue.... Hi, if you get rid of the rhetoric you have an argument, if you wind people up with your politics you'll just alienate potential supporters.

  8. Ken - What are you talking about? There's no rhetoric in the post?

  9. I sent a letter some weeks ago to my local MP who simply forwarded it on to IDS's office and they sent back a reply that was little more than soothing noises....
    But I am going to use this template and write again.
    And again if necessary...

  10. Sue.....Hi Sue, I'm sorry, I should have made myself clear, I was generalising.....having re-read a few of your threads I got a bit carried away, it must be contagious. :-)

  11. Aha, I see. You've made me think though, thanks.....
